

Sitting there Nick just nodded his head, it was hard to feel tense with such warm sun washing over his features. The smell of Honey and cinnamon filled the air from the wafting steam that drifted from the cups before him. Moving up so that he was sitting a bit straighter he responded, "Let's."

What followed was the classic talk that he already knew most off. About the history of All for One and One for All, how the world had changed from the chaotic hell that it was to the more peaceful times brought about by the symbol of peace, a pillar that had to stand strong. Stand tall, hold the weight of a world upon its broad shoulders or risk society collapsing.

Nodding along occasionally Nick asked questions to clarify things but mostly just let Nezu lecture him on how the world was and how fragile the term 'Hero' really was.

As Nezu's cup chinked against his saucer, he watched the wise bear let out a small sigh, having just soothed his vocals with some warm tea.

Waiting for a moment to give the principal some time to breathe he said, "So, There is a big villain lurking in the shadows that can steal quirks and in his hubris, he ended up giving his brother the power to defeat him which was passed on through generation's and now Midoriya has it…"

Nodding his head once more as the information settled in, well hearing it settled in. He looked back up at Nezu as the bear spoke, "an oversimplification but not one that is inaccurate. Yes. Oh, I also heard your statement to not heal young Midoriya anymore? Recovery Girl agrees with your decision and so do I. It also seems whatever you said to All Might has made him change his heart to some things." Nezu finished with a sip of his tea, it was amusing watching the bear drink and try not to get his nose in the cup.

"Since you healed him he has been doing nothing but fighting crime with every second of spare time he has. After all his inability to do so has been removed and he feels that it is his duty. He has been neglecting to train his successor but after what you said it seems that he is determined to at least do that properly." Nezu continued with a small sigh. The relief in his voice was clear.

Chuckling Nick said, "he is a bit of a muscle head, although I do believe that he is a great person, he is just doing what he thinks is right, he simply cannot do EVERYTHING that he thinks is right."

"You're somewhat the same you know Nicklaus? With your whole organization, you wanted to start, while you thought it would be for the best your sight narrowed to only see that as an option. Everyone with power, no matter how good, will always make mistakes because people won't be able to stop them." Nezu said as he poured more water into the teapot to brew another lot of tea.

"I suppose, I have a lot of growing to do and even more to learn. For a long time I thought that just because I was smarter than others I knew everything and how to avoid it all, how to solve problems. But I guess I knew nothing about the world. After all I am only 15… as much as I don't believe that sometimes." Nick spoke with an amused smile as he leaned back into the chair.

"The curse of maturity I guess, for an animal I saw the world much clearer than humans did. But alas, to them I was still an animal. And to everyone else you are still a child." Nezu responded with a hint of sadness.

"But I am a child and I am immature in how the world works. You, are not an animal as they thought you were. You are amazing and brilliantly unique. A very very very rare case with impossibly low chances of existing. Your not a lab rat, not anymore, you're the principal if god damn U.A. the greatest hero-school in the world." Nick said, seeing that even the greatest minds could have doubts.

"I suppose you are right Nick, for a child you see things differently than one would. When you shook my hand can I ask what you felt." Nezu said, his tone colder.

"I felt how you were affected… they… they tried to make you human, didn't they? When they couldn't do that… they tried to steal your mind." Nick asked as well as stated. Seeing Nezu stiffen he saw that the memories harmed the man, just thinking about them was painful.

"Have… have you ever seen a thread Principal?" Nick suddenly asked as he leaned forward.

Seeing Nezu nod he waited and the principal soon spoke up, "I wasn't also so smart, I was smart yes, but I wasn't always a mastermind. When they found me they first thought that I was somehow a product of another quirk that could swap the minds of creatures. They thought that I was a human that had been put in an animal. It started with them saying they would help me… of course I was confused. I didn't know what was happening. After all I had grown up in the wilds confused by why I was so different." Pausing he sipped his tea.

"So I trusted them, I didn't understand them at first, after all I had never heard any spoken language. So I followed them and soon they started to teach me, although I was kept in a lab yes, I was not experimented on… until they found that I was just an animal. They were suddenly less interested in what had happened and more interested if they could somehow steal my mind or change me into a human."

"It was brutal, they tried to change my body to that of a human, turning me from a bear into… this… when they saw that they couldn't, they tried to just take my mind. When I passed out for the first time I felt that something was wrong, I felt loose, exposed, then I saw it. A brilliant light… a thread. But I didn't want to go down into the darkness below so I held on."

"I lived, when I woke up the place was being raided by Hero's, it turned out they were experimenting on animals with quirks in such a brutal manner, it was sickening. I was saved and soon integrated into society but things were so much clearer, my mind felt as if it had woken up, everything was so… fast." Sighing he put his cup down with a shaking paw…

"That is the shorter version of my tale… but yes, I have seen a thread, and I assume you ask because you saw it to? In the U.S.J. when you died?" Nezu said, his words holding back no sympathy as he spoke to Nick about the subject that people were normally so nervous to bring up.

"Yes, I saw it and I felt it snap. But I managed to grab it before I fell." Nick said remembering the feeling, the desperation he had felt for a second time.

There was a moment of silence between the two as they looked out the window towards the setting sun that was just barely peaking out over the horizon, almost gone. If they were not at the top of U.A. they would not have been able to see it right now, and it was only there for a moment before the sunset, gone.

Staring at the horizon for a bit longer Nick turned back to Nezu and offered, "did you want me to turn you back into a bear? I could?"

Letting out a dry chuckle the bear just shook its head, continuing to stare out the window as he said. "Not at all young Nicklaus, I am who I am, my suffering and my failures have made me into who I am today, just as your scars is a part of your story, who I am is a part of mine. I am proud of who I am, I do not need to change that. Also having paws is better than bear hands!" Nezu said, the last part having a bit of cheer but it didn't reach his eyes.

Smiling his own sad smile Nick just nodded his head as felt the side of his body. "I do suppose so, although I could give you thumbs? You know how useful these bastards are?" Nick said accepting the principal's efforts to lighten the mood.

"Oh? Now that does interest me." Nezu said as he took out a pack of cigarettes, honestly, Nick had forgotten that Nezu was a smoker since it didn't seem to be in his personality but seeing as how stressed the man must have been after what he had been through he could not blame him at all.

Nodding his head Nick said, "well let me know if you ever want them, although you seem to be doing fantastic without them." He could tell that while Nezu was interested the idea of having his body tampered with was clearly causing him to lock up a bit.

After a bit more small talk the sun had fully set and Nezu mentioned that Nick should probably start to make his way home and enjoy his two days off. Also, he gave him some papers with a location that 'the doctor' could use to heal Heroes and a stern reminder that any involvement with villains and he would have to instantly step in.

With that stern warning out the way, Nick thanked the man. Getting up from the couch and with a quick goodbye made his way outside of U.A. Taking a deep breath of the chill night air Nick let out a small sigh, the festival was over. He had managed to have some fun in it. He hadn't even seen who had won out of the Big Three but he was eager to find out. He would ask them directly tomorrow. They were planning on meeting up in Mirio's 'training grounds' for an evaluation of how well they all did.

With a smile on his face eager for tomorrow he made his way to the train station hoping that he didn't miss the one coming soon, if he did he would have to wait half an hour for the next one. That was one problem of living out of the city… but oh well.


Nick looked at his phone and sighed, the big three had ended up having lunch together but hadn't told him until they got to the place. By then Nick was already at the 'training grounds' that Mirio used and by the time he got back to the city they would have already been done. Sighing heavily he sent a message for them not to worry on the group chat but honestly, he was a little upset.

Nejire however said they would get him a meal to take away and bring it up for him, also that they wouldn't take too long.

It was a place that the three had gone to a lot to celebrate since the place sold a massive all-you-can-eat dish with a bunch of stuff for Tamaki.

Responding to the message with a quick thanks he put his phone in his pocket and looked up at the supposed training grounds.

Pulling his phone right back out he double-checked that he had the right location… yep he did.

Looking back up he supposed it made sense though. It was a large abandoned factory, a grain silo on the right side looking like it had been ready to topple for ages now. Half the building had crumbled into a pile of rubble, the rebar exposed from the concrete that had torn and broken.

Walking to the building he started to climb through it and was pleasantly surprised to find that the right side of the building was still very stable. The conveyor belts winding through the building were covered in layers of dust that had been disturbed and moved around. Complicated machines littered the floor most run down with exposed wires. It was a maze inside the 5 floors of the building, with stairs everywhere and holes in the ceilings and floors making it hard to figure out where you were if you used them.

The outside of the building was covered in ropes and belts that wound around in and out of portholes and windows. Sections of walls were cut out and faded. Rust covered the corrugated iron as the giant crane that went between the silo and the building leaned dangerously but made a path between the roves of both.

Walking along the top of the crane he saw something out of the corner of his eye he looked to his right and saw a very small figure with yellow trailing behind it. Already hearing the voice of Nejire in his head he smiled a bit. Standing on the arm of the crane as he waited for her to arrive. She was approaching fast. Looking down he saw that in the forest Tamaki was running, winding between trees with modified legs. Sprinting faster than any human could hope for.

He was just slightly ahead. A bit behind the both of them he saw Mirio jumping in and out of the ground using the momentum to propel him forward. While he wasn't far behind he was falling back as Tamaki, seeing the building pushed himself that bit harder.

As Nejire looked down and saw Tamaki slowly but steadily pulling ahead she pushed herself that little bit harder but was unable to pull ahead. Sliding to a stop Tamaki was in the car park and soon Nejire arrived. Landing next to him as she started to say something but the massive grin on her face showed that she did have fun despite her loss. With Mirio arriving a moment later Nejire said something and started to look around.

Sitting down Nick waited for a moment before Tamaki pointed at the top of the crane right towards Nick.

Smiling Nick bulked up both of his legs adding shock absorption and basically making his bones like springs before he jumped down. Falling the five stories with ease he crashed into the car park between the silo and the building. The other three had made their way over to where he was standing, a smile on their faces as they greeted him.

"Hey, guys!" Nick said as he waved, "Good race! Your gonna have to tell me how you made those legs Tamaki, wow your also quite a bit taller too?" Nick said as he looked eye to eye with Tamaki who stood hunched a bit nervous. The legs in his joints were backward and the muscle was clearly a bit more than normal.

Nodding his head and mumbling something close to thanks. It was soon that they had all walked back to the front of the building before Mirio said, "So what do you think of the training spot Nick! It's awesome isn't it, I really like how easy it is for me to practice phasing with the unexpected terrain, it used to be better but then Nejire blew up half the building." A laugh sounded through the air as he said that.

Smiling in amusement they all made their way inside as Nejire reprimanded Mirio for the 'embarrassing' fact that he had shared.

Staring at the right side of the building Nick said, "Wow, when I saw it I thought it might have been you, the power output must have been off the charts! You'll have to show me that move sometime! Think you might be able to leave a scratch on me with it?" Nick complimented and then goaded, aiming to draw her aggression away from the ever-tolerant Mirio and towards him.

With a small argument ensuing about how he was 'on the ropes' in the last fight, they all settled down soon enough as Mirio said, "Want to run a combat exercise! I remember the combat one that we do at the start of each year, you know the hero-villain one? Yeah, it is really good! Now that we have a fourth member how about we do it! Nick your gonna need a handicap." Mirio started but soon Nejire interrupted.

"Yeah a massive one! I saw your fights from the festival, your insane! Like your moves were not only well timed but heaps powerful! Like seriously that fight against the fire boy was insane, you brought down the whole stage on him! Like what is up with that?! How are you so strong? You gotta tell me your secret sometime alright!" Nejire said as she made her way closer to him.

"Nejire settle…" Tamaki said from the side as he leaned against a pillar. "I think that would be a good exercise." Tamaki spoke up which was rare, he must really want to do it.

"Yeah sure, lets do that, I'll limit myself to external stuff-" Nick was about to say, not wanting to be like Tamaki but surprisingly the boy interrupted him.

"Actually could you do internal? I want to see how you work it, I have just been manifesting but with how you give your changes form I have been doing something similar and the spike in strength as been inspiering… mind if we team up and work together?" He said as he looked at the floor.

Wow, that was the most the quiet kid had spoken in a long time. Nodding his head Nick said, "Yeah sure, let's work together. Nejire and Mirio will also be a really strong team with Nejire countering me and Mirio countering you. I am sure we can work this out though. So, bomb somewhere?" Nick said continuing the planning.

"Yeah lets make the bomb something light we can move around and we can put it anywhere in the building. How we doing heroes and villains? Rock paper sissors?" Nejire continued as she held her hand out towards Nick with an expectant look on her face.

Nodding his head Nick Held his hand out and sent out rock, his classic winning move she did scissors. "Yeah!" He said holding a fist out for Tamaki which the boy hesitantly gave a bump.

Looking back at them Nick said, "Does that mean we are Hero or Villains?" Figuring they should have decided that before the game.

"I dunno… pick?" Mirio said as he shrugged his broad shoulders.

"Alright me and Tamaki will be Heroes. Come on, oh, also bomb." Putting his hand against a pillar a really like bomb about the size of a baseball appeared.

"Make it more challenging to touch yeah? We are the heroes after all. So you guys hide it anywhere and we have to find it? Also pre match listening or no?" Nick said wanting to be clear on the rules.

"Nah don't listen in, makes it unfair when me and Nejire have to be heroes. Also that is a good bomb." Mirio said as he took the ball and threw it up and down a few times getting a feel for the weight of it.

"Alright then." Tamaki said as he nodded his head.

"Good luck!" Nejire said as Nick smiled at her and held a thumbs up.

"Let's go then. 10 min to hide and prepare?" Nick said.

"Sounds good." Finished Mirio as he turned and both he and Nejire walked into the building as Nick and Tamaki headed outside and waited on the edge of the parking lot with their backs to the building.

While they waited they talked about their quirks quite extensively. There were quite a few times when Nick had to stop the boy from going into a self-deprecating ramble about Nick just being a stronger version of himself. Nick honestly didn't agree with that, while his power let him much more freely modify his body he needed to get that mass from somewhere, Tamaki didn't have an upper limit nor did his brain have to handle feedback, his quirk did that all for him.

Tamaki in Nick's mind, had no reason he couldn't become a Kajiu or something, he would need to eat a lot of food, but he could do it. He just needed to sort out the delicate crafting of his manifestations just like Nick was trying to teach him to do. He knew the boy could already make a plasma cannon… yes he needed Nejire but did he? There were quite a few animals that did things like make energy, electric eels for example. He could make a cannon and there was no way Nick would be convinced otherwise.

Soon they heard the timer go off and with a basic plan formed they both faced the building as Nick said, "ready?" getting a nod from his teammate. It was time to have some fun!


Boring title, I honestly feel like I suck at chapter titles, never know what to call them. Eh, well anyway. Thanks for all the support so far! I really hope that everyone is enjoying the newer chapters! Feel like I am better at inserting Nick in canon than trying to get him to do his own thing...

Reviews and comments are always welcome! Thanks for everyone that has left advice!

It's almost time for a Hero name, let me know if you guys have any ideas! I have already had some suggestions, I really liked Asura and Overlord, thanks to everyone that has left ideas so far! Feel free to leave them here again so that I can find them a bit easier. Thanks for all the help and ideas!

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