

Morne and Geleb watched in shock as the four Nasnami flew across the room, smashing into the wall with all the subtlety of shattering glass as their metal armor banged against the stone and the armor of the others.

Their weapons slipped from their hands upon impact, producing a horrible cacophony as they clattered to the ground. Geleb couldn't help but wince at the noise, and Morne's eyes shot back to the bed only to find something stirring behind the curtains.

Their cover was blown.

Morne tapped Geleb's shoulder, trying to get his attention to no avail. His eyes darted to Geleb's, then followed the noble's gaze to the wall, where a horrid sight awaited.

Similar to the effect of Morne's Withering Touch Spell, the four Nasnami were shriveling at a visible rate, their faces shrinking and their armor loosening as the half-circle behind them pulsed darkly.

But while Morne's Spell stole the life force of its victims, this circle drained its captives of blood.

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