
We Need To Run!

"Da Shen!"

Joy and relief burst out of Shen Nianzu's heart upon seeing the man he had been searching for, though his expression quickly morphed into one of shock once he noticed Jin Jiuchi's wretched condition. "What happened to you?!"

In front of him, Jin Jiuchi looked worse for wear as though he had gone through a harrowing ordeal. He clutched his injured arm, while a few bloody gashes could be spotted all over his body, including one across his cheekbones.

Perhaps it was because he had been put under stress for quite some time, there was a hint of exhaustion on his face which Shen Nianzu had never seen before. However, as their eyes met, his face instantly lit up like dark clouds parting for brilliant sunshine. A wide delightful grin stretched across his lips. "Nian'er! You finally made it out! Do you know how long I have been waiting for you? I almost—"

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