
Some new power? (fixed)

I exited the village and made my way to the extreme hills biome that was to the north of my town. It was a little ways away, but it didn't take TOO long.

I approached a small hill and hiked up. I was getting close, I was getting pretty high up, might as well enjoy the view while I'm here.

"..... AH this is relaxing- what is that?"

There appeared to be a large building in the distance, it was really far away, but the size of it can allow me to easily spot it from where I was.

It had consecutive smog coming from the many smokestack pipes.

It looked as if the building was made completely of iron blocks and had obsidian rooms around it, very creepy. I don't really need to go anywhere near there, aint my business!


The extreme hills were a pain to climb, but I finally reached the cave I was looking for, it was a large round cave that slowly decreased at a 170-degree angle.

There was a ton of space, and best of all, no torches around, which means this cave is untouched!

However, this is still a big risk-for-reward scenario though.

Sure no one is around to get these resources but at the same time, Monsters always spawn in the caves, and no one will be around to help in case I get run down by hostile mobs.

In the end, I will need to be very cautious in this cave, gotta look back to the times when I played Minecraft in Hardcore mode...

Oh yeah, I died like 3 times in my hardcore worlds, 2 of them were before I even got to build my base! 'I'm screwed...' I thought as I ventured into the cave.


This cave was pretty long, I needed to get to the point where Redstone started to appear, Redstone ore usually dropped in 4-5 pieces of Redstone, so I don't need to find THAT many!

The ores don't appear this early into the caves, so while I'm searching, I will simply collect as many irons and coal as I can find along the way!

During the expedition, I found massive veins of iron ore along the cave's path. This cave was pretty long, but it didn't go down deep enough to where Redstone naturally spawns, at this point I'll have to find a spot and dig downwards from there.


Wait... I hear something from behind, I turn around to quickly realize a hoard of zombies approaching me, as to be expected in caves, there would also be monsters.

There were about 4 in total, 3 unarmed, and 1 with an iron sword. zombies were pretty basic hostile mobs in Minecraft so I shouldn't have too much trouble here.

In fact, I can use this as an opportunity to test out this new technique I came up with when sparing with the other soldiers.

I slowed my breathing, left foot sliding behind me, lunged at the 2 zombies next to each other, and while airborne I pushed all my weight to my arms and did a 360-degree double sword slash!

I did a spin slash around 3 times and my 2 targets were killed. The mobs I kill in this world still don't seem to poof out of existence when vanquished.

They basically become a corpse whenever defeated, usually, you would just collect the materials from them manually.

Man, I hated doing that, but at least my inventory isn't crowded with a crap ton of rotten flesh that I'm not going to even BOTHER eating!!!

I despatched the final unarmed opponent nearest to me with a series of powerful slashes from my blade, causing it to fall dead, but I noticed something about the fallen zombie I slayed with my iron sword.

The top half of my sword was stuck in its head, my iron sword was broken!!!

I panicked, it was almost impossible for me to know an item's durability, so when a tool of mine DID break, it would usually happen when I least expected it!

As I gaze downwards, my weapon lies broken and useless. It feels as though I've been wielding a blunt object instead of a sharp one.

Frustration sets in, the last zombie I was facing had an iron sword in hand (Of course it does!)

Now of course zombies don't ACTUALLY know how to wield a sword, but it still makes their attacks dangerous. They'll do a lot more damage with weapons in hand, so I will have to be careful about how I go about this!

The armed zombie lunges forward, and I jump to the left to avoid the slash and counter it with a left hook punch. It got hurt sure, but bare fists aren't enough to kill this thing with ease, DANG IT!

I wish I had a weapon to just finish this thing already... Wait a minute, maybe I can just try and take the iron sword out of the monster's hand!

Of course, you couldn't do this in Minecraft if you wanted the tool a mob was using, you'd have to kill it and collect it with the mob drops, but in my case, I need the weapon NOW!

let's see if I can take it. Luckily this world isn't restricted to just the game of Minecraft, here goes nothing!

As the zombie recovered I reached out and grabbed the iron sword by the rain guard, I used all my strength to try and pry the sword out of the zombie's grip, but no dice.

It had a pretty strong hold on the iron sword. The zombie then used its free hand to slash me with its claws causing me to fly back into the stone walls of the cave.

"GAH!" I cried as I looked at my bloody forearm, I was starting to get impatient in this fight, and the zombie started to lunge at my new location again, I started to get enraged,

"You stupid ******* just give me the weapon!!!!"

As I charged toward the monster, I made a strange discovery - my hand was beginning to emit a bright green glow, (kinda like what my eyes were doing when I was trying to learn a crafting recipe!)

Not sure what I was doing, I thrust my glowing hand toward the zombie and heard some kind of popping sound. I quickly noticed my target was instantly unarmed.

"What the?" I said in confusion

I looked at my hand that stopped glowing, the iron sword that the zombie had, I HAD IT NOW!!!

Without any hesitation, I jumped at the now unarmed zombie, it tried to strike me with its claws, but I was too fast, after a few hard swipes, the zombie let out a deep groan, and fell to the floor dead!

I took a deep breath of relief and took out a water bottle for a quick drink. As I took a breather, I couldn't help but ponder about what just happened, what was that?

It seems like I have some kind of ability to take items from others and put them into my own inventory, but it only works if my hand admits that strange glowing light. I wonder if I could do it on command.

I guess this refers to the fact that in the game Minecraft, you don't have to be right around the item to pick it up. it kinda of just moves right into your inventory when you are a couple of blocks in range of it.

I was starting to get tired, it would probably be best to call it a day and leave the cave. I ate a piece of golden apple to heal my forearm, and started to make way out of the cave.

I walked to a crafting table to craft a backup iron sword. (Because usually, weapons from mobs had terrible durability) I then picked up my crafting table and started to climb out of the cave.


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