

Morne raised an eyebrow.

It was clear that this "Growth" was more important than the name would suggest, or else someone at the Dryad's level wouldn't bother to play it up in this way.

But what was it?

It couldn't be a Spell, Morne reasoned. Spells were limited by the Mage's rank, and if it was a Spell that the Dryad was espousing, then it wouldn't "break the shackles" of their current rank.

At the same time, it was already established that only Essenla had anything in common with the Dryads magic-wise, and that was her Water aun-School. A Dryad Spell might benefit her in some way, but not Morne, and the Dryad had said it would help them both.

Morne quickly smothered his wild thoughts. There was no point in wondering about it when Adrelhena planned to teach it to them anyway.

"Show us," Morne said.

Adrelhena gestured to the constellation of lights and water above, and the humans turned their attention back to it.

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