
Can't Refuse A Playboy 2


After all that hard work! After all the time and money I spent to subjugate that monster! For it to be wasted by a nobody adventurer!


Whatever... Instead of acting irritated and misserable, I should just go spend my time in that high-class brothel... I can have some pretty ladies play with me there or something. I'm sure that will help me clear my mind...


As I absent-mindedly walk around the road, I found myself near one of the tallest structures in this town - an inn, the most expensive one. Even I can only spend a year at most there, before I'm completely dry of my expenses. Oh, but of course, if I used my family's wealth... I can entirely make it my home.

I wonder... If not nobles, what kind of people stay there? Rich merchants? Strong adventurers? Why would they even? They'll most likely run dry sooner or later. So is it just for show after all?

"Look...! How beautiful..."

"What a pretty a elf lady..!"

I heard a commotion near the inn. Taking a peek from the small crowd, I saw the back of a woman wearing a cyan cloak. Her hair was blonde with a tinge of purple, and her ears were pointy, indicating that she's indeed an elf, like what I heard from the people around.

"An elf?"

They usually stay at large cities where other races are abundant as well. It's rare for them to stay in towns which have a much smaller population.

I have seen a few of them before. In fact, I spent a night with one in the royal capital. Indeed, all of them are strikingly beautiful... However, there are still plenty of women that can compete with their beauty. Although it is a privilage to bed with them, they are not that much of a big deal.

I can hit on her right now, but I already decided to head to the brothel, so I'll ignore her for now. If I ever see her again, I'll hit on her then. I'm sure even she won't be able to resist my advancements. Well, men and women are the same after all, we're all attracted to pretty faces. The elves are no exeption.

With that in mind, I left the crowd and head straight to my destination.

Root is not a big city, it's a simple town with a population that's just a little above average.

I mostly lived my entire life in this town, and I know almost every streets and paths in it. The people and establishments, I'm very familiar of them as well.

As a noble, I should be exclusively interacting and bonding with fellow nobles as well, but I chose to do that with commoners instead. Frankly, I got bored of the usual eccentric attitude of the nobility and their toxic social standards. I would much prefer to play around with the more laid-back bunch of ordinary people.

There are only two buildings in Root that serve as brothels. First, there's the brothel near the center of the town. It's fancy and expensive, so only aristocrats like myself and rich merchants get to enter it. I visited it many times before, and it's really derserving of its prices. All the ladies there are high-class, and almost none of them is at the lower end of my standards. It's truly amazing.

The other brothel, the one I usually go to however, I couldn't say the same thing about. For sure, it's decent, and it's a lot less expensive than the first one. Although they're not too out of the ordinary, most of the ladies there are pretty as well. The owner there is picky with her workers after all.

Lilith's Garden, that's the name of the establishment. It gathers a lot of attention near the market area, since it's considerably tall and large. It has three floors in total. The first two floors has about ten rooms each, all prepared to accomodate clients. The third floor at the top, however, is just a single room that's about thrice the size of an ordinary room from the first and second floors. It's meant to be used by special clients... of course, this time, that client would be me.

The only reason I like it better than the first brothel, is because I can play with as many girls there as I like.

"Welcome! I see, it's you again...!" the old woman from the counter greeted.

The old, aging woman, is the owner of this establishment. Although she's old, she's still wearing the kind of dress only young ladies were meant to wear. I can see some resemblance of her past beauty with the help of some of her make-up, but that only make it the more difficult to look at her. If you feel any kind of emotion looking at her, you might only feel disgusted of your self. I heard she's still popular to some people, but I truly just can't see how that is possible.

"Here for the usual?"

"You know already."

"I see... well, we've got some new ladies in the fray. I doubt you'll bother to choose yourself, so I'll get the prettiest in your stead."

"Sure... Here's my pay... You can keep the change."

When I handed the old owner the coins which are my payment, her face immediately brightened up. She must really love money... Not like I can critisize her, I love it as well.

"This is not for two or three ladies now, is it? Are you planning to pay for more again?"

"Yes, I'm a bit stressed, so I need them to help me clear my mind."

"That so...? Well, I'd gladly let you have them," she smirked. "You! Guide him!" she ordered one of her staff that's on standby.

"Please, follow me."

As she was instructed to do, the staff guided me to the special room. As expected, it's as big and as decorated as usual. "The King's Bedroom", that's what they call it. Honestly, it fits that name very well.

While the bigger half of the room was mostly a set up of a typical kingly bedroom, the other half of it was covered in curtains I can't see behind of. Still, I can hear the footsteps and even see the shadows of the people that are lining up inside it. When everyone of them were finally lined up neatly, the curtain opened up.

A group of ladies were revealed inside. They were all wearing the same skimpy outfits, that neither show too less of their skins, or too much of their private areas. They were all also wearing semi-transparent masks on the lower side of their faces, so all I can clearly see were their eyes.

As expected of that woman, she indeed chose the best ones for me.

Well, there were some wild cards here and there, such as a one who was at least 2 feet tall with red skin, a beastkin from fairly unknown tribe, and another with a child's body. Since this brothel is strict with the age of their workers, the last one was surely just another adult demi-human whose bodies are naturally shorter and smaller than humans. There are surprisingly a lot of people who would pay for the three of them. Well, I'm easy to get bored, so I'm more than enthusiastic to experience a more diversed bunch of pretty women.

"Please, enjoy yourself."

The girl who guided me inside the room bowed and politely left. After the door closes on her, all the girls in front of me speak in unison to welcome me.

"Please, take care of us..."

While the girls who I spent some time with before appear to be a bit excited, those who do not know me showed no emotion in their voices whatsoever.

Well, it will be fun to see those who don't know what I'm capable of scream in pleasure as they realize for the first time. They will beg for it like the others sooner or later too.

"Well, then... I'm going to enjoy this for the entire night..."

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