
Chapter 79- Talia – Where Are They Part 1 Volume 2

*~*Talia's POV*~*

"Yes." I nodded at my dad as he and the others expected me to start conjuring images of Saylor's location. "While I am doing that, however, someone should track Saylor's phone. He left it in the car they put him in. It's in the trunk, where he was."

"They threw my son in the trunk?!" Ocean exclaimed vehemently. "Those bastards."

"I will work as quickly as I can, but it's not always that simple. We need to have another option, just to be safe." I chose to ignore Ocean's outburst and focus on my own task.

"Good idea." Mom nodded. "I will call Darrol and have him take care of that. I will also have him pull up as many traffic cameras and satellite images as he can. Anything that will provide us with more information." I nodded at her. I didn't want to tell her or anyone else that I might not succeed, that wasn't an option here, but I didn't know how long the magical location would take me.

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