


The first time Martha got hurt, I could not go to Naylatan to see her and I remember how heartbroken I was. Anytime I saw her through the feedback camera from her dad or mine, I felt my heart break into pieces that I could not be by her side. She got hurt again and I decided that at all cost, I would go back to see her. It is Christmas period and I decided to go back to Naylatan to spend this festive period with my dad…and Martha. Though from afar!

It would be weirder if I did not go and The Blood might even begin to suspect that the reason for my being in Fijex is not for the expansion of The Heart but because I was onto them. I could not risk that!

I was going to stay clear from her at all costs and make sure that throughout my stay, we do not encounter each other.

I booked a flight the very day Martha was discharged from the hospital. When I stepped on Naylatan soil, I took in the air around me. It sure was different…felt solely like home. Ten minutes into picking up my car and driving to Abroin, I noticed two cars that had been behind me. At first, I felt it was a coincidence but with the recent happenings in my life, I could not take the slightest hunch I felt as a joke.

I was riding a sports car and I decided to take a detour route to have a clearer description and understanding of those that were unto me. The fools probably did not understand that I wanted to see them up close or they were so incompetent because I lost sight of them and they were no more in sight. I gnashed my teeth in anger. I really wanted to face the idiots. I have not even spent twenty four straight hours in Naylatan and I was being trailed… already! Unbelievable!

I looked at my wristwatch and saw that it was almost 9 pm in the night and I decided to drive faster. I did not want to get home to meet a sleeping father. I sure have missed my old man!

My wristwatch looks like a regular wrist clock but it has a partition in the middle where it seems like the wires making it function are. But, in this place, that partition isn't actually fire wires but to hold small paper pictures. The picture there was Martha and being in the same country with her already had my heart beating fast already!

I needed to stop acting soft and get my bearings right! Knowing she was close by, should not make me secretly thrilled…or should it?!.

When I got home, I stood before the mansion where I was raised. It still looked so amazing and it was like some renovation was done on it. The polished white paint was glistening, even in the dark. I greeted the house attendants who still worked in the house and there was a particular girl - Matilda- who had burst into tears on seeing me.

"When Master told us to prepare the house for your return, young Master, I thought it was a lie but having you here…is..is great sir!" she said as tears fell off her eyes.

"Matilda, it is also grand to see you also. I hope everyone is alright?" I asked as I looked from the two chefs to the three house attendants.

"Yes, we are all good Sir!" said Gwen m, the oldest house attendant, with a warm smile. She is like a mother figure to me and she took care of me, even when I started acting rebellious when I lost my mom and sister. She did not let my rude method of speaking and the treatment I gave to the house attendants, stop her from reaching out to me.

She looked beyond my acts and brought my fading heart back to a functional form. I engulfed her in a hug as soon as the others dispatched.

"I hope you are here to stay?" she asked.

I loosened my arms around her as I looked at her face. "I'll be leaving New Year's morning!"

"So fast?!" she exclaimed and I smiled.

"Yes. I am not even half way done with what I went to do!" I said.

"Don't push yourself too hard my dear" she said as she placed a hand on the side of my face.

I heard the clearing of throat behind me and I knew who it was. My Father!

"Shouldn't I be the first to come to?" he asked, feigning annoyance.

I looked at my old man and he looked like he had aged with two years. I felt sorry that I cannot stick by his side the way I want to. I don't know what I would do if he got hurt because of the games of some mad men.

Gwen gave us the privacy we needed and I went over to my dad and hugged him. "Mi Padre!" I said in Spanish. He feels like home! He is home!

We stayed up and talked about random things for a while but he decided to send me off to bed since I was heavily jet lagged.

When I got back to my room, I turned on the light and discovered that all was still in place. The attendants had helped in maintaining the theme I wanted my room to carry and everywhere looked clean, except a particular spot on the wall.

The whole room was without dust but the material was filled with dust because I had strictly given the order that nobody dared to defile.

Everything in my room was made of just two colours - grey and black. From the sheets that covered my king sized bed, the curtains, the table, the paints. Even the bathroom and my toilet seat. My room was like my safe haven and I missed being here.

I went to the spot on the wall that had quite a quantity of dust on it and pulled on the black material. The material was used to cover a picture on the wall. It was a picture of Martha that I had hand taken when her father, mine, and I, we had gone to the beach. It was the early days of our friendship. Her eyes stood out the most in the picture and blended with the ocean behind her. The picture was the only colorful thing in my super monochromatic room and it brought a sort of fluttering feeling to me…I sat on my bed and stared at the picture. The ocean breeze was swaying her floral white and blue gown and she was laughing so hard at something her dad had made up.

After some time, I laid down on my bed, with my hands behind my head and stayed that way…staring at her picture, till I slept off. I did not even pull my shoes off!

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