
Chapter 82

 Chapter 82 Reinforcement

  The battle broke out suddenly.

  It was the Dornish people who attacked first, because there were archers among them from far distance .

  On the other hand, the people of Reach, as the defender, had no archers.

  There is no way, the establishment of the Eagle Island army is still too short, and high-end arms such as archers, which are expensive and have a long training period, are still vacant.

  Fortunately, the Reach soldiers position is on the ridge, and the arrows of the Dornish people have lost most of their momentum when they shoot up. Coupled with the barrier of the fence, the power was greatly reduced, making is basically difficult to cause effective damage.

  However, it also played a suppressive effect, preventing the Reach soldiers from showing their heads easily.

  Only after the Dornishmen advanced a little further did Reach soldiers begin a formal counterattack.

  The way to counterattack is to throw spears.

  Although the attack distance of the spear is not as good as that of the bow and arrow, its lethality is actually stronger.

  The scene of hundreds of spears falling on the Dorne army formation like a torrential rain quickening the heartbeat of any who beheld the sight.

  The Reach soldiers, in particular, were acting prideful, and their spears becoming extremely powerful with the help of gravity.

  Unless there is a shield for protection, once enemy is hit, they will either die or be seriously injured.

The leather armor on the Dornishman is not very effective in protecting against such an attack.

  This round of spear throwing down immediately suppressed the arrow rain of the Dornishmen.

  Amidst the sound of war drums, the Dornishmen continued to advance.

  But they soon encountered a bigger problem - the trench.

  The Reachmen dug a deep and wide trench in front of the fence, and the Dornishmen had to slide into it and climb up, but then the Reachman's spears would come out from behind the fence and stab them .

  Blood soon stained the land red, and more and more Dornish corpses lay in the trenches.

  When attacking Eagle Island before, the people of Reach put up similar fortifications, but the effect was mediocre at that time, because the area to be protected was too large and there were not enough soldiers in Reach, so it was easy for the Dornish people to find loopholes.

  But things are different now.

  The Dornish people were facing a rugged mountainous terrain, and this was the only mountain road that large troops could pass through. The area that the Reach people needed to defend was greatly reduced. Under such circumstances, the defenders had a natural suppression of the attackers.

  The fighting continued until it was getting dark, and the first attack of the Dornishmen finally came to an end.

  After throwing down hundreds of corpses the dornishmen failed to shake the first line of defense of the Reach people, so they withdrew back in embarrassment.

  Seeing this, the Reach soldiers immediately cheered and celebrated.

  However, Samwell was not too happy. The first wave of attack just now was obviously tentative, and the Dornish people just wanted to find out the situation.

  The real test will start tomorrow.

  Sure enough, after resting overnight, the Dornishmen launched an attack again.

  This time, they were obviously well prepared.

  Not only did they carry earth and rocks for filling the trenches, but they also prepared ladders for climbing the fences.

  Amidst the rumble of war drums, the Dornish people, densely packed like ants, charged up the ridge again.

  Compared with yesterday's tentative attack, today's Dornish people are obviously much crazier.

  Regardless of the casualties, they launched an attack, filled the trench with earth, rocks, and even the corpses of their companions, and then set up ladders on the wooden fence.

  However, even so, it was extremely difficult to get over this fence.

  For there was no way to raise a shield to climb a ladder, and the climbing Dornishmen would be a target for the spears of the soldiers of the Reach.

  Even if the lucky few made it through, jumping into the Ridge without the support of their companions is basically suicide.

  But even so, the Dornishmen's attack did not stop.

  The siege battle was meant to be filled with human lives, and of course Commander on the opposite side would not be merciful.

  The line of defense on the ridge also turned into a meat grinder under the crazy impact of the Dornish people.

  Most of what was devoured was the flesh and blood of the Dornish people, but the casualties of the people in the reach gradually began to increase.

  The corpses piled up in front of the fence, which not only filled the ditch long ago, but also formed a "corpse mound" in front of the fence.

  In this way, the Dornishmen would not need to use wooden ladders to jump over the fence and rush into the position of the Reach soldiers .

  Fortunately, Samwell was already set a second line of defense based on another high slope.

  Seeing that he was about to fall, he took advantage of the gap between the Dornish attack and asked the soldiers to abandon the first line of defense and retreat behind the second line of defense.

  As soon as the Reach soldiers withdrew, the Dornishmen occupied the first line of defense. They howled and vented like crazy, and then pushed down the fence, and after a short rest, they continued to attack the second line of defense.

  The bloody battle continued.

  This continued until the sun went down, and the Dornish people withdrew their troops and returned to camp.

  The people of Reach were finally able catch their breath.

  However, the offensive and defensive battle is far from over.

  On the morning of the third day, the Dornishmen made another comeback.

  Blood and death could not stop the advance of the Dornishmen, let alone shake their determination to regain their territory.

  Seeing that the situation was not good, Samwell had no choice but to join the battle with his warhammer in hand.

  But personal strength is really of little use in such a big battle. No matter how fierce and invincible he is, the enemies he can kill are limited, and his physical strength is not unlimited.

After fighting for a while, he must rest.

  However, the addition of Samwell did slow down the progress of the Dornish people. It was not until the fourth day that they pulled down the second fence.

  However, on the mountain path from the ridge to the pier, the Reach soldiers erected a total of eight lines of defense.

  After a short rest, the Dornishmen launched an attack again.

  At this time, both sides were already red-eyed.

  On this not-so-long mountain road, both sides paid countless blood and lives for every inch of land.

  But this is far from the end.

  The resilience and strength of the Dornishmen far exceeded Samwell's expectations. Seeing the line of defense receding and getting closer to the pier, he became more and more anxious.

  Fortunately, the Seven Gods took care of him after all. When the bloody battle lasted to the seventh day, Samwell's long-awaited reinforcements finally arrived!

  Looking at the very familiar Stride Hunter flag on the troop carrier sailing into the pier, even though he had no affection for the original owner's family, Samwell couldn't help but feel agitated at this moment.

  At critical times, family is still reliable!

  "Reach reinforcements are coming?"

  When the observation post on the hill on the side of the battlefield told the news to Damon Sand, he felt dizzy for a while.

  They have fought so far regardless of casualties, and have finally advanced so far and consumed so many Reach defenders, but they did not expect that the support of the Reach people will actually arrived.

  He hurried to the command camp and broke the news to Princess Arianne.

  "How many people are here?" Princess Arianne was quite calm.

  "There are estimated to be two or three thousand people."

  Princess Arianne glanced at the pale Damon, and asked,

  "What? Does this scare you?"

  "Of course not!" Damon immediately replied loudly, but then he murmured, " Princess , I'm just worried that the morale of the army will be dampened. Besides, some knights who came to support are already complaining about the heavy casualties of their soldiers..." Princess Arianne stood up, walked out of the tent, and looked at the soldiers and then to the reach position in the distance.

  There was bursts of cheers erupting there at the moment.

  On the other hand, on Dorne's side, the soldiers were a little downcast.

  Damon chased after her, just in time to hear the princess's voice as hard as iron:

  "Three hundred years ago, Aegon Targaryen the Conqueror brought three dragons and failed to subdue Dorne. My people, will you give up ?

  'No! '

  'I will not give in! Dorne will not give in either! '

  We will fight until the last moment, until the moment when all invaders are driven out of Dorne!"

  She violently turned around, there was a firm and even crazy light in her dark eyes:

  "Damon! Go and call the knights from various families to my camp. I want to see who is complaining!"


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