

Two teens laid sprawled on the bed with disheveled hair and crumpled sheets with legs wrapped around each other.

Different from the normal routine, Malia was the one who woke up first with a grunt due to her throbbing headache mixing with the early morning clarity which produced a vertigo effect that sent her senses haywire. 

Looking at the peaceful sleeping form of Tristan, she smiled faintly and laid her head on his chest while running her fingers through pumped chest and abs. 

"We're gonna be late if you keep sleeping." She whispered causing Tristan to stir but he didn't wake up. 

Biting her bottom lips, she tore the skin a little and tasted her own blood before creeping up towards his face and capturing his lips in a slow kiss. 

If there was a way Tristan loved to be woken up, it was with Malia's blood in his mouth. It was something that stimulated him greatly which was why he cautioned himself with the duration between each drink he got. 


Malia moaned into his mouth as she felt one of his hands on her ass, kneading the puddle of springy flesh while the other hand drew her closer. 

She chuckled at the way he shot his eyes open after tasting her blood. He could never have enough of her and that was a fact they both knew. She was like a human shaped bag of potent cocaine – being addicted was the only end result. 

Their naked body wrapped the other as they twisted and turned on the bed, inadvertently throwing the sheets and pillows away. 

"Fuah!" They both exhaled a mouthful of air as they broke their rather intense kiss. 

Tristan went in for another kiss only for his lips to be blocked by Malia's finger. "We still have school, remember?."


"Haha." She laughed lightly at his frustrated face before getting off her straddling position, leaving her nude body bare for all to see. "Come on, we are on a clock."

A smile was plastered on her face as she entered the bathroom humming a happy tone to herself. The weekend had been fulfilling in every way she could imagine. Days and days on end with constant sex and light mutilations made her extremely pumped for the school week. 

She heard the bathroom door open as Tristan joined her as they washed off every evidence of the previous night from their body. 



That was the first thing that entered Tristan's nose as soon as they alighted their car in the school parking lot. 

"Quite a lot of it." He frowned as the smell was very thick which meant the victim was probably dead. 

"Think he finally killed his best friend?" Like always her thoughts were very morbid. 

They both entered the school halls leisurely, paying little attention to the blood and just followed the migrating students to where they were gathered. 

The place had been cordoned off by the authorities but the blood was practically everywhere. 

"What are we going to do if he really did kill someone?" Malia asked as they turned and walked away from the congregation only for them to run into Scott and Stiles, with the former reeling back in shock while the latter was frozen in fright. 

"I-I… I.." Scott tried saying something but only incoherent sentences were spewed forth. 

"If you killed someone then be prepared because chance is that you'll probably do it again… again… and again. Until you're put down by other werewolves or the Hunters." Malia left the stricken duo with that and followed along beside Tristan. 

"Any reason for doing that?" He asked. 

"Just wanted to tease him and give him a heads up."

Tristan nodded before proceeding to stretch himself and letting out a yawn as he made his way to their class. Luckily, he and Malia had the same classes today which meant he wouldn't be that bored 


School hours went by and so far the most notable thing that happened was that the man who was mauled didn't die but Tristan and Malia both knew that it was only a matter of time before he died. It would take a monstrous will to live for him to be able to survive. 

Unlike what Scott might think, the two of them could feel it. 

An Alpha. 

The apex predator was here. 

Rather than some random killings, this could be best described as a hunt. A very messy one. 

They didn't bother with Scott nor did they answer the veiled calls he made to them. No matter how ballsy and callous they both were, none of them would want to get in the way of an Alpha's time with his Beta. 

Unfortunately for Scott, he would have to find his own way of repelling his Alpha's call to hunt which would most likely result in him dying. 


Inside a veterinary, Beacon Hills Animal Clinic, a middle-aged man is seen distributing food to the pets inside the small cages that stacked the entire room. 

Alan Deaton is the owner of the Animal Clinic and to everyone ignorant, he was the kind and soft-spoken veterinarian who took special care of all his animal patients. 

But to a very special few, an almost non-existent minority, he was something more. Something integral. 

"Is there anything wrong, Cole?" He asked a little pup and was sitting at the edge of the cage covering its face with its front legs. 

He frowned as the pets inside his clinic began going quiet and retreating into their cages as if to make themselves inconspicuous. 

Sighing as he realized the most likely cause, he went to a shelf and picked up a very small corked battle with an engraved symbol on the cover and kept it inside his pocket just in time to hear the bell chime of a customer. 

He looked at the animals once again and some were already whining in a pitiful way. 

Making his way to the front counter, he kept both of his hands inside his pockets in a natural way and prepared to meet his 'customer' only for him to be surprised at the identity of the person who definitely wasn't a customer. 

"… Elias."

"Alan, how long has it been? Look how you've grown." The elderly man with a cane in his hands walked inside the clinic with a small smile on his face. 

"I've been living… fulfilled. Though I have to say it is quite rare and unexpected for the Buddhist pack to seek me out. Forgive me if I'm not sure how to feel." Deaton said as he stood behind his counter and looked at the old man in front of him. 

"Nothing of the sorts, Alan. I normally would never leave my abode but this is about my precious cubs. Hope you understand." Elias flung the loose scarf across his neck, the grandfatherly smile never leaving his face. 

Deaton nodded softly at Elias' words. "I completely understand. That aside, I still don't know the reason for you to travel kilometers just to see me." He brought his hands out of his pockets and dropped the small bottle he had pocketed on the countertop. 

It was not a show of threat or aggression but rather a sign of him willing to lend his hands if it was within his power. 

"The Argents have returned to Beacon County, and I believe I don't need to tell you the cause. I only need to know one thing – do you know who the Alpha is? Any possible affiliations?" Elias immediately got to the point since there was no need to skirt around it. He was an old man after all. 

Hearing Elias' questions, Deaton couldn't help but frown. This was starting to become a problem but unfortunately it wasn't something he had a say in. 

"I have no knowledge of who the Alpha is but I know he's a new one, having stolen the powers from Laura Hale. Other than that, I believe he has a grudge against the Argents." Elias scoffed at the last part of that sentence. "I don't have any information on his affiliations or even if he has a standard pack I'm afraid."

Caressing his temples, Elias groaned and exhaled a breath of the cold air. "I see. Is there a possibility that another Hale survived that disaster." He asked in a low voice. 

If there was someone the tragedy of that affected the most after from the surviving Hales, it was Deaton. He had been more than a friend to Talia. He was her confidante. The person she trusted the most. 

"Of that, I have no idea. I'm sorry but it seems I won't be of help, Elias."

Shaking his head, Elias waved it off. "You did what you could. I heard from my cubs that the Alpha's beta attends Beacon Hills with them, Scott McCall his name I think. I think this is where I get out of your hair. Amituofo." Greeting Deaton in the Buddhist way, Elias left the clinic. 

Standing alone in his clinic, Deaton rubbed his cleanly shaved head as things just became more complicated. 


[Argents House, Chris Argent POV] 

Opening a long box, I took out the two small boxes and opened them, smiling slightly at the unmistakable sheen they all had. 

Wolfsbane-laced silver bullet. 

The Alpha is clearly targeting us since this was not the first person related to the Argents that had been attacked. 

Though Myers had excluded himself from active hunting due to his old age, it nevertheless took away from the fact that he was affiliated with the Argents. 

My heart stilled at the gnawing possibility that he even knows about Allison, not that he'll care if she was innocent. 

Taking out a few bullets from one of the boxes, I fitted them into a clip and slid it into my gun. 

"Are you worried?"

Without turning to her, I brought out my other gun and fitted the other sets of bullets into it. 

"I'm not worried, just concerned."

"Good. The animal is getting more active, and sooner or later he will make a mistake and that mistake will be his undoing." My wife, Victoria, said exactly what was in my mind. 

Since he's specifically targeting us Argents, the only fate for him is to die when he's caught, no concessions. 

"I called Kate." I frowned at the thought of having my sister back in Beacon Hills after the last debacle we had. 

Turning to face my wife, I said. "I don't think it's such a good idea for her to be in Beacon Hills."  Kate was… unbridled in more than one ways. 

She held my face with both hands and shook her hand. "It's always been the both of you and you have to admit she's a nice addition to killing the Alpha."

The frown on my face became more prominent as she said that. "Regardless of the addition of her help, she's too loose and goes off on her own. She has no respect for the code."

"But we don't need the code here, do we? It's either he dies or we do."

These were the type of conversations I hated having with any member of my family; my wife, my father and most especially Kate. 

"What about Allison?" I diverted the question and released myself from her grasp and closed the case of personal crafted bullets. 

"She's doing better than we thought. You remember our promise, right? You'll have to tell her sooner or later. The sooner the better. You've protected her for too long-" 

"And that will be my choice. There's a lot of time for her to learn and I will personally teach her when the time is right." With that said, I left the cellar/armory to begin my tracking. No matter how much I tried to protect her from this side of the world, I had no choice but to do as Victoria said. 

It will be Allison's turn to lead the Argent Family after me which means she has no choice on the matter. 

With those thoughts, I drove away to see I could get either of them. The Beta or the Alpha. 





Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn


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