
Chapter 542: Margaery Tyrell

Throughout the annals of human history, the Hightower House has projected an image of modesty—a House that preferred trade over war.

However, few realize that the Hightowers have been a concealed 'overlord' of the Westeros continent.

While the Targaryens once openly ruled the Seven Kingdoms from the Iron Throne, the Hightowers operated in the throne's shadows.

They financed the construction of the Citadel, the very heart of Oldtown, becoming its secret 'patrons.' The Citadel, with its vast collection of books from all corners of the world, held the fates of noble families of the Seven Kingdoms.

Those maesters, ever loyal, advising nobles, healing the sick, conveying messages, and always curious, all hail from the Citadel.

And the Faith of the Seven, which over seventy percent of Westeros believes in, has its headquarters, the Starry Sept, in Oldtown. Behind this powerful religious entity, too, lurks the shadow of House Hightower.

Knowledge and faith—two of the world's most formidable weapons—are held by the Hightowers.

Some claim they've been the puppeteers of Westeros' history—having a hand in events from the pre-unification wars, the rise and fall of Houses, to the extinction of dragons and the dethroning of the Targaryens. However, there's no concrete evidence to support this.

Viserys doesn't need to know the exact role the Hightowers played in these events. Perhaps he is unaware, or perhaps he knows. After all, having absorbed the power of the old gods, he became a new Greenseer. He ought to know something.

But he will not allow the pinnacle of human knowledge and a religion followed by over seventy percent of the population to remain in the grasp of one House.

And since the Hightowers have these assets, a tragic fate awaits them.

"Prepare to depart!"

The roar of the Dothraki horde echoed. Below the castle, they assembled, taking stock of their supplies and numbers, ready to march.

Viserys now stood where the 'Queen of Thorns,' Lady Olenna Redwyne, once stood.

The young silver-haired man wore a finely tailored black velvet robe, a pristine white cloak draped over his shoulders, and black leather gloves.

A gentle breeze tousled his silver-gold hair as he looked down upon the assembling army, his gaze distant.

He had no intention of personally participating in this war.

Word had spread that the King would remain in Highgarden to recuperate and remotely oversee the war, patiently awaiting news of its outcome.

Highgarden, with its exquisite gardens, was indeed a perfect place for relaxation. Nestled atop gentle hills, with the Mander flowing lazily by, its gardens always in bloom, thanks to the warm climate and fertile soil.

The Tyrells, originally stewards to the Gardener kings of the Reach, were awarded Highgarden and the dominion of the Reach by Aegon after the last Gardener king and his heirs perished in dragonfire.

Now, once again, the Tyrells' dominion, granted by Aegon, has been reclaimed by Viserys—just as the Tullys lost their lordship the previous year.

However, the Tyrells face an even bleaker future. Their three centuries of rule and amassed wealth seemed to evaporate overnight—like a fleeting dream.

The Tyrells' ancestor, Harlan Tyrell, once pledged eternal loyalty to Aegon. Yet, when Viserys reclaimed Westeros, the Tyrells broke their vow and opposed him. So, Viserys' reclamation of Highgarden was only just.

While King Viserys remained in the scenic Highgarden for rest and recuperation, he sent his dragon, Balerion the Black Dread, to aid the Dothraki in their assault on Oldtown.

The former rulers of Highgarden, the Tyrells, had already evacuated, moving, as per the King's orders, to Starspear.

But before their departure, Lady Olenna casually mentioned her granddaughter, Margaery Tyrell. A natural beauty with soft brown curls and innocent, doe-like brown eyes. Intelligent, witty, and already known as the 'Rose of Highgarden' among the Reach nobility.

Many noble families from the Seven Kingdoms have sought her hand in marriage for their heirs, only to be declined by Lady Olenna. For young Margaery has a dream.

Viserys had met her during his first visit to Highgarden and had been left with an impression.

Lady Olenna often brought Margaery with her during their meetings, hinting at the girl's dream of becoming a queen.

However, the age difference between Viserys and Margaery was substantial, making a match unlikely.

Despite this, Lady Olenna requested that Margaery be allowed to serve as a handmaiden to the Dornish queen in the Red Keep, much like the Stark girl.

Lady Olenna's motive was clear: to position Margaery in the political epicenter of the Seven Kingdoms, the capital, in hopes she would find a suitable match.

Yet, Viserys declined her proposal. His queen did not need additional handmaidens.

He understood Lady Olenna's political maneuverings. While the Tyrells might not excel in warfare, their machinations in court were unmatched.

With hope for her House's resurgence, she placed her faith in Margaery.

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