
Sena's doubt

"Lireesa, although I don't want to disturb you, it appears our situation might need your help here. We may no longer be able to continue our operation."

Sena's words bewildered Lireesa who almost dropped the magical phone device from her hands. Luckily, the device didn't possess the live-imaging function and embarrassed Lireesa further. To her knowledge, Sena was usually confident and never turned back even if her head stomped the hard rock. She was persistent in her own path and wouldn't waver due to external factors. Before leaving for the expedition, Lireesa warned against her stubbornness from causing damage to the Windrunners and reminded the importance of each sister's life. Sena solemnly promised to heed her prompt, to bring every Windrunner back alive, relieving Lireesa from worrying.

Now as soon as Sena heard Lireesa's voice, she didn't bother to greet her friend and straightaway went to the main topic. Although what Sena tried to say next was of the utmost significance for the expedition's future, Lireesa knew it was definitely not urgent enough and time was on her side. Otherwise, Sena's tone might appear more panicked and directly plead Lireesa to help her immediately, instead of informing her only now and not during her slumber at night. Initially, Lireesa mood was hard to calm down, and slowly relaxed after deeper contemplation. She believed the issues despite involving some dangers would not pose a threat.

"Well, I suppose our greeting shouldn't begin with bad news especially in the early morning Sena," Lireesa said pressing her temple with her fingers. "The sun just rose seconds ago. Good morning to you and make my day!"

"Hmm, Good morning, Lireesa. But what I'm about to say is.." Sena's voice sounded confused as Lireesa was bantering around with her friends, cutting in on what she was about to talk about next.

"Listen, Sena, You and I know what you're about to say next is going to be discussed but not now," Lireesa interjected softly not fazed at Sena's urgency because she was aware if the situation was critical, Sena should have messaged her yesterday even to the point of waking her up. "First tell me about your yesterday night events and we'll later go to your theme."

"Listen! Lireesa!" Sena seemed mad at Lireesa's nonchalant understatement and her roar caused Lireesa to move away from her phone for a moment. "This is life and death for us now. The sooner we make the decision, the better our plans can follow, although the current situation wasn't imperative. You don't want a single casualty or quit our mission, do you? We need your help and I need you, sister. I can't decide this alone."

Lireesa stopped teasing her friend around because she perceived a sense of dread from Sena and planned to ask for more details. Before she went into the main topic, Lireesa soothed her angry and distraught friend first. "Sena, calm down. The mission doesn't matter to us. If the situation calls for it, we can renounce it. Our priority is for our Windrunner to be alive and don't burden yourself with the goals I've stated. I have faith in you; your capability will safeguard our sisters from perils. Although I have no idea what frightened you, at least trust yourself, Sena. No matter what."

Listening to the gentler breathing tone from the other side, Lireesa continued to console her friend: "Now, my little commander, what urges you to become hysteric from our usual mischievous sister? Whatever the situation calls for, you must learn to trust yourself?"

On the other side of the line, Sena closed her eyes and repeated Lireesa's words in her mind. She already realized what the real problem was other than to panic and give reasons to back it up. As soon as her subordinate reported there were 3 level 9s in the enemy camp, she automatically assumed there could be a legend overseeing them and decided Lireesa's intervention was needed. Her fellow rangers who would follow any Sena's order had fully given their trust. Even if it were the wrong orders, they would execute it without hesitation. Of course, Sena wasn't incapable to the point of madness to deliver her soldiers to their death.

This was the first time Lireesa had delegated her the whole expeditionary force and Sena was responsible for everyone. Prior to this, Sena was used to listening to Lireesa's commands, and no matter how much precarious the situation was, she always felt she had someone to rely on. If Sena were to blunder during the mission, she was aware in her subconscious Lireesa was always there for support. Even though she promised Lireesa preceding the group's departure, the mission this time wouldn't even require her involvement, Sena must admit she felt weak and terrible. At the end of the day, she flinched when she encountered a fork where she must make a huge decision and unconsciously regarded herself as an unqualified leader.

Lireesa paused and still hadn't heard Sena's reply. Noting Sena was paying attention to her words, as an old matriarch Lireesa knew what must be on Sena's mind and disagreed with her opinion. In her view, Sena's abilities convinced Lireesa, she was well-suited for this job and no other Windrunners in her manor was comparable. Sena didn't know Lireesa's perspectives but Lireesa by now discovered Sena lacked confidence in herself. Her earlier assurance was based on the plans and actions Lireesa had accordingly brought up. Once something outside the box came in, that door of faith collapsed.

Naturally, Lireesa believed Sena never really made an irreplaceable terrible mistake in any tactical situation nor would she on a strategic level. Even if otherwise occurred, she must learn to adapt. However, Lireesa wondered if her requirements of the mission—every Windrunner must be alive—pressured Sena to seek her advice without even trying to test it. Lireesa wasn't disappointed but wanted to hear more. So, she asked directly, "What is it that causes our commander to be in trouble?"

Now the voice on the other side became milder and it appeared Lireesa's comfort worked. "Don't call me commander, I really feel unqualified for the title."

"Not in my view, You're actually overqualified."

"Never mind that, whether your thoughts or mine are correct doesn't matter. Let me explain my judgments first."

Afterward, Sena described what she had known from the reports and her difficulties in coping with her adversaries using untested tactics. "There're three quasi-legends on the troll's side and that could be the problem for us. What if they used assassination? Remember back in the old days, if it weren't for you, I've no idea how many of us would remain alive?"

Frankly, Lireesa wasn't concerned at all by Sena's worry because these threats weren't enough in her opinion to cause damage to her expeditionary force. But Sena was right to discuss with her except that she shouldn't stress out too much and overburden herself. Her warnings weren't minor at all. If a strong powerhouse used assassination during the battles, it was disgusting and critical for her high-level rangers.

"So, from your tone, it seems you're more worried about my unproven tactics than your peer-level opponents?" Lireesa noticed Sena lost her belief in the tactics they'd planned initially, especially when the threat level rose rather than these quasi-legends. But Lireesa had no complaint about her friend's thoughts and merely gave a suggestion in an implicit way. "Why don't you do this? You don't need to implement our tactics too close. For instance, let's say the distance where we can release ten volleys to the trolls; change it slightly—make it 3 volleys and retreat. Similar to our tactics but you try to maximize safe distance while outputting damage. Once your group gains sufficient confidence you can close the distance and the tactics will play the most efficiently in your hands.

"As for those quasi-legends, our high-level rangers weren't for nothing." Although Lireesa didn't explain further, Sena understood the solution for these threats, provided that these 3 level 9s weren't assassins. The level difference didn't mean it was impossible for the lower levels to hurt the higher ones. If the number of low levels rose incredibly, it posed a deadly threat to these powerhouses. Even a legend could get injured if he or she did nothing in the face of attacks by a lower one. The reason why high-level and above was the watershed between the strong and the weak in Azeroth's power system was more lethal spells could only be proficient after achieving high-level. The more they rose in their levels, the higher the qualities and quantities of spells they learned. Therefore, it was widely understood to resist a level 7 or above, at least a hundred mid-level was required.

Of course, even a strong couldn't help in front of so many face-to-face confrontations. Their advantages relied on speed, agility, strength, stamina, and mana recovery. Currently, even though the Sena's adversaries possessed 3 level 9s, her group was made of 1500 level 7s and 8s in addition to the 20 air force members above the sky. It was more than enough to force these quasi-legends to raise their hands for their survival though it was hard to kill them on the battlefield. Not all Windrunners would be used against these foes and it was an overkill.

The reason why eliminating these powerhouses was more arduous than keeping them at bay from affecting the battlefield, was as one got stronger their instinct for survival became better and escape was their innate ability. Their sixth sense had developed to the extreme and killing them required a trap, which would one way or the other forewarn them mysteriously. However, based on their previous experiences and training, it only required around 15-20 level 8s or 20-30 plus level 7s to contain these powerhouses from causing damage. Like Lireesa, Sena also recognized this fact more as they themselves were also quasi-legends compared to her subordinates who were apprehended after the discovery of their foes having more level 9s than theirs.

"Tell me, sister. You and I have both known this fact for a long time and the three level 9s are in no way to dismay you into this state. What else remains in your mouth you haven't said?" Lireesa asked unscrupulously since Sena confessed every single detail to the point of distrusting her own groups. Sena might already have her own privacy to blurt everything out in front of her without alarming her fellow rangers. Lireesa found this type of Sena cute but dreadful should the rest become aware of their commander's unconfidence. It was fortunate Sena had the knowledge to hide her thoughts.

"Hmm, A-hem. Lireesa, it was just my guess and I'm not really sure if it is accurate. Everything is my conjecture." Sena replied followed by nervous laughter almost rolling Lireesa's eyes indirectly, who pictured in her mind—wretched Sena rubbing her hands while speaking to her.

"Stop being cheeky. After you've scolded even your lord and doubted yourself, and you still want to hide? For the sake of Sunwell, speak the truth."

"Well, my guess was since there're three Level 9 trolls, they must also have someone to control the situation, and that someone should be strong enough or have sufficient prestige to maintain orders. To suppress Level 9 meant a strong fighter of Level 10—a legend."

A/N: Thank you for your understanding. The reason the author deeply cares about asking for a leave was the author has made a vow to write at least 1700+ daily. Apologizing myself and at the same time to my book reader who supported me dearly.

It wasn't actually a rest because the author was busy yesterday. I don't know about my book friend but in my place, water scarcity is becoming worse with hotter temperatures. The water wasn't available anymore and had to buy it elsewhere. It had never happened like this before.

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