
80. A Dog

Hogsmeade was a quaint village with a few shops, some eateries, and taverns for drinking and such. But, Happy didn't find any great place to eat as each shop was only selling normal meals, which were too bland for him.

'Who in their right mind just eats bread and soup with mashed potatoes? Where is the fried stuff? Fish and chips? Fried chicken? Bepis? Where's the pizza and pasta?'

"It appears Hogsmeade requires a touch of the Anytime Store as well." Happy considered opening a branch there as well. "I'm craving a good cheeseburger right now."

"Wanna go back?" Hermione asked. "Harry must be getting bored and lonely in school."

Happy shrugged, "Let's go then. Hogsmeade isn't that big, either. There's not much to see or do. People here seriously have no clue how to squeeze money out of gullible kids. Where are the attractions? Small games to win prizes?"

While Happy grumbled about his boredom, they made their way back to the school.

"Woof!" Koko suddenly barked while perched on Happy's shoulder. "Wuf Wooo…"

Happy followed the goose's gaze and barking. Usually, Koko would have given chase if there was something interesting, but even the mighty goose seemed hesitant, meaning there was something dangerous.

And Happy knew there could only be one danger on that day. 'Sirius?'

Happy took out his wand but didn't go toward it. He didn't consider it worth his time or necessary at the moment. "Let's get back to school quickly. It'll be dark soon."

For some inexplicable reason, Halloween was always the day of the year when something big happened. So Happy was always on the lookout along the way. Since he had no idea if Koko saw Sirius entering or leaving the school.

As expected, Happy arrived at the scene where the Fat Lady's painting had been slashed. By then, he had understood that the world he was in was a strange concoction of the book and the movie version of Harry Potter.

"Step aside!"

Dumbledore rushed to see what had happened. The scene unfolded as Happy expected, and before he knew it, they were all hurried into the Great Hall to sleep together, hoping it would make protection easier.

Happy just wondered how in the hell did Sirius even managed to enter. If it was by using his Animagus form, then that meant Hogwarts wasn't really that safe because the basic security parameters were ignored. Elves were allowed to come and go, and now Animgus could also do it.

'Should I try and become one? But it's pointless since I got my teleportation. Not even the Ministry can stop me from entering or exiting anywhere.' Happy wondered while lying on his bed in the Great Hall, right in the middle of Harry and Hermione, while Ron slept on the other side of Harry.

He felt conflicted because while he did try to make the plot happen, it made no sense for him to follow it. 'If I can kill Voldemort right when he's a tiny crawling creature, and somehow stop Harry's heart beat for a few seconds, and also destroy all the Horcruxes, everything should work out. I simply need to find Nagini first… Once I kill her, I can spend the rest of my school years and school life in peace.'

Happy had a lot on his mind, so he decided to get some fresh air. The Professors had already checked the castle, so there was no problem in going outside. He just had to be careful not to get caught again.

He also took Koko along and tiptoed outside. The Great Hall was in a separate giant building, and it was connected to the rest of the school's building through a long hallway with an open area on one side leading to a garden.

He sat down on the arched window frame and gazed at the moonlit sky. 'How does one even become magically powerful? Just knowing the spell can't explain why Dumbledore is stronger in the same spell than any other Professor. Is it related to their blood? If yes, then what element makes that happen? Something like Midi-Chlorians in Star Wars? How can I make my magic stronger?'

Eventually, Happy began to wonder about Harry Potter. Had he stolen the boy's glory? Considering Harry was indeed a very talented young wizard. It wasn't a joke to cast a complete Patronus at the age of thirteen and learn Protego shield charm at the age of fifteen—given time, Harry was bound to become a force to be reckoned with.

'But, now, because I'm here, he won't flourish as much. Adversities create strong people. If he faces nothing, he will never even know his own potential.' Happy thought and wondered if he should have asked to go to some other, more peaceful world instead. Where nobody would be after his life.

'I wonder how Mom and Dad are doing…'

"Happy? What are you doing here?"

Happy looked and shook his head before speaking jokingly. "Of course, who else, if not the nosy Hermione…"

"It's not safe outside. You should be in bed." She insisted.

"Then why are you outside?" Happy turned the question around. "Besides, I know how to take care of myself. Magic is supposed to do that."

Instead of nagging even further, she approached and sat on the window ledge beside him, a foot apart, keeping a healthy distance.

"Happy Birthday, Happy." She blurted, her head lowered. "We… We had actually planned a party for you in the Common Room, the entire Gryffindor was planning it. But then this happened, and everyone just forgot to celebrate."

'When did this happen?'

"Well, when Sirius is caught, I better get some compensation." Happy resolutely said, although having already taken all of the Black Family's wealth.

She chuckled and took out a small gift-wrapped box. "In the last term, I never had the chance to thank you for rescuing me from the Chamber. Harry told me I would've died if you hadn't found me in time. You… used your blood to save me. Please accept this as my thank you and birthday gift."

Happy eagerly took the box and began opening it with excitement. That was the joy of getting presents, the excitement of finding out what it was.

"A piece of paper?" He muttered after finding a small ticket-like item.

She sheepishly rubbed her head. "That… I reckon since you're so rich, there is nothing I can buy. So, I got you a lifetime free card for dental care at my parents' place. Of course, it's up to you whether to use it or not."


Happy looked at the paper and smiled. "It's very unique, no question about that."

"I'll go back to sleep now. You should get back too… What if Sirius Black is still out there?" She blushed, jumped down, and rushed back to the Great Hall.

Happy sighed, just looking at the lifetime free dental ticket. "Did she just… try to make it so I come to her place often?"

Certainly, it was a possibility. It wasn't as if she had many friends on the muggle side of the world. It was just Ron and Harry who could meet with her, while he always remained away due to various reasons.


Koko abruptly woke up again and started to growl toward a distant tree. It was nighttime, but the moon was still bright enough to help them see to some extent.

"Is that…" He spotted the dark silhouette of a creature. "Sirius?"

Unlike before, Happy took out his wand and began walking toward Sirius. He was alone now and had no concern about anyone else getting hurt.

"Woof!" Koko barked.

"I know, Koko… It's a dog." Happy muttered, raising his wand. If he had to, he was prepared to use Snape's spell on the dog.

"Sirius Black." He called out to the man while drawing closer to the tree. "I know you're innocent… It was Peter Pettigrew who betrayed you all, wasn't it?"

The black furry head poked out from behind the tree, its eyes shining. It was Sirius Black, alright. Happy had no doubt as the creature responded to his revelation.

"He's living as Ron Weasely's pet rat, isn't he?" he continued. "I'm Harry's friend, and I can help you get revenge—not against Peter, but against Voldemort, who's still alive out there—and perhaps, earn you your freedom as well!"

"Grrrr!" This time, growls came from behind the tree. Sirius Black was not sane for the time being.

Happy, at last, dropped a bigger bomb than any before, one that was bound to stun Sirius Black and bring him back to his senses.

"Your younger brother! Regulus Black! He betrayed Lord Voldemort before his death—He died trying to accomplish the same thing as you!"

The black dog's head turned a little, as if confused and amused. It stopped growling, however, and just stared at Happy and the little white goose.

Then, shockingly, the dog gradually began to turn into a man, but his words couldn't be restrained for long.

"How? How do you know so much? Who are you? A spy of the Dark Lord?!"

"If I was, I would've told the school about your animagus already. Sit down, Sirius. Let's talk." Happy, displaying maturity beyond his years, resolutely ordered.

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