
An Angel Tries Teaching

Micheal POV:

I do not know why these children are bored in my class are the works of my father not interesting enough for them? I am in the middle of a lecture about the importance of repenting for your sins and how to get angels to protect you from negative influences in their adolescent lives can they not see the bigger picture? It is a great shame that some of them will never feel the light of God in their heart. I am truly not cut out for this job I fight evil, lead the heavenly hosts armies, and protect the weak and needy not teach children in classrooms.

I need to talk to Gabriel about this issue he is a great messenger who always captivates audiences and gets his points across. I might even go visit Kokabiel in prison he was a great teacher too bad his lust got the better of him he was always a weird one but never the less a great angel.

My next lecture however will be sure to grab their attention it is on the importance of of love, compassion, and forgiveness what a thrilling subject. All the angels back home love to discuss these kinds of things.

However this is of barely any concern to me I am doing this job for one reason alone to get closer to the child known as Percy Jackson. I know this is the child that I have been sent to watch due to the aura of the sea he is constantly emitting any spiritual being with enough power would be able to discern his true heritage. When close to the drinking fountain I can hear the water calling out to him begging him to use it making him a definite son of Poseidon. I have faith in myself that I can complete this mission easily I just have to go up to the child talk about God for a little while and then kidnap him and take him to heaven and the problem will be solved.

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