

He walked ahead and opened the way, and everyone followed behind.

After a while, he advanced a dozen meters and passed through the small forest. At this moment, six or seven huge frigatebirds flew from the sky and they circled overhead before making a piercing cry, and then rushed down and flew over their heads.

"Ah!" The girls screamed in fright when they saw this scene.

"Bird attack." The handsome young man squatted down in fright.

The tall young man was not frightened. He picked up the stick and swung it in the air, almost hitting a frigatebird and wiping its feathers. The frigatebird seemed frightened and flew high into the air, but instead of coming down, it flew away.

"Don't be afraid, these should be frigatebirds, also called robber birds, but they don't have any offensive power. Maybe they are trying to intimidate us because we are trespassing on their territory." The tall young man laughed as he spoke while Cheng Shiyao and the others saw that frigatebird was not flying down again and were relieved.

They didn't notice that one of the flying frigatebirds flew towards Qingyun Town, specifically towards the Su Family Village, and the others flew to all sides of the island as if they were lining up for something.

In a certain cave, a group of bats suddenly opened their eyes; On a big tree, a tiger moved its ears and suddenly climbed up; In a certain plain, a vine suddenly moved… The entire deserted island seemed to suddenly come alive at the same time.

Cheng Shiyao and the others faintly heard some noises, and couldn't help being a little scared. The tall young man smiled and said, "It's alright, of course, there will be various sounds in the forest. Many of them are just harmless little animals, so don't be afraid."

So, they moved on.

"Flap Flap"

Cheng Shiyao and the others who were on the move suddenly heard a slight flapping sound.

They didn't understand what was going on when they suddenly saw a black shadow in front of them and a large number of bats quickly flew towards them. Then, like a group of troops, they scattered and surrounded them while flying in the air.

This sudden scene shocked them all, and even the tall young man was dumbfounded.

First of all, it is daytime, how can bats run out during the day. Secondly, why are they surrounding them instead of going through or above them, this situation is too weird even if they are organized and disciplined.

The tall young man felt that the knowledge about survival in the wilderness and animals that he had learned was not enough.

"Elder brother Jing, what's happening?" The handsome young man asked in a low voice.

"Let's keep walking, keep your voice down, and ignore them." The tall young man made a decision, which would have been correct most of the time.

Because many animals generally do not take the initiative to attack people, the reason they attack is either because you broke into its territory and scared it, or you hurt it, the animals mostly attack in self-defense.

In other words, if you have accidentally disturbed them then you just need to retreat carefully.

However, this tactic is useless in front of this group of bats. When they advance one meter, the entire bat circle will move one meter, and if they advance five meters, the entire bat circle will move with them to five meters.

The bats were always encircling them, not attacking, but collectively making a piercing cry, as if to warn them that they were not allowed to move, and the situation became even more bizarre.

At this moment, even the tall young man couldn't calm down, and Cheng Shiyao and the others turned pale with fright. The only good thing is that the bats did not attack them for some reason.

At this time, they saw that the group of bats in front suddenly gave way, and then a bat that was two or three times larger than the other bats flew in. Cheng Shiyao and the others were dumbfounded when they saw this bat.

Other bats are ugly to look at, but this bat gives people a very amazing feeling. It has a graceful body and lines, like a small western dragon, its color is black that shined in the light, and its eyes were bright and energetic.

Cheng Shiyao and the others have heard of Bat King, but they have never seen the real Bat King. But at this moment, they can almost conclude that this must be the Bat King, who is commanding the other bats.

However, before Cheng Shiyao and the others could take a good look at their surroundings and sort out their thoughts, the Bat King in front of them suddenly opened his mouth.

They didn't hear a cry, but they felt a buzzing sound in their brains, and they suddenly became dizzy, and the petite girl's body swayed before she fell to the ground and passed out.

"What's going on?" The handsome young man shouted when he saw the petite girl fainting.

"Run." The tall young man couldn't keep his composure and he quickly carried the petite girl on his back while Cheng Shiyao helped him from behind him and turned to flee. The handsome young man pulled the yellow-haired girl and ran.

The handsome young man and the yellow-haired girl ran ahead because they were too scared but they couldn't see the other three when they turned to look behind them because the woods were too lush.

When they looked back, the other three were gone, and the bats were still chasing after them so they couldn't care about the other three. Their only priority right now is to escape.

Moreover, they knew very well that it would be good if they could save their own lives, and it was not their turn to worry about Elder Brother Jing and others.

"Om." A black shadow suddenly flashed from the lush bushes, the speed of the black shadow was like lightning, it was the Bat King they had just seen now. With such a dense and lush bush, it is hard to believe that it can come out so quickly.

The handsome young man felt dizzy in his head and his footsteps swayed, while the yellow-haired girl couldn't resist any longer and fainted. The handsome young man took two or three steps to regain his senses.

He picked up the yellow-haired girl and fled, but they didn't have the speed of the Bat King, and the Bat King opened his mouth to attack again.

But at this moment, a low roar sounded out in the distance, and the Bat King's ears moved and it quickly flew in the other direction, leaving the handsome young man and the yellow-haired girl behind.

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