

The party started in high fervor with blaring music and contagious laughter and by the time Tristan and the others arrived at the hall used for the dance, it was already crowded and a lot of couple were already on the dance floor trying to get their groove on.

Tristan looked around and found some teachers supervising the event which meant a lot of plans wouldn't hold or will be heavily restricted. 

Since he was on the team, and a high ranking member to boot, he was privy to some of the things they wanted to do during the formal which included, but was not limited to, smoking pot, banging some sorority girl, spiking the drinks and a whole lot of teenage shenanigans. 

He saw Lydia sitting by herself in a corner looking down for some reason which he probably admitted to Jackson who was currently flirting with another girl. He looked over and saw Scott's best friend, Stiles, looking intently at her direction and with a couple of shots the boy had probably taken that night, he knew what would happen sooner or later. 

"This is quite refreshing." He said as he took in the vibrant atmosphere. His blood churned at the prospect of having a good time savoring different intoxicated delicacies at this event but he held it down. 

"Holy…" Boyd let out an impressed whistle as he looked at the captivating sight in front of him as teenagers were having the time of their lives. Being with Tristan did help him a lot in coming out of his withdrawn shell but he still wasn't one to approach another person, but hey, at least he was no longer awkward around girls after having spent a lot of time in the company of Malia and Allison, and the occasional intrusion of Lydia. 

Their group got a lot of stares but they naturally ignored it and settled in a corner as they watched everything not knowing how to proceed from there. 

"Well I'm not entering that dance floor unless I got something in my system. Tristan, you said they were spiking the drinks, right?" Malia asked to which Tristan nodded. "Come with me Boyd, let's go get us some drinks. You really need to get laid tonight."

Boyd wanted to object but reasoning Malia's words and given the fact that she was indirectly specifying to be his wingwoman, at least he thought so, he bid farewell and followed Malia to get some liquid courage, the atmosphere already getting to him. 

"You don't need a drink?" Tristan said to Allison who appeared just as lost as him. 

"Nah." Allison shook her head. "I'm lightweight when it comes to alcohol and I'm saving the questionable decisions for later." She admitted while feeling a little embarrassed. 

"Fair enough. I think there are some things to eat, feeling a bit hungry?" He said as she directed them both to a long table filled with snacks and other desserts. 

"Well it wouldn't hurt to take a bite, now would it?" She said before picking up a milk flavored cookie and bit into it. "Mhm, it's good. Here.." Whether she was oblivious to it or it was intentional, she gave Tristan the remaining half of the cookies she ate. 

Tristan didn't think much of it and just took it and nodded in satisfaction as it really was delicious. 

"Hayes!" The both of them turned to look at Coach who was beckoning Tristan to come over. 

"Look at you, looking all slick and clean." Coach said before putting his hands around Tristan's neck and drew him closer to whisper into his ears. "I know a lot of these delinquents are planning some unsavory things and I also have plans of catching a hearty good night's sleep, so how about you help me help you?"

Tristan looked at his Coach with a deadpan. "You're kidding right? Though not unsavory, I also have plans for tonight."

Coach looked shocked for a moment before his face transformed into a sly grin. "Oh you bad boy. Try to take it easy on those poor girls, okay?"

Despite the blatant misunderstanding between them, Tristan chose not to correct Coach as that would just give him a migraine. He turned to walk away but Coach held him back. "Who's going to watch all of you then?"

"You Coach." After having a little back and forth with Coach, Tristan finally managed to extricate himself from the eccentric man. 

Allison, who had been watching their banter with amusement from the beginning, chuckled as she saw the look of relief on Tristan's face as he finally escaped Coach. 

Just at that moment, Malia came back with two glasses in hand and gave one to Allison who was shaking her head in refusal only for Malia to shove it into her hand while giving the other one to Tristan. 

The two of them gulped the drinks but a moment after Tristan drank his, he frowned and looked at the cup, an expression only Malia noticed as Allison was grimacing from the burning aftereffect it had. 

Tristan looked at the cup intently while trying to remember what the weird feeling he got and his expression turned more grim as he finally knew what he drank – poison. 

Standing so close to Tristan, Malia immediately noticed the shift in his demeanor and immediately knew something was wrong. 

The two of them shared a glance and the dark she saw reflected in Tristan's eyes told her exactly how grim whatever the situation was. 

She turned to Allison and smiled at her as if nothing was wrong and teased her friend. "How about asking one of those hunks for a dance? I don't think any of them will refuse. Besides, you said you wanted to rewind so what better option than that?" 

Tristan's eyes were growing dimmer at every passing second as he finally understood the nature of the poison he just ingested. 

It was a slow acting wolfsbane. 

Having ingested wolfsbane on more than one occasion growing up, he knew just how they affected werewolves and were-supernaturals in general. This one was different, vastly different from the most common purple wolfsbane he knew of, but there was no denying that irritating itch he got from it. 

Heck, the only way he found out about it was because no one knew blood more than he did, more so his own. He knew the moment he injected something dangerous, and could ascertain its lethality to some degree. 

"Well, Tristan and I are going to dance for a few so make your mind on what you want to do and we'll see what we can do."

Tristan immediately dragged her after that to the dance floor and immediately drew her close with one arm around her waist and one holding her hand. 

"Tristan wha-" 

"Wolfsbane. It's probably in your system. Do you feel anything amiss?" He asked urgently. 

Malia's head short-circuited for a moment before clarity reflected in her eyes as the situation dawned on her. "No, I don't think so." She said but a weird look came to her face as she turned to Tristan. "I've only had two glasses, I'm not supposed to be feeling any bubbling hotness with just that."

The situation was quickly escalating so Tristan had to act fast. 

'I haven't seen anyone suspicious, nor any new faces apart from the few teachers here so its probably someone inside the school, presumably in the room that spiked the drinks with wolfsbane.'

The worst part about all this was that wolfsbane has no effect on humans other than maybe a runny stomach which meant that someone was here currently watching for anyone exhibiting any abnormal behavior. 

No matter how much Tristan looked around, he couldn't identify anything out of the ordinary. 

"Maybe drinking wasn't such a good idea." Malia said with a wry smile as they danced. "They're going to find out one way or the other." She lamented as she could feel the heat in her stomach rising. It felt like the normal effects of alcohol but she knew otherwise. 

Tristan looked at her as an idea flashed in his mind. "Not necessarily." If someone was watching from the inside, then no doubt were there Hunters waiting outside to apprehend any werewolf they caught. 

"What do you have in mind?" It should have been strange how calmly they were reacting, and although the situation took them by surprise, they had long considered the event if the Hunters found out about them. 

"I'll drink it out. It's still circulating in your body and if I manage to drink out a lot of it, your body will naturally fight the remnants and overpower them."

"But you forget I'll be too weak to do anything about it and I might even pass out before you're done."

"Not if you suck my own blood. It has almost no effect on me and my blood has already broken down whatever effect it has and what you'll be taking in is a very diluted version of the drink you brought." Tristan explained. It was the only way he could think of but Malia was still concerned despite her dire state. 

"But what about you?" She asked in worry. 

Tristan chuckled lightly at her words as if it was funny and flashes her a bright smile. "I'll just walk it off."





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