
Showdown in the Vatican - II

Third person POV

With Cain deciding to kill the Pope the battle was becoming more and more intense by the moment with the pope having sacred gear the fight was prolonged for a much longer time than it should have and Cain being unable to use his devil magic and clan trait freely made it harder to end the battle fast.

"Just wait you motherfu*ker. I have informed the Angels about the attack on the vatican they will soon be here and then you will understand the folly of your actions."

" For a Pope your vocabulary sure is quite vulgar. And I am not afraid of these pigeons you call Angels. My other friends are also nearby waiting for the chance, you underestimate the minds of rogue magicians from strong organizations."

"So what all of your friends will die by the hands of the holy angels."

'With that I have managed to make sure that he doesn't suspect me of a devil just yet, although it is inevitable that if have to kill him I will have to use my clan trait I have a plan, but for that I need to create the stage.'

With that Cain started going on the defensive while coming down to the ground and having a fist fight with the Pope surprisingly the hand to hand combat skill of the Pope was not as good as Cain, as even when Cain was only defending he was still pushing him back.

Figuring out that he will lose if he fought in close combat the pope jumped back but Cain refused to give him some space. He followed him with even greater speed and made a direct punch to his face the pope crossed his arm to defend but it was a feint Cain changed his attack at the last moment and made it a uppercut.

The attack launched the pope up into the air and seeing that the pope can't dodge mid air Cain figured out it will be a chance for him to make him unable to use his holy magic.

Cain while fighting with the pope in CQC was creating a magic circle on the ground it was magic circle written in one of the books in the restricted library section. It made anyone inside the periphery unable to use any magic related thing with this the pope can only use his sacred gear.

While The pope was in mid air Cain activated the magic circle and made the entire area devoid of magic but he had modified the magic a little. Devil magic is still usable in the circles along with it's natural weaknesses i.e. sacred gear and clan traits.

'With that the Pope can't heal himself so let's do this.'

After that Cain started to attack with devil magic without care as there is a anti magic field deployed it will be hard to find any traces of any kind of magic. The pope was having a hard time believing that someone can cast magic at this rate.

This time Cain managed to burn the left hand of the pope. The pope tried to heal his hand but was astonished to find that he can't use his holy magic.

Now that he understood that can't use his holy magic to heal himself he got scared afterall most people are afraid of death. But almost as he had a enlightenment he screamed

" You heretic you are no rogue magician you are a devil. Curse you!"

"Finally figured it out Mr. Pope. You have won the best detective award of the year."

Now that Cain had his identity revealed he started using devil magic opnely without any care the situation for the pope became worse from bad.

Seeing that he can't win The pope wanted to run away but Cain created a circle of fire around the place effectively locking the pope in a fixed place. With that the pope started using his sacred gear Night reflection. Although it wasn't able to counter physical attack.

With that Cain started to create different kinds of weapons like axes, swords, spears, using darklight and launching them at the Pope.

'A certain gold haired king will be proud of me.'

Now that Cain was using his clan trait along with devil magic the pope was getting cornered as the fight had been getting more intense. The pope didn't had the advantages of devil physiology neither he can use his holy magic to heal and recover himself. Combinations of such things mad him lose his concentration for a moment but Cain didn't miss it and went for the kill.

Cain created another magic barrage in the Pope and launched it while simultaneously teleporting behind the pope the pope was busy reflecting that magic so he didn't notice and the anti magic area had dulled his senses.

Cain got behind him impaled him with his spear.

Made up of darklight.

Cain had aimed at his heart yet instincts honed through his lifetime he dodged at the last moment leading to his stomach getting pierced instead of his heart. The pope fell to his knees and said a few words before breathing his last "Glory to God".

With that The Pope, the head of the religion on Earth died. But Cain didn't give any thought to it and immediately burnt the body to ashes and using wind magic scattered them. After that he contacted Grayfia.

( Grayfia the pope is dead I am coming now we are going no questions.)

Without waiting for her reply he teleported near her by sensing her demonic signature. Grayfia was surprised by his sudden arrival but he didn't care about it and lifted her up in a princesses carry.

" My lord-"

He didn't let her complete and said in an authoritative voice " We are going back now no questions asked."

And created a big explosion using human magic and under the smoke created he teleported near the teleportation circle created by grayfia, and entered in it, activated the circle using his magic and teleported away.

Back on the church the dust settled and the priests saw that the invaders have vanished and just after that two magic circles appeared on the sky and two Angels appeared both of them had 10 wings on their back signifying them as ultimate class Angels.

Just a bit before Euclid had completed his onetime teleportation circle and came near Rizevim who was breathing heavily but all the 4 persons were lying dead. Rizz sensing the large amount of holy aura showed a smile and said.

"Looks like my brother played me this time too Euclid. Going back now will be a problem but i will survive."

And with that being said Rizz turned towards the Angel's with Euclid standing behind him.

"You shall be executed for this crime heretic."

The melodious voice of the angel rang and the fight began.

Back to Cain he teleported safely inside the castle in his room and put down Grayfia.

He saw that she was about to say something but he stopped her and said

"Go and tell the maids about our arrival and rest I will call you after getting rested."

Grayfia simply nodded and went to do what she was supposed to.

Cain went and laid down on his bed and quickly fell asleep.

' I will think about the consequences later on.'

Sometime later the maids found that Lord Rizevim has returned back but the way he looked made them think what happened to lord Rizevim.

Rizevim was in a bad condition, he had lost a lot of blood one of his arms was cut off his entire hair was dyed in red by his blood he looked like he could die if anyone just lightly punched him although Euclid was also in a bad condition he was still in a better condition than Rizevim. He was also carrying the cut off arm of Rizevim. It can be reattached using a lot of phoenix tears.

With that it looks like Rizevim had to pay a large price in order to escape the Vatican. Both of them went in their rooms without saying anything. Leaving the maids bewildered.

At night in the study of Cain he was sitting in his chair and was in deep thought. A knock sounded on the door and replied "Come in"

Garyfia entered the room with her eyes downcast and stood infront of Cain. It was time to have a serious talk between master and maid.

AN:- Many people were asking like how can some pre adolescent devils can kill so many priest in the Vatican. The answer to that be revealed in the next chapter. I actually planned a little. Also I know the name is Livan not Livian but the reason why I say Livian not Livan will be revealed in the future.

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