
Goblin Elite Team vs. The Enourmous Spider! – II

As Goburus, the Scythelord Goblin charged forward, his weapon held high, his eyes locked onto the charging Purple Haze Spitting Spider. The ground shook beneath his footsteps as he closed the distance between him and the massive monster.

With a powerful yell, Goburus swung his scythe in a wide arc, aiming to strike the spider's vulnerable body. The air whooshed as the scythe sliced through the forest, leaving a trail of disturbed leaves. The blade came crashing down on the spider with tremendous force.


The sound of metal meeting the spider's tough shell echoed through the woods. Goburus put all his strength into the attack, hoping to break through the monster's defenses. He felt the impact reverberate through his arms as he pushed against the spider's resistance.

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