
The Cruelty of the Satyrs   



Hidden under the shadows of the trees, stood by the satyrs, cunning and wise they didn't so much as sneak into the heart of Night-elves tree but were welcome in it as a way of diplomacy. 


[foolish elves… for how can they still see some of us as fellow brethren? Not that I'm shocked… as I do still hold some feelings of this place… as do us, all I'm sure… after all, for some of us, this was our home for the last ten thousand years!] said Sethir the Ancient 


[but that time has ENDED! Now, drenched in this curse that we have accepted for ourselves, we must fulfill our duty! Whether it be for the demons or the old ones!] continued Sethir 


[we must have that…Brat killed! Our prince demands it!] continued Sethir 


[But Sethir! I have yet to gain their trust fully!] replied Zenn Foulhoof 


[FOOL! Do you truly believe elves to be that stupid? That they'll actually take your pathetic ruse to act the repentant? Seriously!] screamed Sethir 


[No! Of course, not… it was just a way to simply get close to the boy!] replied Zenn 


[then what? Launch a suicide attack and hope for the better? Really? Is that the best you could come up with? Do you think they're just going to let you hang around Dolanaar un-supervised?] replied Sethir 


[Well... Maybe...] replied Zenn weakly. 


[Did I just hear that right… Did you just give me words of such pitiful indignation?] replied Sethir as he punched Fenn onto the floor! 



[useless! All of you are useless! You guys couldn't even stop those feeble Elfin rogues from stealing my journal!] continued Sethir 


[But sir that your!] interrupted a fellow satyr 


But as the words left his mouth, a course air of daggers forged in shadow magic stabbed him through the gut in a beautiful display of dark magic! As the surgical blood pours out of the satyr's guts, it enters a glowing pink summoning circle! While crystal coated in black ink floats around with words of distinction, out-came a succubus the size of a child! 


With little wings and pinks, white skin, the child succubus looked to its master for orders, with a toothy grin and cunning eyes with a blueish tint! With a tail made of spades and hair as black as Sargeras heart! While a soft glowing green flame touches its very edges! 


[Excellent! You will work perfectly!] said Sethir as he touched the chin of the cute succubus 


[sir… what do you plan on using such a small demon for?] said Zenn as he sat up 


[Fool! Do you not see! She will make for the perfect trap for the brat!] replied Sethir 


[umm…. Seir Sethir, I don't mean to rain on your parade but um… how will she help us kill the brat? I mean the kid is only five years old…I mean I'm no expert on gnolls but I don't think that gnoll has reached that 'time' yet if you get me…] replied Zenn 


With a palm to his face, Sethir replied: 

[Sigh, no Shit! Look, she's going to be our spy within! Now, little demon, what is your name?] 


[Cetrisa] replied the naked girl quietly 


[umm…. Cetrisa…. What a nice name… alright I like it!] replied Sethir before continuing 


[Now, Cetrisa, for your first mission, you are to blend in with the other Elvin children while getting close to the gnoll child named Lanthios! As for how youwill do it, I'll just leave that up to you! But know that your ultimate goal is to kill him! And if you cannot… Then you are to report to me his every move… If you fail even that then…what good are you?] said Sethir threateningly! 


Shaking and sacred, Cetrisa nodded her little head and asked: 


[but master, I don't look like an elf… how will I…] 


[what do you mean? Don't all succubi know how to shapeshift?] interrupted Sethir 




[Speak!] demand Sethir 


[only when were older!] screamed Cetrisa with a frightened face 


[silence! Damnit you're already useless! Fine! Here take this ring! It is enchanted with a polymorph skill that will allow you to look like any normal elf! Sigh, I swear! Of all the demons you can summon, why did I get such a weakling?] said Sethir annoyed 


[Sir! Maybe we can try to summon another one?] said Zenn 

[oh! And whos blood are we going to use… do I take your comment as if you are volunteering?] replied Sethir with a smile 


[heavens no sir! It was merely a suggestion! I pray for your forgiveness!] replied Zenn 


[Ha! Forgiveness… such words will never be given to being such as us! We made our choice a long time ago! It's too late for regrets now!] said Sethir with a tint of a heavy heart 


[either way, we're getting off-topic… we need to hurry before that brat starts learning the Paladin teachings! Though I doubt they'll be able to find him a teacher, the possibility is still there…] said Sethir as many satyrs coated in black disappeared leaving only Sethir and Zenn alone with the succubus. 


[Sethir…] said Zenn 


[yes?] replied Sethir 


[how will we introduce Cetrisa to the elves? Won't they find her suspicious if she just shows up out of nowhere?] replied Zenn 


[umm… you are indeed right… say what was your original plan again… I think I have an idea!] replied Sethir 


Meanwhile back in Darnassus 


[Malfurion! I need to speak to you about the boy…] said Thunderis 


[yes...yes, the boy is odd… and is eager to learn! I don't see how that's a problem… besides we have other concerns that need our attention!] replied Malfurion 


[Malfurion I know what stirs in the black mountain is concerning but the boy...] 


[the boy can wait!] yelled back Malfurion angrily 


[...] replied Thunderis weakly 


[sigh, look, I'm sorry… it's just… it isn't just the black mountain that's the problem… the sands are starting to beat the drums of war again… I fear an old one is coming! Then to top it off, a craft from the stars in heaven has come crashing down! Now we are busy assessing the damage to our territories while trying to ready a diplomatic solution to these new creatures from the stars… I believe they called themselves Draenei or something…] replied Malfurion 


[Has things really gone that bad?] replied Thunderis 


[that and more… even the horde is breathing down our necks… the alliance though strong is also so very fragile… any way I can't help you with the boy other than give you some advice… my master Cenarius once said this to Illidan:] 


["To walk this path requires sacrifice', something the boy will need to understand... Thunderis, if the boy doesn't understand this before it is too late, then I fear he may very well walk the same path as Illidan did… casing after quick power with no respect!] 



[I see… but what must the boy sacrifice?] replied Thunderis questioningly 


[that's the point… Thunderis, the boy must figure that out himself! Otherwise, he will never truly learn it!] 


However, as the two were having their discussion about the boy, the boy in question was happily waiting outside for yet another chance to meet the priestess, Laurna Mornlinglight. Who just so happened to live in the building right next to the inn in Dolanaar. 


{master Laurna!} cried Lanthios while waving his cute paws 


[sigh, what is it this time Lanthios? Why don't you ask lady Shanda for training today?] replied Laurna 


{I don't want to! She not…} replied Lanthios in thought. 


[she's not what?] replied Laurna with contempt in her eyes. 


{she's… not as knowledgeable as you are lady Laurna! And I already learned everything I can from her, so I thought…} replied Lanthios with smugness 


[hey! She is as much of a priest as I am! She knows just as much as I do!] replied Laurna but in thought: 


[darn brat needs to learn respect! And I think I know just the way to teach it to him!] 


[Alright, Lanthios since you've learned everything from Shanda! Then you must know how to cast the fortitude spell correct?] said Laurna 


{yes, I learned it! It was easy!} replied Lanthios as his hands glowed in a white light that surged in a power buff on Laurna! 


Feeling the buff that Lanthios had given her, Laurna thought: 


[damn geniuses… it's so unfair! but even if I hate to admit it, his buff feels stronger than the average priest…] 


{well? What do you think?} asked Lanthios with a puffy chest 


[it's ok…] replied Laurna 


{see, I told you I already know, and before you ask, I already know shadow pain, smite, and heal!} replied Lanthios with a smile 


 [I see, but it looks like, someone forgot to teach you humility! How about this, I was on my way to heal Shaya, who got injured on patrol while fighting stalkers and spiders! But since you said you know how to heal, then why don't you do it?] replied Laurna 




[hey! Don't give me that look!] 


Lanthios proceeded to give her the puppy dog eyes, even though it hurt his pride! Because she failed to mention the reward he should get for this quest! After all, it was a classic priest-class quest! 


[fine! Just stop looking at me like that I give!] said Laurna defeatedly 

[Damn it! I can never win against that dam puppy face of is!] thought Laurna before saying 


[Lanthios, I just so happen to have an extra set of Garments of the Moon with me! If you do this for me and if... That's a BIG IF Shaya tells me, you did a good job, and I will give them to you! How that!] replied Laurna 


{yes! Acting like a child hurts me as a man, but I need to use what perks I can while I can!} thought Lanthios before saying: 


{you can trust me! I got this!} replied Lanthios with much joy. 


But while Lanthios left for the outskirts of the outpost, he ran into an unlikely satyr! Who called out to him from within the shade of the trees surrounded by dead spiders and tigers! 


[well... Hello there young child of Elune! My name is Zenn and I would like to talk to you for a moment.] replied Zenn though a bit nervously 


{Zenn... where did I hear that name before.... Oh! Yes his that one satyr you turn into a Frog! But... what the hell is this guy doing here? Shouldn't he be hiding behind a tree or something…this… he's not supposed to be here…} thought Lanthios seriously, but chucked to the back of his mind since this was real life now and not a game, but still held back some caution as this was a satyr after all! 


{Hi…} replied Lanthios through subtle growls 


[relax young one, I mean you no harm! I simply wish to make amends with the elves! Look! To prove my sincerity, I even saved this little elf child from becoming lunch from these wild monsters! Unfortunately, however, I wasn't able to save her parents...] replied Zenn 


{since when was Zenn so carefree to actually save someone? This has got to be a trap!} thought Lanthios as his memory of the game flashed through his mind. 


But before he could make a decisive decision. The owls in the trees sang to the lead of hissing spiders and the growling of tigers! While forest leaves floated on the wind in a swirl of courtship! To the grass and the shadows as they both soaked blood and beast alike! All for the sunlight to shine through the waning branches in a beautiful pattern of shapes! All compiling on to one night-elf child as she stood smiling surrounded by corpses! 


But her beautiful smile gave up the twisted shadow that lay behind her! While a tail hidden swayed cheerful hearts! To the bright white smile that concealed their toothy grin! To pointy ears that camouflage her horns! All for a halo of holiness to hide back her demonic nature! 


But what a cutie of an elf she is! With pink hair that matched her skin, while her eyes each matched a fire red and an ocean blue, with ears so small yet so long, all dressed up in leather black that covered all but her head and stomach! 


But while Lanthios was mesmerized by her pretty 'charms', Zenn grinned evilly and said like the devil through wild teeth. 


 [why don't you take her back to Dolanaar for me… as you can imagine, I'm not exactly welcomed there. Just tell them I saved her, that would be more than enough to help me restore just a little bit of my reputation with the elves. That's more than I could ever ask for…Hehe] 


I may do some reworks on this chapter

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