

The Alphas screamed, blinded and in pain, and thrashed around wildly to deter anyone from coming closer as they struggled amidst pain to route back any of their senses.

The other werewolves wisely kept their distance, knowing how dangerous any direct attack from the Alphas were(their mutilated bodies were enough proof of their learning experience), meanwhile Chris was aiming at the wildly thrashing Alphas.


He clicked his tongue in annoyance upon seeing the Alphas narrowly dodging the bullet. It also showed that their senses were as impaired as their action seemed to insinuate.

"Cover them!" Chris shouted at the group of half dead betas as he struggled to clip his last magazine into his gun.

Malia, who was hunched over and panting heavily, grimaced as pain shot through her body at the basic action of lifting her head up, bit her lips into mangled flesh as she forcefully pushed her legs forwards despite her body's earnest objection.

She was behind Scott with a bloody grin on her face as she saw the teen throw all caution to fuck all and jumped on the Alpha's back while lashing his claws deeply into their broad shoulders.

She saw the twins twitching, their heads stretching for a brief moment as if they wanted to detangle from each other before stabilizing, and her already feral grin turned obsessively psychotic.

"They are falling apart!" She had no idea if she spoke those words out loud or if they were said inside her head, but she saw Argent limping closer and Brett struggled crawling in an effort to get up.

Up ahead, Scott gurgled and choked in his blood as the Alpha reached behind and plunged their thick blackened claws into his back and pulled him off their body.

Their mouths widened as they attempted to take a bite out of his neck but Chris' gun went off twice at that moment and made them falter, wobbling on their feet and this time they all saw the Alpha trying to split themselves in two.

The Alpha started retreating in the direction of the Nemeton grove, as that was the only free path they could take.

"Malia, they're trying to escape! Don't let them!" Chris yelled at Malia who was already running after them, tears and blood leaving her eyes and she actively forced every step her legs took.

Brett and Chris were a few meters behind her, with the former slowly catching up.

Chris leveled his gun as he ran, wincing through his teeth at the pain in his lungs as he tried stabilizing his breath to take an accurate shot.

Years of training and discipline eternally engraved to his bones forced him to ignore a large part of the pain-


Two shots were fired in quick succession and judging from how the Alpha crashed against a tree and how they were visibly limping and hunched to the side as they continued running told assured Chris that his shots were true to their target.

Brett had caught up to Malia and was leaving her behind as he drew close to the Alpha as they neared the Nemeton.

Another shot was fired and Brett saw as the back of their left thigh spewed out blood, causing them to stumble hard that they almost kissed the ground.

Throwing away his sense of preservation as Scott had done, Brett's action of diving at the legs of the running Alpha was born out of desperation and an impatient wish for everything to end so he could keel over and pass out, uncaring whether it was either to death or exhaustion.

The both stumbled and rolled lazily, while at the same time shouting painfully as their wounds flared up.

Brett tried picking himself up but a sudden punch from the Alpha had him seeing stars and the urge to just let his eyelids close at that moment was the greatest temptation he had ever experienced, and he was downright ready to give in but the pained howl from Malia drew his head to her direction to see that the Alpha had snapped her knee in the other direction and how she dumbly went for his neck but ended up biting into his shoulders even as his hands were ten fingers deep in both her shoulders.

Brett used his chin to push against the ground in a desperate attempt to crawl towards the Alpha who was just an arm's length from him.

He might or might not have heard another gunshot, his senses too delirious to comprehend anything happening. He struggled harshly to take a breath in an effort to do, one he barely managed to do before his arms fell back down.

His eyes closed in relief as his claws managed to slice through the Alpha's heel. He saw a spark of light in Argent's direction and then Malia and the Alpha falling down beside him but he couldn't make sense of anything happening as his eyes slowly closed and he finally blacked out.

Close to Brett who was finally out of commission, Malia and the Alpha laid side by side with her staring at them with blurry vision as they separated.

She was almost out of it but the core of her animalistic nature couldn't let her pass out without ascertaining for sure if her prey was dead.

As if placating her for keeping her from blissfully passing out, she heard a groan and saw one of the bodies moving in her blurry vision while the other remained laying still.

Her bitterness and a last stubborn vengeful will for the pain they had put her through washed over her remaining/barely tethering consciousness, growling as she leapt onto whatever had moved and the last thing she remembered was the intoxicating and self-fulfilling relish that vibrated through her body as she wildly gnawed at the flesh and blood of whoever was beneath her.


Relief unlike no other soothed Chris' turbulent heart as he saw the Alpha finally falling and staying down after he shot his last bullet.

He slowly limped his way towards them when his heart chilled as he saw one of the separated Alpha twins stirring awake.

He was ashamed of himself at the way he froze after his mind ran through multiple actions he could take to put down waking Alpha and came up with nothing.

It was in his frozen fright that he saw Malia, still in her fully shifted werecoyote form, lifting her head in the direction of the Alpha and basically pushing herself onto his body.

She bit down on his throat, ignoring his weak resistance, and viciously ripped it out. Chris watched as her feral mind became drunk on the blood and flesh she was eating and drinking as she rabidly dived down and started eating away at his flesh.

Chris watched numbly, having witnessed scenes like this countless times in the past that his body had an automatic extreme subconscious reaction.


He looked down at his hands and saw his finger clinching on the trigger of his empty gun. He stared at his hands before slowly turning back to Malia who looked like everything was finally getting to her.

She let out a low howl before slumping down unceremoniously as she joined the others in blacking out.

Chris pulled out his regular phone, grunting at the unstable network, kept it back and pulled out another one, Hunter-issued, and saw an unending string of texts and calls, most of them from his wife and daughter and a few from his Hunters.

The rang his wife and chuckled it barely went past the first ring before she answered it.

"Chris? Where are you?"

Her voice was cold, almost unfeeling, but Chris understood why she was in such a state. Having a mental breakdown when a loved one is in danger was most times a fatal for Hunters and was why they dedicate a large portion of their training in accessing their mental stability under pressure. Even Allison wasn't exempt from these training sessions.

"I'm fine. A little– pretty banged up, but I'm fine." He answered slowly, the pain in his lungs dictating how he used his voice. "I'm at the Nemeton site… if you can find it that is. I think whatever she might have done to hide it is gone."

He heard a soft exhale from the other side of the speakers and unknowingly released one of his own. They were this close to dying if not for those mistletoe bullets that poisoned the twins.

"How's Allison? Have you seen her?"

"… She's with the Sheriff. I don't think he's letting her go without some answers." She replied, her voice coarse and rigid, leaking the barest hint of her anger.

"Then you should-"

"Allison's fine and not in danger. Her friends and the Sheriff's son are with her. I'm coming to get you." She said with a tone of finality that broker no attempt at further negotiation.

Chris sighed in acceptance as he dropped down to sit between Brett and Malia. "Hope there's enough space in the car."




Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn


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