
Prince Saviour!

"Tung… Kacha…"

Suddenly, the silver sword gifted by General Harries broke in half. A sudden halt occurred as enemies stared at this scene with hope.

The battlefield, once roaring with the sounds of clashing steel and the cries of warriors, suddenly fell into an eerie silence. All eyes were fixed on a single moment—the steel sword snapped in half. The metallic clang of the broken blade hitting the ground echoed through the air, chilling the hearts of those who heard it. 

For a brief, haunting moment, time itself seemed to freeze. The army of the Taurus family, who had been so eager to seize victory, now stood paralyzed with fear. Their gazes locked onto Das, not daring to move. 

They weren't just happy for the broken sword—they were terrified of the man who held it. There was an unspoken fear that this warrior, already so fearsome in battle, would become even more dangerous in his anger.

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