
Term End

The itch on his neck was getting worse, every day it got worse. The worst thing about it was that he had to reach around to get it. Cursing once more he sat huddled on the couch. His single arm scratched feverishly at his neck. Cursing under his breath he looked up and saw Kurogiri say lowly, almost as if hesitant to talk to the man in front of him. "Master, I believe that if people are arriving soon you should act more… together. We need new recruits, it would be best if you did not scare them off."

Cursing Shigaraki stood up as he went over to the bar and said, "Curse that fucking hacker! Not even the cheats we have could get me my fucking arm back. Ah!"

He had been caught up on it for months. Ever since that brat turned his arm into stone after cheating and coming back he had lost the arm completely. A friend of his master had tried to give him his arm break but after breaking off the stone nothing had grown but fragments of stone from the wound. Apparently, the base form of his arm was stone, his arm had been changed beyond just being turned to stone, and now his body believed that it was 'meant' to be stone.

He had lost the Nomus in Hosu to that brat as well, and then the Hero Killer had taken all the publicity! It wasn't fair! WHY WAS NOTHING GOING TO PLAN!

Hearing a tear, he felt something warm run down his neck… blood. He had done it again. Pulling his fingernails away he saw the skin stuck under the ends of them. The blood on the end of his fingers.

"Shall I bandage that up for you master?" Kurogiri said, his voice tired.

"Yeah… do that." Was the only response that Shigaraki gave, the throbbing pain in his neck was giving him some clarity. Master had said that the kid would be dealt with in due time. All in due time…

As Kurogiri finished wrapping his neck he washed his hand in the sink. He was actually getting used to using one hand. He had been offered a mechanical one by the new broker they were working with but he declined. If he couldn't use his quirk through it what was the point of having it?

"Mr Shigaraki." He heard from the door.

Looking up he saw the broker at the door, taking a cigarette from his lips as he spoke. The smoke coiled up to the ceiling as he continued. "You've been the talk of the town for days on end. Everybody's buzzing over how something HUGE is about to begin."

Ignoring the clear flattery Shigaraki just looked at Giran. His voice was controlled although it sounded strained, like the slightest trigger could set him off. His gaze was that of a cornered and wounded animal ready to go down and bring hell with it if it did.


"So… Who're they?" He said, his voice a low strained whisper.

"Seeing you in the flesh… you look creepy as hell." A man covered in scars, hair jet black and staples holding patches of burnt skin to his body.

"WHOOOOOOOOA, You're a buddy of the great stainy, right, Hand dude!? Tell me, you are!! Let me join too!! Let me join the League of Villains!" A girl in a school uniform said as she bounced on the spot, her expression as eager as her voice.

Tempted to snap at her Shigaraki didn't he could hold himself back, the pain helped. He needed allies, he would have to play his cards right. This game had gotten a whole lot harder with a new boss appearing.

Smiling a bit at his new allies he saw them look concerned, unknowingly he stared at them with a feverishly mad gaze. "Welcome to the league..."


Most of the other classes passed. Sadly Mezo and Eijiro who had been paired together against Cementoss didn't pass. Neither had Kaminari and Ashido who had fought Nezu.

But apart from that everyone else had somehow managed to slip by. It was kind of impressive actually. The most interesting thing to him was Todoroki was paired with Uraraka against thirteen and Yuga was against Snipe with Hagakure.

Sato had been with Sero against Midnight, they had won when Sato had just bulldozed past holding his breath. Well, it was a bit more complicated than that but from his classmates talking he could make out that much at least.

He had been the target of everyone's talk though, he had just managed to slip out to lunch but it had been none stop 'YOU BEAT ALL MIGHT!' from everyone in his class. He had tried to downplay it but no one was having it.

Shaking his head he jumped up into the eating spot that he and his friends shared and started to say, "Hey guys, how have yo-"

"YOU BEAT ALL MIGHT!" The scream of Nejire nearly deafened him.

Looking at her he said blankly. "Nope, people are misreading the situation. I had my ass kicked."

Seeing her confused look Tamaki looked up at him. Sharing a look with Nick with a small smirk he said. "No Nick did win, he is trying to throw you off. You should be able to get the recording if you talk to Recovery Girl."

Cursing his friend in his head Nick sat down and started to eat ignoring the badgering that both Nejire and Mirio were giving him. All while glaring at Tamaki who just showed him a faint smile.


Sitting there Nick watched his two friends hang their heads as he said, "Don't worry, you're still gonna be able to go. Cheer up buttercups." His voice was uncaring, he had been trying to comfort his friend but Eijiro was so down. Mostly about how he could never be as Manly as Hendrix, it was actually bothering him that the redhead was calling him Hendrix again since he 'didn't deserve to say his manly name' or something dumb like that.

Mezo was fine, disappointed yes but he chose to trust Nick for now.

He was ignoring Ashido and Kaminari though. The annoying weeping kids had gone to Midoriya to cry about it, poor Sero was doing his best to comfort them both as well but it clearly wasn't doing much.

"When the bell rings, then you take your seats." Aizawa said as the door slammed open but everyone was already seated as soon as they heard the door click, honestly it was a shock how fast people could move… it was… unnatural.

Pondering the peculiarities of a was anime world Nick was shocked by his own thoughts as he looked up at the overjoyed classroom.

"-ing to the forest lodge!" Aizawa said in a cheerful voice shocking everyone. "There were Zero failing grades for the written exam. For the practical, Sato, Kirishima, Ashido and Kaminari failed.

Waiting for a moment Aizawa let the class mutter and ponder to each other before taking back over. "For the exa, we 'villains' left you a way to win while gauging how you faced the challenges we set for each of you. If we hadn't, then you'd all have run into a dead-end before the exam even began." Aizawa explained, but as he looked over at Nick the class felt it, there was an exception. Straightening a bit Nick looked back at Aizawa. Holding his gaze for a moment.

Breaking the silence Ojiro said, "so when you said you were coming at us to crush us…"

"That was to drive you into a corner. The forest lodge was a boot camp to begin with. So the students who failed are the ones that neeed it the most. It was a logical ruse!" Aizawa announced with a rare smile, he was clearly proud of himself.

After a bit more talking and once more Ida being a wet blanket as was Uraraku pointed out the lodge guides were passed down the lines of students.

As the entire class looked through the list Aizawa sunk into his sleeping bag like toothpaste retracting back into a tube and just as disturbing as Nick found that analogy of seeing the man slink back into hiding was somehow worse.

Looking over at him Nick saw that Aizawa was staring at him again. Matching the man's gaze he just nodded his head slightly. Nodding his head back Nick turned away, letting the man ponder whatever he wanted to. It was probably about his defeat of not one but two teachers now, that and having beat All Might…

Hearing Hagakure suggest going shopping people started eagerly jumping on board the idea. Seeing both Mezo and Eijiro look at him Nick was about to decline as Bakugo made his stance clear. Todoroki also explained that he wanted to go to the hospital.

Just before he declined though he remembered something, Shigaraki. He would be there, he hadn't actually seen the man since he turned his arm to stone…

Seeing Mezo was actually looking pretty excited Nick said, "sure, I guess I can come for a bit…"

As he finished saying that Todoroki looked over as some of the class started to get super hype that one of the 'big three' of their class was actually coming.

Suddenly Todoroki also said, "I guess if we do it after I get out the hospital I can come too."

With that being said and Bakugo was the only one that adamantly refused no matter what saying that he had training and a bunch of other excuses that ended with him yelling at everyone to die before storming out as soon as the bell sounded.

Watching the door in amusement Nick smiled although mentally he was cursing, since Todoroki was coming would the encounter between Midoriya and Shigaraki not happen? After all the time they were going had been delayed.

"How about we all go at the original plan time? Right? Then we can get started and those that need to get home can leave at a reasonable time, and Shoto you can join us when your ready yeah? That way no one misses out." Trying to sort out the problem.

"OH! That is a nice idea, good thinking Hendrix, yeah now Uraraka won't have to worry about missing the right train."

With some people finally finishing up the plans Nick excused himself and soon he was heading home.


Standing amongst all the chatter Nick sighed as he combed his hand back through his hair. He was getting looked at by almost everyone here as they muttered about him. Walking with his class the whole of 1-A was being treated like a celebrity appearance and to these people… it basically was.

Giving a sympathetic look to Shoto who had just signed another autograph Nick smiled gracefully at someone who was looking at him. Trying his best to appear friendly. After all, he if was going to be a Hero appearances were important.

"Your getting asked for a lot of autographs Shoto, want to just ask them to leave you alone for a bit?" Nick said as the other boy went to stand basically between him and Mezo. Their height was keeping most people away just because they were nervous.

Nick hadn't been asked for much because he was intimidating, after all with the scene he made at the festival he was probably second only to Bakugo in terms of how much people feared him. At least Bakugo won at something. That was why he was doing his best to smile politely and act amendable.

"Don't worry, I'll just stick to your side for now… should have just stayed at the hospital…" Shoto said as he let out a small sigh. Mezo smiling beneath his mask.

Shoto had gone to the hospital early that morning so he wouldn't miss out on the start, guess even the idea of going had grown on him. Nick still didn't want to be here though but hey… it wasn't that bad.

He also needed to get things for the camp, he was planning on making them with his quirk but it was just easier to buy things sometimes.

It wasn't long before the entire class started to separate to get the items that they needed. Planning on meeting back here by a certain time. Going with Shoto he hung around the edge of a clothes store with Mezo nearby watching Midoriya and Uraraka from a distance… waiting.

And right on cue, Uraraka bolted.

Tilting his head down a bit he put his hood up and a mask on his face as he walked through the store. Going over to Mezo he said to the boy, "I'll be back in a moment, just saw a friend walking nearby." Getting a nod Shoto looked up from the rack of fire-resistant clothes and with a brief confused look nodded understanding when one of Mezo's arms said something to him.

Walking out of the store he started to make his way over to Midoriya but he was gone. Cursing mentally he looked around the crowd. Shigaraki must have already walked somewhere nearby with him. It was below a tree right, yeah. That was it.

Seeing a tree in the distance he couldn't see who was sitting on the bench around it because of the crowd but he started to make his way over.

Brushing shoulders with people he soon got there and looking at the bench he saw a stiff Midoriya and Shigaraki sitting next to him. With one arm missing, the right sleeve clearly hanging limp.

He also saw Uraraka approaching, the talk must almost be over. Walking casually he sat down on the bench next to Shigaraki and put his arm around the man's shoulder casually.

"Oh shit your the kid from U.A. right? The one that wrecked himself!" Nick said as he leaned forward and looked past the man-child and at Midoriya, seeing that Midoriya recognised him he also felt Shigaraki stiffen, the man recognized him too. And by the shaking of his shoulders, he was barely holding in rage.

Using his quirk straight away he froze Shigaraki and made him move his hand off Midoriya's neck just as Uraraka got there.

"Midoriya why don't you go with your girlfriend and have some fun, I'll handle this alright? Don't worry yourself I'll hand him over to Heroes. Go enjoy yourself." Nick said, it was clear Uraraka got flustered by what he said, so did Midoriya to an extent but the concern of the situation was clearly weighing more on his mind.

"y-yeah, thanks Hendrix." Midoriya said as he stood up and quickly grabbed Uraraka's hand. Waiting until they both faded into the crowd Nick patted Shigaraki on his shoulder.

He could feel the stump where the other arm ended. Something was clearly wrong there, the flesh was jagged stone but it merged so… perfectly. He was amazed as he looked at it honestly. He wasn't able to do that as he was now… he could heal it by just getting rid of it since he knew how to 'reprogram' DNA but he couldn't make it believe it was something else too purely right now. He still took a sample however, he needed it to grow.

Remembering that power surge he felt his body shudder at the memory… he couldn't wait until he got that power again.

Putting those thoughts to the side for now he spoke slowly. "Honestly I don't know what to do with you… I should hand you in but something tells me that if I do you will just escape." He knew that much to be true… the warp quirk All for One had or Kurogiri's quirk was enough to easily get him out.

And it wasn't like killing Shigaraki would achieve anything either, yeah it might slow down All for One's plans but it also changed something… the forest training arc.

He needed Bakugo to get kidnapped so that All Might would save him and draw out All for One. He needed All for One locked away, well at least he Wanted. That was something that did need to happen. If he killed Shigaraki then, well. It would mean that none of that happened.

He did actually want to kill All for One, once All Might drew him out he planned to kill him before he could be locked away and examine his quirk. Getting rid of one of his problems. Kyudai was another but he wasn't even going to start thinking about that until he managed to get rid of All for One. At least for now.

He did have a reason to meet with Shigaraki though, one was to see the results of his petrification but as he was now he couldn't even begin to understand what he did. It was a shame, and really really annoying him but alas.

But the most important thing, he just got. A part of his quirk factor.

"Honestly Shigaraki, your not worth my time, your such a terrible villain thinking that just because you can kill people your 'strong' or something. You're pathetic. At least the Hero Killer had some fucking blood-lust… your just… well, crazy." He said, amusement in his tone as he chuckled slightly.

"You're goal is to create a world without All Might right? Well that seems weak to me… when he is gone then what? Then you will simply be living in a hollow world. I have a goal, and it doesn't matter who is alive or who isn't. What the hell, why am I even talking to you… cya freak." Nick said, standing up as he walked into the crowd.

But he kept a careful eye on the air around his back. He didn't know if that man-child would attack him. But he didn't, he could feel Shigaraki's breaths, they were slow, clear. He had a wound in his neck… and from what he could tell from his air sense he was digging his thumb into it… he was… calm. And that, that was concerning.

Debating whether or not he should kill Shigaraki now he turned around just to see him smiling at him with a glare, eyes dilated as his pupils shook slightly.

Freezing for a bit Nick saw that something had changed. Shigaraki was unhinged but there was a clarity that was so rock solid it was. Disturbing. It wasn't the same pure motivation that Stain had. No, it was far worse. It was a crazed clarity of delusion.

Nick needed to kill One for All, so he would let him live, but as soon as the master of the underworld was gone, then he would get rid of that monster before him. Something told Nick though that this was terribly wrong, things had changed…

Knowledge created a path to Power. Power that Nick didn't have yet… power that he needed, and from what he saw, fast. He needed allies and friends.

He had an idea of something he wanted but he couldn't get it just yet, cursing himself he turned and walked away from Shigaraki, the madman standing up and walking into the crowd as well. It wasn't long before Nick was back with his friends and seeing Mezo staring at him he looked at the other boy and smiled but he knew Mezo saw something was wrong.


The rest of the day was a bother, Uraraka still called the police and when they arrived that annoying ass walking lie detector wanted to question him on what happened. And that was a pain in his ass.

The story he went with was that he had seen that Midoriya was in trouble and went over to help but when he was talking to the man he thought that the man's quirk could spread by touch as well. Which he knew could happen just not yet so he wasn't lying.

So if he had tried anything he was worried that he would do something drastic.

Thinking that his classmates had called the police he thought the safest course of action was to let the police and Heroes handle it and not use his quirk in a situation that he wasn't allowed to. As he didn't want to break the law and use his quirk in public.

With that being accepted he was let go with compliments for thinking of the law despite the clearly stressful situation.

Midoriya was also questioned and Nick had his first encounter with Midoriya's mother who thanked him profusely for helping protect her son.

Soon he was finally making his way home.


Walking in through the front door he heard a meow. Looking up he saw that his mum's tabby was perched on the top of the hat rack. Looking down at him disapprovingly. "What? This isn't your house." He said to the animal as he walked past it and into the living room, only to be smacked on the back of the head.

"Ow." He said without much emotion as he turned to look at his mother and the offending rolled-up newspaper.

"Oh don't kid with me, you could have dodged and it didn't hurt you a bit." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Then why did you do it?" Nick asked as he made his way to the kitchen and started to search for food.

"I left some dinner in the oven for you to keep warm. Take that out, be careful its hot." She said as she sat down at the kitchen counter and watched her son get his meal.

"Because it is about the principle, I am mad at you for getting in danger and want to show that." She said matter of factly.

Smiling at her he shook his head and said, "I was in no danger, don't worry. I couldn't just watch a villain harass my friend either." He said as he started to eat.

"You do worry me Nicklaus…" She said after a moment, moving back a bit as the tabby jumped onto her lap and started purring as she patted the animal for comfort.

"You're so strong, and your growing so, so fast… I know as a Hero you will face villains but with your strength the ones you will face will be the most dangerous. I don't want to see you get hurt- EVEN! Even, if you can heal anything." She said stopping him from interrupting her.

Smiling a bit warmer he said slowly. "Yes mum, I promise I will be careful. After all, I don't need another scar…" His voice quieted down a bit.

She didn't say anything else, the only noise filling the room was the soft purr of the old cat.

And the first term ended, and the summer break started.


Finally got today's chapter done! I had a break from work recently so I was able to get chapters done earlier but this will be around the normal upload time from now on, at least most days. Thanks for all the support and hearing how well received the fight was last chapter really was amazing. Hopefully this chapter is good too!

Thanks for all the comments and support. Feel free to leave a review letting me know how I am doing, any advice is welcome! Even from old chapters and what I may have improved on. Thanks!

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