
Chapter 187

Chapter 187 Bomb

"The ancient gods."

  The brilliance of the setting sun shone on the snow-capped mountains and forests.

  "Listen to my oath and be my witness."

  Samwell looked around and found himself standing among nine weirwoods.

  The nine faces on the trunk stared at the centre of the circle, and the dried sap in their eyes was like rubies.

  "The night is coming, I will watch from now on until I die..."

  Samwell didn't move his mouth but kept making noises, reciting the oath—the

  oath of the night watchman.

  "I will not marry a wife, grant land, or have children. I will not wear a crown, and will not compete for honour..."

  There were six other people who recited the oath with him.

  But their faces were shrouded in smoke, and Samwell could see only their bronze armour.

  "I will do my duty faithfully, and live and die here..."

  Am I the first owner of the [Time] armour?

  Samwell remembered the story Sir Robar Royce had told him.

  "I am the sword in the dark, the watcher on the Wall, the flames against the cold, the light at dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the kingdom. To the Night's Watch, I give my life and honor, tonight, Every night."

  After the oath, the forest was completely silent.

  The seven got up one after another and walked out side by side.

  Not far away was the world's largest architectural wonder - the Wall.

  It was 700 feet high, stretching across the northernmost point of the northern border, extending thousands of miles to the east and west sides without interruption, as if announcing ——

  this is the end of the world.

  Samwell looked at the blue and white cliff that cut across the sky and couldn't help being in awe.

  When he looked up at the Wall, the majestic and thick ice seemed to press down on him and bury him.

  Samwell suddenly felt dizzy, he staggered and found something hard under his feet.

  The seven stopped and started digging in the snow.

  There was actually a coffin buried in the snow.

  The coffin was grey and white, made of weirwood, with two crossed long axes and a bloody face carved on it.

  Samwell was wondering which family's coat of arms it was, and why he had never seen it before when he realized that "I" had opened the coffin lid.

  Inside lay a woman quietly—

  a woman who looked like a sculpture of ice and snow.

  Pale skin, pale lips, only the garland of winter snow roses on her head was as red as blood.

  is her!

  Just then, she opened her eyes.

  In the pale eyes, there was only ice and snow, cold and death.

  Samwell seemed to be in a frozen wasteland, full of jagged blue and white ice needles, they shot at him like flying spears, trying to hug him.

  That was the smell of death and despair!

  But at the same moment, a heat wave swept over, instantly enveloping Samwell.

  He seemed to be immersed in hot spring water.

  Everything comes alive.

  full of life.

  "He's awake!"


  "Lord Caesar!"


  Familiar voices came to his ears, but only blurred lights and shadows could be seen in front of his eyes.

  Samwell only felt a surge of tiredness and fell asleep again.

  When he woke up again, everything in his vision became clear.

  Samwell looked around and found himself in a tent, lying on a simple camp bed.

  The servant, Katu, was lying on the side of the bed, seemingly asleep.

  "Katu? Katu?"

  Katu woke up in a daze, and when he saw Samwell, he exclaimed in surprise,

  "My lord! Are you okay?"

  "Well, I should be fine." Samwell supported his body, trying to sit up.

  Kathu hurried forward to help, and asked, "My lord, are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat."


  Kathu ran out and brought breakfast after a while.

  A bowl of oatmeal, two boiled eggs, a few slices of kebab, creamy berries, and a glass of wine.

  Samwell was really hungry and swept away the food.

  "My lord, do you want more?"

  "No need." Samwell felt that he should not eat too much at once, handed the tray to Kathu, and asked, "Who treated my injury?"

  " A red witch from Asshai, named Melisandre."

  Sure enough, it was her.

  In the fire temple of the Skyreach city, Samwell had actually seen the vision of the red robe witch.

  It seems that his previous efforts to rely on the prophecy were not in vain. Melisandre did not choose Stannis Baratheon as in the original book this time but found himself.

  Moreover, R'hllor, the Lord of Light, seemed to have noticed himself.

  Samwell withdrew his thoughts and asked again: "Did all six of you escape unharmed?"

  Kahu's eyes dimmed suddenly:

  "Four retreated alive..."

  Samwell's heart suddenly rose: "Which two failed..."

  "Sir Ferrer Royce failed to break out of the encirclement, and your brother Sir Dickon... He, he was shot in the back with an arrow..."

  Samwell's cheeks twitched, and he didn't speak for a long time.

  There was an unbearable silence in the camp.

  Finally, Kahu broke the silence and said,

  "My lord, do you know why the Dornish people re-occupied the city after we entered the city after we saw that the city was breached?"


"It's all because of King Joffrey!" Kathu gritted his teeth and growled, "He actually believed the Red Viper's promise of surrender, and ordered the withdrawal of the troops after clearly breaking through the city gate, so that the Dornishmen would come out and surrender themselves."

Samwell was Dumbfounded and fell silent.

  Of course, he knew that Joffrey was a fool and a lunatic, but he didn't expect him to be so stupid.

  "No one stopped the king? Where was Eddard Stark? He is the commander of this army."

  "Lord Eddard was injured when he led the army to attack the city that day. People didn't have time to stop the king." Kathu's face twisted, "So many people died because of his order! So many people!"

  Samwell lowered his head expressionlessly, and his tone was as cold as ice:

  "The nobleman, No one protested?"

  Katu nodded:

  "Of course, almost all the nobles expressed their dissatisfaction with the king. Earl Mathis Rowan was so angry that he almost took his sword to chop off the king's head. As for the nobles in the north, they had made it clear that they will no longer obey the orders of the Iron Throne. Lord Eddard has even resigned from the position of Hand of the King, but fortunately, Sir Barristan Selmy has pledged his reputation and life, so that this army did not fall apart."

  Kathu curled his lips, and his tone turned into disdain, "Almighty Duke was seen flattering the king. I heard that he even wants to marry Lady Margaery to the king."

  Samwell raised his eyebrows: "The engagement between Stark and the king was dissolved?"

  "Yes, Lord Eddard announced the annulment on the day he resigned."

  Samwell nodded and fell into silence again.

  Kathu got up and said goodbye: "My lord, you should have a good rest first."


  After Kathu left, Samwell stayed alone for a while before getting off the bed.

  The injury on his arm was actually not serious, it was only because he was poisoned that he fell into a coma before.

  Thinking of the absurd things that Joffrey did, thinking of his brother who died in battle, and the more than 300 cavalrymen who died tragically in the temple, Samwell could only feel a surge of anger rolling in his chest, almost gushing out, burn everything!

  At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice came from outside the door:

  "Sam, are you awake?"

  Samwell recognized that it was Margaery Tyrell's voice: "Come in, Lady Margaery."

  The curtain was lifted, and Margaery walked in, wearing a dark green silk dress and a gold garland on her head, but the smile on her face seemed not as sweet as before.

  "Thank the Seven Gods, you're really fine!" Margaery drew a seven-pointed star on her chest.

  You should thank the Red God.

  "Yes, Lady Margery, thank you for your concern."

  Margery came up to him and said softly:

  "I feel sorry for what happened to you, your brother, and the more than three hundred warriors in the temple. Sorry..."

  Samwell fell silent after hearing this.

  Feeling the man's sadness, Margaery couldn't help feeling a little sad.

  "Your feats will be remembered. Especially you, Sam!" Margaery said excitedly, trying to make the atmosphere less stagnant, "You actually killed the 'Red Viper'! Most of this victory should be attributed to Your persistence. From today onwards, the bards in Westeros will sing your name!"

  Samwell forced a smile: "I'm afraid the bards only sing about the achievements of the king. Oh yes, I heard that You are going to be engaged to Joffrey. Congratulations, your queen's dream is finally coming true."


Margaery was not very happy when she heard that, a bitter smile appeared on her face, "People always say 'be careful of what you wish'. I didn't understand it before, but now I understand that when the wishes come true, it may not be what you want."

"You have the right to refuse."

  Sam said.

  "Do I really have one..." Margaery looked sad, "My father wanted me to be queen since I was a child, and he has been looking forward to this day for too long..."

"What about Lady Olenna?" Samwell Asked, "What's her opinion on this marriage?"

  "Before leaving, grandma said to let me see what kind of person Joffrey is..."

  "And then? Refuse if it's not suitable?"

  "Grandmother didn't say anything. I can't figure out grandma's attitude."

  Samwell was a little speechless.

  "Queen of Thorns" What does she mean? If not suitable, marry him? Then force Joffrey to go offline like in the original book?

  But didn't Margaery also become a widow?

  Perhaps in the eyes of these strategists, the happiness of the granddaughter has never been a consideration.

  "What kind of person Joffrey is, through this war, I think you should also understand. As for whether to agree to this marriage contract... After all, you have to make your own choice."

Samwell can only say this.

  Margaery was silent for a moment, and with a hint of expectation that even she couldn't explain clearly, she asked,

  "Sam, how do you think I should choose?"

  "Your grandmother was originally engaged to Prince Daeron Targaryen, but she climbed into the bed of Duke Luthor Tyrell herself, and this is how the 'Queen of Thorns' got her name ." Samwell borrowed the example of Lady Olenna, but the meaning to express was already obvious.

  Hearing this, Margaery stood in a daze for a while before speaking again, with a tone as light as smoke:

  "Thank you for your suggestion, Sam, I will think about it..."

  She stood on tiptoe, walked near Samwell and a gentle kiss was printed on his cheek:

  "Good night, my knight."

  "Good night, Lady Margery."

  Samwell watched the girl's figure disappear outside the tent, speechless.

  There was still an elegant fragrance of roses in the air, and the hickey marks on his face were still moist and warm.

  At this moment, he suddenly thought of "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish, the little nobleman who also fell in love with the Duke's daughter, and became the biggest careerist in the Seven Kingdoms because of what he wanted, and finally died in his hands.

  What about himself?

  What will be the fate of a little baron who dreams of sitting on the Iron Throne in the future?

  On the boat in Black Water Bay, the thin man with grey-green eyes seemed to be looking at him with a sarcastic smile——

  Caesar, you shouldn't have killed me.

  Samwell chuckled, erasing Petyr's voice from his mind.

  A dead person, how could he stop his footsteps?

  As for Margaery, she had to make her own choice after all.

  And with or without her, Samwell will continue on his own path.

  So, he calmed down, turned around and came to the corner of the tent, where his luggage and items were piled up.

  Opening the innermost package, Samwell saw the dragon egg lying quietly in it.

  He reached out and touched it, and this stone-like dragon egg exuded a faint heat as if a ball of fire was conceived in it.

  This reminded him of the prophecy, he saw in the sea of flames in the temple -

  stars weeping blood.

  The king's name day banquet will have a red comet descending.

  Following the awakening of magic and dragon!

  Samwell recalled everything he had experienced in the sept, the soldiers who died in vain, and his younger brother... Finally, he made up his mind.

  In the next second, he picked up the heavy book that he took out from the study of Grand Maester Pycelle—

  "The Family Genealogy and History of the Major Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms"

  and stroked the yellowed cover, Samwell's eyes had the flame of vengeance as he spoke out the revelation that the witch gave Daenerys Targaryen:

  "Only death can exchange life."


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