
Smith successfully breaks through to Level 500

Swiftly, Alexander and Ella arrived at Creekwater Village, a nearly deserted place with few remaining inhabitants.

"Word is, Caesar has a mind like a computer and sensory abilities as precise as finely-tuned instruments. His prowess far surpasses the previous seven assassins we've encountered. We should tread lightly," Ella whispered as they reached the village.

Ignoring her advice, Alexander sauntered ahead. Ella had no choice but to follow.

"Caesar should be in an abandoned house in the center of the village," Ella added.

"No need to search. If he's as formidable as you say, he will come to us," Alexander assured.

Thus, the pair walked audaciously along the desolate, moonlit streets. After another couple of minutes, Alexander halted.

"He's here."

Turning his gaze to a side alley, Alexander saw a towering figure emerge into the moonlight.

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