
Love Is Not Perfect

"Your Highness…." Derek called Valerie tentatively, having no clue how to go about this matter. The Fae had woken up from his brief sleep only to see the room in this devastated state. 

Derek didn't need to ask who had made this mess considering he was defeated by the very Fae in question. He hadn't been brazen enough to think that he would be able to best Aldric in battle, but the attack had taken him by surprise and he performed woefully in defending his prince. He failed Valerie. 

He watched Valerie who sat on the bare floor, leaning his head against the wall with a distant look in his eyes. There was nothing but utter devastation on his face and Derek didn't know how to comfort him. Not that the prince would appreciate such a gesture, not with such a huge bruise to his ego. What Aldric not only crippled his plans, but was a huge slap on his face. 

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