
A Talk with Old Butler

These events are part of the security protocol under Albert lead, ensuring that all dangerous and well-known mages are now six feet under. It's ruthless, but that's Albert style.

The relentless slaughter and the shadowy conflicts continue in the city, hidden from the knowledge of the ordinary people. Peace and order are maintained, allowing most to remain blissfully ignorant… especially the everyday citizens who make up the majority of New Atlantis's population.

The mages and underworld gangs, however, are fully aware of the ongoing shadow war. Many speculate on the body count under Albert's new security measures, with estimates of casualties exceeding 10,000 on the opposing side.

The Waste Disposal Company, owned by the Veneziale Gang, only has partial information. What they do know is that their incinerators are running 24/7, primarily disposing of "human-shaped biowaste" arriving in the form of body bags.

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