
01: Unbelievable thought

"Everything is not always as you want it to be"




The sound of the blood rolling can be noted clearly, and the blood was spread all around his body.

His breaths depress as time went by.

His breath was transpiring.

He was lay on his back on the ground and blood was rolling from his body intermittently... There was a blood-soaked dagger near his head with three hack on distinct parts of his body.

He tried to breath repeatedly, but he was having dilemma in inhaling.

Swiftly he heard some sounds. He tries to call them for aid but suddenly he admit the sounds.

The sound was of a girl and of a boy, and he recognize them well. They were laughing and were chattering but now he couldn't hear them suitably because of his poor condition... he was awfully close to his death.

But before he sank into the darkness of death, he heard their last words with the sound of their returning footsteps, and a wistful smile crosses his lips...

After that he can't heard anything, his eyes slowly close and he goes into the darkness of death.


Few time ago

Henry lived with his guardians, paternal uncle and aunt. He was an orphan, as his parents died at a very early age. He remembers every moment spent with his parents till the age of ten, as his parents left him alone in this world at the age of ten.

He often wondered why he was put in such trial and to suffer all of the things alone. The most painful thing for him was his emptiness.

Indeed he had oodles friends and George was like a brother. They spent maximum time collectively and were very convenient to share everything comfortably, but Haider has a fear about sharing anything related to his parents or family.

He cries alone for that.

His uncle and aunt take good care of his every need, but inspite of everything, inspite of every facility, a prickling feeling of loneliness always bothers him, always persecutes him.

That was.....the lack of his own family, those whom he confidently can call his own, whom he could proudly say, yes, they are my own, my family.

But his this wish always remains a wish, as his family has gone far away from him a long time ago.

He also had a sister, whenever he thought about her, he assumes that if her sister was with her yet, so, she would be with Noha ( George's younger sister ) and was going to school just like her and now she would be at high school.

But all these thoughts dispersed away as soon as the regret settles in, a regret that grows in him everyday, every moment of his life, that everything happened to her sister was just because of him, if he had not been so foolish, his sister would be with him today or may be his parents too.

He was only able to spend two years of his life with her sister, being too young he can't even remember her appearance.

Whenever he remember all these things, and event that happened with her sister and parents, uncontrollable tears come out of his eyes, which he can't hold back even if he wanted to, nor he didn't want to stop them.

He used to scold himself a lot, but nothing can be achieved now.

What was even more pickling for him was that the event of his sister was also a major reason for the death of his parents and by which he became orphaned.

He always blame his self that his orphan is all because of himself.


Henry was lying on the bed with his eyes closed the room was chilling because of high speed of AC but he couldn't sleep at all. Tears were slowly sliding from his eyes making their way from his cheeks towards his neck, he can feel their presence and sliding of but he wasn't cleaning them indeed he was bearing to be silent but he can't stop his uncontrollable tears, he was crying silently all alone.

He gradually open his eyes which were bloody red, showing his continues cry from long ago.....

He was laying still straight and his eyes were stuck on the white roof, he wasn't saying anything, indeed he was bearing the pain of his parents and sister thoughts which were yet crossing his conscious.

After bearing it for few minutes he hardly try to control his thoughts and sit with bed crown.The white crown was looking quiet decent with red cloak on it.

As he sit, his eyes unconsciously looks around the room as they were trying to find someone but at last he figures out that he was all alone in his room, not just in his room he was all alone everywhere from where he thinks about, no one was their for him to hear his cry, to feel his pain, to be at his side, he can feel that he had to bear all things alone.

He hardly stop his thoughts and look at the clock which was showing six in the afternoon.

He took a deep breath, wiped his tears, and stood up to get ready as he had plan for some fun with his friend with maximum time of arrival at 7.

He headed to the bathroom, located in the left corner of his room. Inside, blue tiles adorned the walls, with a white sink in the corner. Cupboards stood in front, storing his clothes and shoes neatly. Through the next door, he entered the shower and toilet area, which had wide white tiles.

After a shower, he chose an outfit and sandals, putting them on before leaving the bathroom. He approached the dressing table in front of the bed, combing his hair and spraying his favorite perfume, Enzite, on both sides of his neck. He picked a watch from the drawer and took a quick look at himself.

He wore a royal blue shirt and white pants increasing it's charm with black sandals and a black wristwatch, a combination that made him look handsome as always.

He noticed the time which was half past six in the afternoon. He then left his room after crossing the stairs and door he moves towards the garage, from where he gets his sports car and head straight towards the cinema as per their plan.

It took him maximum 15 minutes to reach their. As he step out of the car he figures out that George was already there, with some other friends as well, invited by him, makes the group of 6 people. Including 3 girls and 3boys.

Boys include Henry, George and Arthur. While the girls were Eva, Mia and lily. They all were classmates so they used to hold such gatherings.

Today George Charm was indeed admirable in Black pants and shirt but even though he can't compare with Henry's charm today.

The girls start chattering about Henry as his  today charm appears while George procured 6 tickets for a movie and they all entered in while picking their respective seats. The tickets were not of the same row so the girls get the front row while the boys gets the back one.

The movie starts soon, but the girls repeatedly turned around with some excuses. Actually, they want to see Henry under their excuses because today his charm was on another level.

After the movie, as they walk out, everyone was quite sad. To cheer them selfs they decided to have something refreshing and finalized to have ice cream at a nearby restaurant, which was at 2 minutes walk, so they start their march towards it.

As they entered the restaurant they blessly found a table near by the window, they grab that table and George ordered everyone's favorite ice-cream.

Their was complete silence while waiting for their order, everyone was busy in their respective thoughts while watch outside the glass window, as outside look from this angle and specially at night looks amazing gorgeous, when George saw everyone busy in their own thoughts he feels a bit bad that they all came together to enjoy and now they all are busy in their personal thoughts feeling as they all are alone and wasn't aware of each other's presence, so he tries to stop everyone thoughts and their loneliness by started the conversation.

"Hey guys! How was the movie?"

His sound plays an important role in bringing everyone out of their thoughts and they pay attention towards George. With George words everyone's lips spread with soft smile.

Henry answered first " just okay, if I personally tell so I didn't like it as much."

Arthur also agreed with Henry, "Yes, I agree. It's for couples, we are adults and specially single so the best movie for us will  be thriller or Fighting one not romantic one."

"Absolutely " Eva appreciate Arthur words.

"Come on guys! Don't say like that"

George unconsciously try to defend himself.

Everyone laughed.

"Come on George! You are well aware that it's not according to our taste." Lily said

"By the way who chose to watch this movie?" Mia asked curiously looking around at the group.

Everyone start staring George, because he was the one who invited them all. George get confused, he didn't want to be blamed so he thought for a moment and immediately spoke.

"It was Henry's idea! Yes, he said that it was an amazing movie, I have seen it 100 of times." He tries to throw all the blame on Henry.

Everyone Shockley watch Henry because they can't believe that Henry have such bad taste, as up till now when ever they plan for anything Henry ideas were always amazing and they enjoy that a lot, that's why George word about Henry make them get shocked.

Henry understood that George was trying to clear his name by imposing his all blame towards him, in heart Henry was smiling while thinking that George you underestimate the power of your childhood friend and you think that I will trap such easily, as he thought he planned what he have to say now, he said.

"Are you sure George?? Actually I remember someone asking me for movie tonight at 7, you were also with me so do you remember that guy??" Henry reply smartly.

Henry reply made everything clear because their was no one else in the gathering except them and they all were invited by George so it was clear that George was the one who invited Henry as well and with Henry's answer everyone stared George with mock anger because firstly he chose such a boring movie and secondly he tries to impose his all mistake on Henry. George immediately caught to gathered some time to think about an appropriate answer. After a while he laughed and said.

"Come on guys. It was just a joke. You know I like to make creative jokes."

Everyone laugh on his words because they all know about George's habits But Henry know well that George was lying, but he didn't say anything, but his heart was laughing bitterly.

After this topic they discuss on different topics and time went by, during this time they had also finished their ice creams which were served soon and Henry paid the bill.

With cold ice cream and their crispy conversation everyone's mood was different from the time they entered the restaurant now they were feeling much better.

They all farewell each other and Arthur left by his self while all the three girls left together.

As everybody left, only Henry and George were left behind so, they decided to walk to nearby park to enjoy todays beautiful weather, as the weather was a bit cool and windy making the night refreshing and they want to enjoy the most of it. So they went to the park, where a bridge was build over a canal.

They both reached their by foots, the air their feel very refreshing, as it was surrounded by trees.

Both of them stop at the peek center of the bridge, they didn't say a word from when they start walking for the park. It seems that both of them are enough for each other even though they were not talking.

They stand there for a while watching the movement of the water in the canal then Henry start the conversation

"Why did you invite them all?"

He asked normally.

George smiled softly and replied while looking at the canal. "I just want to have same fun."

He was still smiling. They eyes didn't meet each other's yet they were looking at the canal.

"If you really wanted to enjoy so why did you choose such film?"

Henry smiled and asked gently.

George laugh and say

"Dude, you know why am I doing this...?"

He looked at Henry and continued.

"Then why are you asking such questions?"

Henry smiled slowly, looked at George, both of their eyes meet and he replied "Yes I Know."

He said softly but his softness was hiding a big secret in his words.

For a moment they looked in each other eyes without saying anything then they start starring the water in the canal again. After that they both were silent same as the silence of the nature spread around them.

After spending 10 minutes their, they both decided to return back, they slowly walk back towards their cars and drive back towards their respective homes.


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How do you do??

What do you think about Henry's thoughts? What he actually done?

Waiting for your sweet thoughts, till then don't forget to encourage me with your,

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