
Two Years from Jackson's Perspective

'To think it has been two years ever since the battle with the goblins. Time really flies by when you are having fun, I guess. But man… I still can't believe Ichiro, even after all this time, I'm still sitting here perplexed at the crazy magic he has come up with.'

Thinking back, it all started when one of the guards called me, telling me a random kid had appeared on the eastern side of the fence carrying a cart full of people.

I had to see it to believe it, and just as I looked at the suspicious kid, I inspected him. To my surprise, this kid was a demi-god! In the flesh, right in front of me.

It was when I talked to him that I realized he was just a normal kid. Well… Not exactly normal, but he was a good person.

He was just as oblivious to the world as a normal kid. I told him about the problems that the village was having only because he seemed curious about it. The reality was that I didn't want to involve anyone else in our mess.

I really thought I wouldn't see the demi-god kid again. He told me he lived deep in the forest, so it's not like anyone would be looking for him.

Imagine my surprise when just a few days later, he showed up again carrying fruits and vegetables. And he didn't stop there…

He kept coming back, bringing us even more food and products that we never imagined we could have in this village. His potions became Mr. Olliver's most famous items. Nowadays, we get dozens of new people coming into town daily just to buy Ichiro's potions.

It wasn't just the potions. He built that "hot spring" place which was one of our most popular establishments. He even had to build a second one later on since the first one was always full of people.

Both his "shampoo" and scented soaps became huge in the entire country, apparently.

At some point, we started getting dozens of merchants from the town of Speranza coming over to buy hundreds of shampoo bottles and soaps to sell over there.

He taught us new recipes using all of the new produce that we were planting and importing, he created new instruments and taught the kids how to play them, and he built all of the houses for the villagers, even going as far as adding bathrooms with bathtubs in all of them.

He created a sewer system that went under the ground and disposed of our waste into a pit in the forest that was filled with slimes, which would eat the waste after.

The crazy development that the town was seeing was all thanks to this kid who suddenly arrived from one of the most dangerous forests in the world.

One day, Ichiro told me something I would have never believed coming from someone else.

He said he had memories of his past life, how he lived in another world, how the goddess, Phelena, had called him here and gave him that body.

Seriously, nobody would be able to say that with a straight face, but to be fair, I had inspected Ichiro before, so it was hard not to believe what he said.

Not like it mattered to me, though. If anything, it made me more worried about him finding out who I really was.

Our little village started getting much more traffic from merchants and adventurers. Seemed like the group of adventurers that departed after the battle told their stories of bravery, and the rumors had spread throughout the country about how a 12-year-old defeated the Goblin King with a strange new magic.

It was about six months after the battle that a representative from the "Adventurers Guild" showed up in our village.

She had heard from adventurers she trusted that the village was the perfect place for a new branch.

She came to talk to me, asking for permission.

"But, I'm not really the mayor…" I said.

However, apparently, after she got here, she asked the villagers about whom to talk to if she wanted to open a new branch, and they all responded with "Jackson."

Truthfully, I didn't think I should have been making those decisions. But even after all that time, the Lord who was supposed to care for the village never showed up. Although, I had a pretty good idea about why he didn't.

'Having an adventurers guild branch here would be extremely helpful. If anything like the battle with the goblins were to happen again, we would be able to hold our defenses even better!'

I accepted their offer and gave them permission to build their branch.

'Hopefully this doesn't get me into trouble later…'

After leaving our office, Ichiro was just coincidentally passing by, so I introduced him to the guild representative.

He seemed very adamant about having the adventurers guild branch open in the village and probably thought just the same as me.

Having "End Forest" right next to us would probably bring some high-level adventurers, which was a good thing.

But anyway, that was a year and a half ago. The village was now called "End Town" by the people. Acceptable, considering the development of this place, this was no longer a small village.

The 60~ villagers that lived here had turned into 350~.

The ten shadow dogs we had at first reproduced quite quickly, and now there were about 120 of them. They also became sort of a staple of our town since they got along with all the residents and protected us from any stray monsters.

In fact, I believe that all 60~ villagers who lived here from the beginning had gained the title "Friend of Shadow Dogs," and anyone who lived here long enough would also get that title.

I knew that because Karla and I got it, too, even though Karla hadn't come to town in quite a while.

The title made all shadow dogs friendly with the holders, meaning that even if a new pack of stray shadow dogs came out of the forest, they would notice the number of friends that they had here and just join our society and live happily.

Honestly, pretty unbelievable. It was all thanks to Ichiro who brought them in the first place, though.

I would have never believed that only two years after defeating the goblins, this village- no, this town, would be bustling with this many people and adventurers.

Although, I did find it extremely strange that the Lord never showed up. Again, I had a good idea why, but this development would be pretty hard to ignore.

Even with all the rumors about the development of the place, not even an envoy, a supervisor, nothing.

No recognition from the King, even though we had our own branch of Adventurers Guild, and merchants from Speranza were exporting our goods all over the country.

To be honest, it's not like any of that mattered to me, but it was definitely strange that our town was getting ignored by the nobles. 'Maybe that's for the best…'

'All that matters is that we still have our guardian angel from another world…Ichiro, please take care of them when I'm gone…'

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