
To Force Respawn An Outerlayer Boss

Asvi and the others watched as Albrecht made a bonfire, propped a table on the side, and started cutting vegetables. It was certainly an unorthodox approach towards a dungeon, and it genuinely amazed them.

Despite the slightly horrid smell that lingered in the air, Albrecht continued cooking. He prepared a stew and watched as the Adamantium Goliath Cobra and the Lightning Fire Lion continuously eliminated the undead.

Fortunately, the System displayed a 'death count' in front of Albrecht so he didn't have to count the undead corpses manually.

"And what should we do?" Asvi trailed off. He didn't want to come off as rude, but he honestly had no idea what to do. In the process of cutting potatoes, Albrecht looked up and eyed the Grapevine Party.

They only idly stood there since they didn't want to interrupt the two beasts that Albrecht summoned.

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