
16:. Pull the trigger

When they got back to where they left Jimin and Taehyung, they found that the boat had been turned into a tent.

The boat was now ready to be used as a bed and right beside it they made a second set up with some blankets Jimin packed since he had the least amount of clothes and had space to fill. And they used a tree branch to make another one, however there was only enough blankets to make three separate setups.

"What's this?" Hoseok asked with a very clearly forced chuckle, "Not that useless are we?" Jimin asked with a proud grin, he was so proud of himself that he looked like a little boy who climbed his first tree.

"No one thought you were useless." Jungkook said taking Jimin's waist in hands, and another death stare. "Still too soon?" Jungkook asked and Jimin angrily nodding head made him release his waist.

Jimin doesn't even need to do or say anything, just a specific stare is enough for Jungkook to keep his hands to himself for at least a few hours.

"Wheres Taehyung?" Hoseok asked when he didn't see him, "We saw a banana tree while swimming in, he went to go get them."

"YOU LET HIM DO THAT ALONE?!!" Hoseok yelled running to get him in the wrong direction, "Other way." Jimin corrected him and he embarrassedly turned around to run that way instead, but Jimin caught him by his arm.

Jimin- "He's not helpless, and I did want to go with him. But he insisted to go alone, why do you think that is?"

Hoseok- "B-because he doesnt want to be around me...."

Jungkook- "Or any of us."

Hoseok- 'But mostly me."

Jimin- "Well can you blame him?"

"Jiminssi!" Jungkook scolded but Hoseok just let his body relax and say, "Hes right...."

Jungkook cupped Hoseok's cheeks gently and kissed his forehead even more gently, "Just give him time."

"How much time Jungkookie?...." Hoseok asked eyes filling with tears.

"Who wants a banana?!" Taehyung asked coming out of nowhere, he heard everything and he found it so heartwarming how worried Hoseok was.

Jungkook instantly forgot about being sad and excitedly exclaimed, "I DO!"

"You managed to get them?" Jimin asked being handed one before Jungkook, which made him sulk and give Taehyung an unintentionally adorable confused pout.

"You want one too?...." Taehyung asked Hoseok, "Thank you, and.... good job on getting them." Hoseok said blushfully refusing to look at Taehyung's eyes.

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked holding his hands out like a child asking for candy. Taehyung just ignored him though and walked towards the boat wanting to pick them off the stem and put them away for later.

Jungkook tried to sneak on Taehyung and pick one before he put them away, however Taehyung didn't even need to see him in order to slap his hand away like a mother baking and doesn't want her child to eat the row dow.

"What did i do?!!" Jungkook asked angrily, as angry as a baby who is being refused ice cream.

"You acted as if I was a helpless baby, so now you get to beg like a baby." Taehyung answered bending down next to the boat.

"But Hoseok did that too and he got a banana!" Jungkook complained like a baby, he really loved bananas and now he couldn't have one for trying to protect Taehyung.

"I'm mad at him for something else, so he can have a banana."

"So I just need to piss you off about something else?"

"Then you won't get a banana, you'll get a smack to the head and possibly a silent treatment."

"Do you want mine?" Jimin offered but Jungkook just pulled a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on like a lead roll would in an action movie.

"Its time...."

Jimin- "For what?"

Jungkook-"Stand back, this is going to be insane."

Jimin- "Where did those even come from?!!"

Jungkook ignored the question and went to the other side of the boat being completely opposite to Taehyung. He sat down on his knees facing Taehyung, he pretended to clear his throat.

Then made a puppy face.

And begged Taehyung to give one.

"Please please please please please Tae hyungie." Jungkook begged with a cute aegyo voice that absolutely no one could say no to, not even Taehyung.

"Here." Taehyung chuckled and handed Jungkook a banana and Jungkook grabbed it excitedly, "Thank you hyung!" He kissed Taehyung's forehead and ran back to Jimin happily.

"See? I'm amazing aren't I?" Jungkook asked proudly peeling his banana, "You even do that to your friends? I thought you were just being childish around me." Jimin laughed at his silliness.

"You're just a hater." Jungkook flipped his hair dramatically, he intended to hit Jimin in his face but somehow forgot he had neck length hair and it just bounced lightly.

"You're so cute!" Jimin exclaimed cupping Jungkook's chewing cheeks, the proud smile on Jungkook's face was the best gift he could give Jimin.

(A few hours later)

They all ate their bananas and soon after started falling asleep one by one, Taehyung was the first to go and after that it was Jimin.

Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok basically forced Taehyung into the boat since it was the most private and comfortable. Taehyung was rather upset and scolded everyone for thinking just because he might be pregnant doesn't render him helpless, but eventually he gave in and fell asleep inside.

Hoseok of course slept at the setup next to the boat wanting to be as close to him as possible, at first Jungkook was with him so that Jimin could have his space at the tree but after Jungkook saw that his Jiminssi fell asleep he went to go cuddle with him.

It was around noon and Hoseok was the only one awake, he did fall asleep but woke up again when he heard Taehyung whimpering in his sleep. He was just rubbing Taehyung's tummy to calm him down and eventually he woke up.

"I was just trying to calm you, I promise." Hoseok said first thing when he saw Taehyung's eyes open, however they were just open for two seconds before he faded back into sleep. He of course held Hoseok's hand that was on his belly and unknowingly smiled feeling the warmth. He liked it a lot.

Maybe even loved it. It felt warm, calm, safe. Feeling Hoseok touch there was really amazing to Taehyung.

(A few more hours later)

Taehyung woke up to Hoseok holding his stomach while sleeping against the boat, he found it so sad how worried Hoseok was about the baby since it might have died.

He really regretted hiding it from Hoseok, and now Hoseok probably hated him.

"Ah- mm." Taehyung groaned in pain trying to sit up, luckily he realized his voice and bit his lip trying to stop it. But he already woke Hoseok.

"What happened?! What wrong?!" Hoseok jumped up protectively ready to throw hands, "Calm down, my arm is numb and I fell down."

"Oh, are you okey still?" Hoseok asked a little more calmed down.

"How didn't you hear the knock on the boat wood but you heard me groan??" Taehyung asked confused because he made a loud thud and Hoseok only woke up when he moaned, it was like Hoseok put out a radar for his voice.

"You didn't answer my question...." Hoseok said gently held Taehyung's numb arm still avoiding Taehyung's eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine." Taehyung said coldly pulling his arm away from Hoseok, "Taehyung-" Hoseok tried to say but Taehyung cut him off with, "Not here, they're sleeping." And getting out of the boat to walk towards a partly secluded part not so far onto the forest.


"Let me go first." Taehyung said interrupting Hoseok again. "Go ahead." Hoseok said against all his instincts, but he needed to know what was inside Taehyung's head. Clearly he wasn't afraid of Hoseok because he led him here into the forest where no one could help him even if he screamed.

"Here." Taehyung said handing Hoseok a gun, "What are you doing?!" Hoseok asked terrified holding the gun.

"I did some thinking, there's no way the baby is still alive after how hard I hit my stomach. So if you really want me to die, I won't run, I wont fight. I'll let you shoot me because I know, it was my fault. All of it, so you'll be doing me a favour too." Taehyung explained taking the gun in Hoseok's hand straight to his forehead. All that was needed now is for Hoseok to pull the trigger.

"What are you doing?...." Hoseok's eyes started filling with tears at the thought of losing Taehyung, "Shoot me Hobibi, please I'm begging you."

Taehyung's hands dropped but the gun stayed in place, Hoseok still pointed it straight at Taehyung's forehead. His finger on the trigger, without saying a word he turned safety off.

Taehyung didn't even flinch, he just closed his eyes letting go of one single tear drop. He waited for about ten seconds before opening his eyes again, wondering why he didn't hear the gun go off. And why he was still alive.

When he saw what Hoseok doing he wished he never opened his eyes, or gave him the gun in the first place.

Hoseok smiled at Taehyung bitterly holding the gun in his hand, pointing it at his own head.

"I made a promise, you know. To no one in particular really, I guess the promise was to myself. I told Jungkookie this morning, after we fought, I said.... I'll die before I ever hurt Taehyung. And I'll stick with that."

"No!" Taehyung begged grabbing Hoseok's hand, but it was too late. Hoseok had already pulled the trigger.

(The same time at the beach where Jimin and Jungkook slept)

Jungkook jumped up from his sleep when he heard the gunfire, along with Jimin who got woken up from a very bad nightmare so now he was even more scared.

"Don't move," Jungkook demanded getting up but Jimin pulled at his arm shaking his no, "Jiminssi, stay here. Please."

"No! I'm scared." Jimin said holding onto his arm even tighter.

"I have my own gun right here, I wont let anything happen to you."

"Then take me with you!"

"What part of I wont let anything happen to you do you not understand?!"

"What if whoever shot it comes over here while you're over there?"

"Then- wait that's a good point." Jungkook realized and Jimin suddenly jumped up beside him and Jungkook gave in, "Stay behind me at least."

"Well I ain't taking a bullet for you."

"I would." Jungkook said beneath his breathe a little annoyed, holding Jimin's ass cheek.

"Are you serious right now?!" Jimin scolded not doing anything to rid himself of the butt-grip.

"Hey, if we get shot at you're not taking a bullet for me and I'm taking one for you. So either way I die, I deserve this." Jungkook defended himself and Jimin gave in, it was a valid argument 🤷

(Back with Taehyung and Hoseok)

"No!" Taehyung yelled pulling the gun away from Hoseok, but it was too late. He had already pulled the trigger.

Taehyung fell onto his knees sobbing clinging onto Hoseok's legs, "Why would you do that?!!" Taehyung yelled sobbing uncontrollably.

"You wanted me to pull the trigger...." Hoseok said dropping the gun, Taehyung had pulled it away just in time, and he shot a tree instead of himself.

"I just wanted to prove to you that you wouldn't hurt me! You're so extra you know that?!!"

"Why are you crying so much anyway?" Hoseok asked putting a hand on Taehyung's head, he was still standing up right while Taehyung hugged his left leg sobbing and crying.

"Because I fucking love you! I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I can't live without you...."

"But.... i-i...."

"This morning.... I was eavesdropping on your conversation with Jungkook. And he was right! I know you better then that, and I did this to prove to you that I trust you. I don't care about what you said this morning, I know that you were just confused and angry and scared and I can't blame you for that! I love you so much, how dare you try to leave me?!!" Taehyung cried into Hoseok's hips, almost his dick.

"Gasp, don't do that." Hoseok almost moaned feeling Taehyung's face so close to his member, "Guys?!" Jungkook asked when he spotted them.

"What happened?!!" He yelled running towards them with Jimin right behind him, "This asshole tried to shoot himself!"

"You gave me the gun!!!" Hoseok defended as Taehyung got up from the ground, "Do I wanna know?" Jimin asked as he reached them, he immediately went straight to Taehyung to cup his cheeks and wipe away his tears.

"I just wanted to show him that I trusted him!"

"By giving me a loaded gun and telling me to pull the trigger?! I just did what you asked!!!"

Taehyung freed himself from Jimin's hold and slapped Hoseok hard, "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PUT IT DOWN NOT POINT IT AT YOUR HEAD!!!"

"Well I'm sorry that YOUR instructions were unclear!!!"

"ITS NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT!!!!" Taehyung continued crying hitting Hoseok's chest repeatedly, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT BASTARD?!!!"

"Hold on, you pulled the trigger pointing it at your HEAD?!!" Jungkook yelled in disbelieve.

Hoseok- "You don't have the whole story."

Jimin- "No story could justify that!"

Hoseok- "You don't understand!"

"Yes they do!" Taehyung yelled sobbing slowly losing energy in his legs, he grabbed a tight grip onto Hoseok shirt taking him down to the ground with him.

Taehyung rapped his arms around Hoseok's neck after he was already on the ground, "Please don't leave me Hoseok.... losing the baby is bad enough...."

"Maybe you should've thought about that when you boarded that boat...."

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