
Thank You For Loving Me

Tears streamed down Adeline's face, a mixture of grief and determination. "You're right... she entrusted them to us. We can't fail her."

Elder Criyca's hand gently squeezed Adeline's shoulder, offering a wordless assurance. "We won't, Adeline. We'll get them to safety, no matter what."

Adeline wiped her tears away with the back of her hand, her gaze now resolute. "Let's go, Elder Criyca. We have to keep moving. We have to rescue those innocent babies."

With a determined nod, Elder Criyca spurred her horse forward. "Come on, Adeline. We won't stop until we're far from here."

As the horses galloped into the night, the moonlight cast long shadows on the path ahead. Adeline held the babies close, feeling a mixture of fear and determination coursing through her veins. 

With every rhythmic thud of their horses' hooves against the ground, they inched forward, drawing nearer to the ambiguous destiny that lay ahead.

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