
Chapter 207: Homecoming

The sky looked like a cloudless expanse of blue satin, the warm autumn sun showered its gentle rays upon the grass.

The pale yellow petals danced in harmony with the breeze.

Walking arm in arm through the woods, Margaery Tyrell wore a sweet smile on her radiant and picturesque face.

A subtle expression of affection shimmered within the corners of her eyes and brows.

Her dark green safari suit clung to her graceful curves, and her long, flowing brown hair brushed against the tip of Samwell's nose, releasing a fresh and elegant fragrance that struck a chord in his heart.

"Have you never come here to hunt before?"

Margaery found it hard to believe.

"Not never," Samwell rubbed his nose, inwardly attributing this to the original owner's frustration.

"My father brought me here a few times, but I was too hesitant to engage in the hunt, so he eventually gave up."

Margaery widened her eyes, completely unable to reconcile the image of a timid individual who shied away from hunting with the man who had achieved countless victories on the battlefield before her.

Perhaps recalling Samwell's initial overweight appearance when they first met in the Highgarden, Margaery pursed her lips and giggled.

Samwell feigned annoyance, glaring at her, but her laughter only grew louder.

Without hesitation, he lowered his head and silenced her with a kiss.

After a lingering moment, their lips parted.

"How did you change so much later on?" Margaery lay in his arms, her eyes squinting like a contented kitten. "Was it because of your groundbreaking journey?"

"No, it wasn't," Samwell said, stroking Margaery's graceful waist with a tender grasp. "It was because my father invited two wizards from Qarth. They performed a bison sacrifice, and I bathed in its blood. That's where I gained my strength and courage."

These were details Samwell had gleaned from the original owner's memories, though the outcome wasn't as he described.

The sacrifice had no actual effect on the original owner, and Earl Randyll had angrily lashed the two wizards with a whip.

"So that's the story," Margaery said, clearly believing it. "No wonder you've changed so much since then."

"Yes," Samwell inhaled the fragrance of Margaery's hair, hesitating for a moment before asking the question that had been weighing on his mind.

"Margaery, if one day I find myself opposing your father, whom would you choose to support?"

"Let's try to avoid that day," Margaery offered a diplomatic response.

Samwell was clearly dissatisfied with her evasion. "Some things cannot be avoided."

Finally lifting her head from his arms, Margaery asked, "Sam, are you worried about this trip to Highgarden?"

"Yes, I am," Samwell didn't conceal it.

"You must also be aware that Duke Mace is now leaning towards cooperation with the Lannister family. The animosity between me and the Lannisters cannot be resolved."

"I understand," Margaery said cheerfully.

"I love my father, but sometimes I find myself disagreeing with his decisions. That's why I decided to accompany you in Skyreach City. It's the same this time. If my father insists on forming an alliance with the Lannisters, I will stand by your side."

"Even if it means going against your own father?"

"Yes!" Margaery nodded emphatically, but after a brief pause, she asked, "Sam, you won't harm my father, will you?"

Samwell chuckled heartily. "Of course not. How could I harm my future father-in-law?"

After a momentary pause, he added, "I'm simply preventing him from harming himself, the Tyrell family will lead the Reach down the wrong path."

Margaery looked into Samwell's eyes, seeming to grasp something, but she didn't offer any further persuasion.

Instead, she nestled back into his arms and softly said, "Sam, I believe in you."

"I will not disappoint your trust."

The two embraced intimately, their breaths intermingling, as they quietly savoured the warmth and sweetness of the moment.

Until a series of approaching footsteps interrupted their tranquillity.

Samwell turned his head and spotted his sister Talla walking towards them.

"I didn't mean to disturb you intentionally,"

Talla apologized. "But I have important news to share."

"What news?" Samwell reluctantly released the soft body in his arms.

"The Horn Hill army that went to conquer Dorne has returned," Talla said with a smile.

Samwell's eyes lit up. "So Dickon has returned as well?"

"Yes. Hurry, brother. The army is almost at the eastern gate."


Samwell promptly took Margaery's hand and made their way towards the city gate.

As they arrived, a formidable army came into view. The Walking Hunter banner of House Tully fluttered in the wind, signalling their presence.

However, Samwell soon noticed that this army was larger than expected—it wasn't solely the Horn Hill forces.

Margaery's voice carried a touch of surprise as she remarked, "The armies of Brightwater Keep and Goldengrove City have also arrived."

Indeed, Samwell spotted the Foxglove banner of House Florent and the Golden Tree banner of House Rowan.

The presence of the Florent troops wasn't unexpected, given the marriage alliance between their houses. After all, Earl Randyll's wife was the eldest daughter of the Earl of Brightwater Keep.

However, House Rowan's involvement seemed peculiar. They didn't have any direct marriage ties with House Tarly.

Moreover, the Florent forces returned from Kingsgrave City to Nightsong City, passing through Prince's pass, making their route somewhat straightforward. But Rowan... they didn't need to go follow the same route.

Samwell glanced at Earl Randyll, standing at the city gate, and everything became clear to him.

Lord Mathis Rowan had undoubtedly been invited by Earl Randyll to Horn Hill. And why would he do that? Clearly, not solely for sightseeing purposes.

Recalling his earlier conversation with his father, Samwell realized that Earl Randyll had likely reached out to other Reach lords before their arrival, intending to exert pressure on Highgarden.

House Rowan, known as the "Golden Tree Rowan," held great significance in the Reach. Their lands covered the northern region of the Reach and ranked first in power, even surpassing the Hightower and Tyrell families.

Count Mathis Rowan, the current head, was a capable lord.

Samwell recalled that in the original book, after the death of Duke Tywin, his brother Kevan Lannister had considered Mathis as one of the best candidates for the Hand of the King.

It appeared that during the campaign against Dorne, Earl Mathis had also grown disillusioned with the "Boy-King" Joffrey, prompting his grand arrival at Horn Hill.

Consequently, an opposition alliance against the Lannisters had formed within the Reach.

With the presence of Eagle Island, Blackwater Keep, Goldengrove City, and Horn Hill, this coalition already held substantial influence in the region.

Samwell believed that even if Duke Mace remained adamant about following the Lannisters, this opposing force would render it difficult for House Tyrell to muster a significant army. In fact, if they took a firmer stance, they could even compel Duke Mace to reconsider his position.

Now, Samwell felt more confident about his upcoming visit to Highgarden. The sight of the large army gradually slowing outside the city confirmed his suspicions.

Several cavalry squads emerged and swiftly approached the gates.

The leaders of the group were none other than Lord Mathis Rowan of Golden Tree City and Sir Alekyne Florent, Samwell's uncle and the eldest son of Brightwater Keep.

"Randyll, you've raised an exceptional son!"

Earl Mathis called out from a distance, his voice resonating with a hint of mockery.

Earl Randyll's mouth twitched slightly, as he managed to muster a smile. "Mathis, welcome to Horn Hill."

Earl Mathis laughed, dismounted his horse, and approached Earl Randyll with an embrace that conveyed familiarity. It was evident they were old acquaintances.

Then, Earl Mathis turned his attention to Samwell, admiration apparent in his gaze. "Baron Caesar, your father always claimed you were unworthy of inheriting Horn Hill. But now it seems he lacked vision! Hahaha!

A man who can slay the 'Red Viper' in a dire situation and cut down four Kingsguard with a single sword is believed to not be worthy of Horn Hill's legacy! Hahahaha! You're something else!"

Samwell managed to modestly respond, though he cast a glance at Earl Randyll, relishing his father's priceless expression.

It was quite satisfying.

Afterwards, Earl Mathis approached Margaery and saluted her with respect. "Lady Margaery, I admire your courage and support your choices. Mace is a fool to consider marrying you off to a madman like Joffrey, haha."

Margaery smiled sweetly and replied, "Lord Mathis, thank you for your support. My grandmother, too, has sung your praises many times. She considers you one of the wisest lords in the Reach."

Earl Mathis chuckled, seemingly delighted by the acknowledgement from Lady Olenna. "Bethany once told me that you greatly resemble Lady Olenna. I didn't take it seriously at the time. I couldn't fathom how a delicate rose like you could be as thorny as Olenna. But witnessing your elopement, it's clear that both you and your grandmother share a certain spirit. Hahahaha!"

Samwell's heart stirred upon hearing that.

The "Bethany" Earl Mathis referred to was his wife, Bethany Redwyne. She was Lady Olenna's niece and the younger sister of Lord Paxter Redwyne, the ruling lord of the Arbor.

Noble marriages were intricate and complicated, entwined with a web of interests.

House Rowan had taken a clear stance in favour of Eagle's Island this time.

Might another influential family in the Reach, House Redwyne, follow suit? If the Redwynes joined this "anti-lion alliance," Highgarden would truly have limited options.

Of course, the likelihood of that was slim. The relationship between House Redwyne and House Tyrell was evidently closer.

At that moment, a carriage approached the city gates, and a kind-faced, plump woman stepped out. It was Samwell's mother, Melessa Florent.

Assisting her from the carriage was another young man—Samwell's younger brother, Dickon Tarly.


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