
Chapter 192 The Lion's Response

  Lancel Lannister rode his horse east along the Greenblood River, and at the end of the desert finally appeared a city—


  He tightened his grip on the horse's belly, speeded up, and soon came to the first checkpoint with heavy soldiers.

  The path was blocked by a five-foot-high earthen wall, above which flew the banner of House Lannister with a golden lion on a red background.

  Sir Lancel rode forward and said loudly:

  "Who's in charge here?"

  The captain guard quickly appeared, recognized the nephew of Duke Tywin Lannister , and quickly sent someone to escort him to the army garrison.

  Lancel walked forward in silence, frowning, thinking about how to report to Lord Tywin what happened in the Skyreach city...

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and crows were wandering by the side of the road, apparently, there has been fighting here recently.

  After passing a row of fortifications made of sharpened stakes, Lancel finally saw the camp that stretched for miles.

  Wisps of cooking smoke rose like a black forest. A gallows stood ahead, with a dangling corpse covered with crows.

  A little further ahead, Lancel saw the tall city wall of Sunspear City, and there were already mottled bloodstains on it.

It seemed that the army had already begun to attack the city.

  The progress of the second army of the Iron Throne was really fast, they have already reached the old nest of the Martell family.

  But thinking of all the messy things that happened on the side of the first army... Lancel lost his mood again.

  Walking into the army camp, Lancel saw Duke Tywin drinking and chatting with his younger brother, his father, Sir Kevan Lannister.

  "Lord Tywin, father." Lancel stepped forward to salute.

  "Lancel?" Ser Kevan was a little surprised seeing his son, "Why are you here?" "

  "I'm here to deliver a letter."

  Duke Tywin suddenly had a bad feeling:

  "What letter requires you to come here yourself? "

Lancel took out a roll of parchment from his bosom, stepped forward and handed it to Duke Tywin:

  "My lord, this is a letter from my cousin Cersei..."

  He didn't say much, and maybe he didn't know what was going on. What should he say, everything that happened in Skyreach was so absurd, it made him feel very unreal.

  Lord Tywin read it quickly, and after he finished reading, he stared at Lancel with those shining golden eyes:

  "Joffrey is dead?"


  "Joffrey is dead?" Kevan let out an exclamation.

  Lord Tywin handed the letter to his younger brother, and then looked at his nephew:

  "Cersei talked too much nonsense and mixed with personal emotions. I want you to tell the story from beginning to end, remember, I only want facts, impartial facts !"

  "Yes..." Lancel had no choice but to tell what happened in Skyreach city.

  Joffrey's various operations were also not hidden.

  Lord Tywin listened quietly, with no expression on his face. He didn't even show any expression when he heard Duke Eddard Stark declare that Cersei's three children were not of royal blood. He didn't even blink his eyes when he was killed.

  But when Lancel mentioned that Samwell Caesar hatched a giant dragon, the guardian of the western border finally couldn't help asking:

  "Are you sure that Caesar hatched a dragon?

  " I saw it with my own eyes." Lancel's throat rolled, "It is said that the raging fire devoured Samwell Caesar and a dragon egg, and when the flames subsided, a baby dragon was entrenched on his shoulder."

  "That is impossible!" Kevan slapped the letter on the table again this time, "The Targaryen family has tried for hundreds of years. The fire at Midsummer Hall burned the entire palace and hundreds of princes and nobles, but there was still nothing but he hatched. How was he able to bring the dragon back to this world as a Tarly!"

  "He's not Tarly, he's Caesar." Duke Tywin corrected his younger brother.

  Kevan froze for a moment.

  Of course, he knew that his brother would not correct himself on such a small matter.

  Kevan said thoughtfully: "Brother, do you want to say that Samwell is actually not a Tarly, but a Targaryen? Could it be the Mad King...but the Mad King has never been to Hornhill. "

  " Blackfyre." Duke Tywin spit out two words.

  Among the several Valyrian swords inherited by the Targaryen family, the [Blackfyre] is the most famous one. It was once the sword of Aegon the Conqueror.

  Later, the sword was passed on to his illegitimate son, Daemon Water, by Aegon IV, "the unworthy ".

  Water is the common surname of illegitimate children in kingslanding, but after accepting the [BlackFyre] sword, Daemon changed his surname to Blackfyre and established his own family -

  Blackfyre Family.

  Before his death, Aegon IV, "the unworthy ", did an extremely stupid thing. He legalized all his illegitimate children.

  This also means that Daemon Blackfyre officially has the right to inherit the Iron Throne.

  In the beginning, Daemon Blackfyre had no ambitions, until the successor Daeron II married Princess Myriah Martell in order to make Dorne submit.

  This behaviour greatly dissatisfied the nobles of the other six kingdoms as they did not want to see the Martell family gain power in King's Landing.

  And also the vassals of the Targaryen family didn't want to see the crown prince with Martell's blood sit on the Iron Throne, so they gathered towards Daemon Blackfyre (although Damon was an illegitimate child, his parents were Targaryen ) and it eventually sparked the Blackfyre Rebellion.

  This rebellion spread far and wide and had a great impact. It took five generations of Targaryen kings to completely suppress it.

  The last Blackfyre was slain by the current Captain of the Kingsguard, Barristan Selmy 'the Bold', in the "War of the Ninepenny Kings".

  "Impossible?" Kevan frowned, "Samwell is Blackfyre? But hasn't Blackfyre died long ago?"

Duke Tywin said indifferently: "It may not be impossible. The Blackfyre family is extinct, but Matriarchy still has inheritance."

  "So...Samwell Caesar is the illegitimate child of Randyll Tarly and a certain female blackfyre?"

Kevan muttered to himself, and the more he thought about it, the more likely this guess was In fact, "That's right! No wonder Randyll Tarly asked his eldest son to go out to develop because that child is not his legitimate son at all! What Caesar! It's blackfyre and all !"

Lancel saw his father and uncle struggling with

Samwell background, so he couldn't help but remind:

  "Lord Tywin, father, should we be more concerned about what Eddard Stark claimed, that..."

  "That lie?" Duke Tywin said indifferently, "Since when did we start to deny the king's legitimacy with a book written by a former grand maester?"

  Lancel was stunned for a moment.

  However, seeing Duke Tywin's understatement, his heart that had been hanging before finally fell to the ground.

  But Lancel still reminded: "My lord, the lie that Duke Eddard told... I'm afraid that many people will choose to believe it."

Kevan calmly said to his son:

  "Don't panic too much. The truth lies in Power can also be distorted. Eddard Stark can't make too much trouble, but that dragon... If there is another 'conqueror', we will be really helpless. But fortunately, the dragon growth will take a long time, and so we don't need to worry about Caesar for the time being."

  Then, Kevan turned to Duke Tywin: "Now we still have to deal with Eddard Stark first. Although we can claim that those are lies, it is inevitable that Some careerists will still use this to make trouble.

  Especially the two brothers Stannis and Renly of the Baratheon family, if people believe Eddard Stark's lies, then these two are the legitimate heirs to the Iron Throne. "

  Duke Tywin looked at Lancel with shining golden eyes and asked:

  "How many days ago did this happen?"

  "Five days…Immediately after the incident, I travelled day and night to you on the horse. As all the ravens in Skyreach City were killed. "

  Duke Tywin nodded: "Fortunately, you came fast enough, the envoy from the north should be a step behind. And since there is no raven, it will take some time for the news to spread, and now ….we have the upper hand. "

  The guardian of the west pondered for a moment, then stood up, as if he had already made up his mind.

  " The situation is indeed not at its worst yet. Eddard Stark may seem menacing, but in fact, he may not get much real help. Moreover, King's Landing is now under our control, so we have the final say on who will sit on the Iron Throne.

  The key to the victory of this war lies in whether we can correctly choose our allies, and more importantly, whether we can correctly choose our enemies. "

  Speaking, Duke Tywin looked at his younger brother and ordered: "Kevan, you immediately take all the cavalry of the western region, and go to King's Landing as quickly as possible, so that the High Septon can crown Tommen Baratheon. "

  "The High Septon..." Kevan considered, "What if he is unwilling to cooperate?"

  Duke Tywin said coldly: "He just accepted a crystal crown presented by the Lannister family, so he should know what to do. If he forgets, you remind him that this crown can also be given to someone else by House Lannister. "

  " Good. "

  " That's right. " Tywin remembered something again, and added, "I remember Eddard Stark still has two daughters staying in King's Landing, right? Remember to keep them under control. "

  "Yes. "

  Duke Tywin looked at Lancel again: "Lancel, you should return to Skyreach City immediately and find Duke Mace Tyrell. If he withdraws, go Highgarden and tell him that Tommen will replace his dead brother and marry Margaery Tyrell."

  Hearing this, Lancel reminded: "Lord Tywin, Lady Margaery has eloped with Baron Caesar..."

  Duke Tywin snorted softly and said: "The Tyrell family should be more grateful that the king is willing to marry a woman whose reputation has been tarnished."

  Then, he seemed to feel unsafe, and added, "Moreover, after King Tommen succeeds to the throne, he will also appoint Duke Mace as the Minister of Laws."

  Lancel was stunned again: "My lord, the Master of laws is Duke Renly."

"He won't be long." Duke Tywin said indifferently, but he didn't explain too much, just waved his hand to let the two people leave.

  Then, Lord Tywin unfolded a piece of parchment and began to write a letter.

  After writing three letters, sealing them with melted gold, and stamping them with the seal of a roaring lion, Duke Tywin called three knights and handed over one of the letters: "Send this letter to the City of the Twins, to Lord Walder Frey."

  Then he went to the second knight: "This letter to the Dreadfort, to Lord Roose Bolton."

  And the third: "This letter to IronOaks, to Countess Anya Waynwood ."

  After sending the three messengers away, Duke Tywin ordered his servants :

"Go and invite Duke Renly."


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