
Chapter 73 - Auror or Enemy

Snape stopped his negative thoughts on Felix and then commented another thing to Dumbledore.

Snape looked thoughtful. "Perhaps we should consider offering him a position at the Ministry. He could be a valuable asset to the Auror Department."

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "Yes, that is certainly something to consider. But first, we need to learn more about his background and his intentions."

Dumbledore then added.

"Not to mention that he is too young, how old he is only fourteen."

"There is more than five to six years before he will complete to school and then maybe then become an auror."

"Considering his speed of increasing his power and knowledge, I would be not surprised that when that time arrives, not to mention an Auror, he would like to manage to whole wizarding world."

Snape nodded in agreement. "Yes, we can't take any chances."

Snape also added.

"Also, you used the word "manage", you know that is an optimistic way of thinking"

"Why do you think that he will just be okay with "manage" but not "dominate"

Dumbledore sighed. "I just wish we had more information about him. It's frustrating not knowing his true motives. Which creates too much of problem in our mind."

Snape nodded again. "Indeed. But for now, we can only observe and evaluate him further."

Dumbledore smiled this time. He was not expecting to Snape to think like this way.

At this point he already expected Snape to start making moves against to Felix so that he would not get more power as the time goes on.

But, no, he did not, instead of thinking like that, he used his mind to tell himself that they need to observe.

It seems like everyone improves with time when it comes the fact that there are not many of things

The two wizards fell into a thoughtful silence, both lost in their own thoughts about Felix and his potential.

Felix decided to find a quiet spot to think things over. He wandered down a side alley and found a secluded area where he could be alone with his thoughts. As he sat down, he reflected on his recent training and how far he had come.

"I've worked hard to get to this point," he thought to himself. "I don't want to ruin it by being too overconfident."

He knew that with great power came great responsibility which is a cliche sentence to use but it did not mean it was not true, and he didn't want to abuse his abilities. He had seen the damage that could be caused by those who sought to use their magic for selfish purposes, and he didn't want to fall into that trap.

Felix decided that he needed to be more cautious and discreet from now on. He couldn't afford to draw too much attention to himself, especially if he wanted to avoid unwanted attention from those who may see him as a threat.

"I need to stay focused on my goals," he thought. "And I need to remember that with great power comes great responsibility."

Felix laughed as he used the cliche sentence within his mind.

Felix stood up and took a deep breath. He was ready to continue his journey, but he knew that he needed to be more careful from now on. He would continue to push himself to be the best wizard he could be, but he would do so quietly and without drawing too much attention to himself.

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