
Taking the other party rank!

If a Soul Formation Realm Cultivator dies, the sect will not be greatly affected. With enough resources and time, these types of cultivators can always be replaced, and new ones will continually join the sect.

The sect's strength comes from training and recruiting new cultivators to fill gaps left by those who have passed away.

With a steady supply of resources, the sect can ensure that it remains strong and resilient even in the face of adversity.

Of course, when it comes to Dao Stage Powerhouse, the sect will need to take extra precautions as their loss would be much more impactful.

These cultivators are not easily replaced, and their strength and impact are crucial to the sect's success.

If the sect loses one Dao Stage cultivator, they won't sit idly and just watch.

However, if Xu Zhiyuan expects him to become a Core disciple within 5 years, it's not an impossible goal to reach.

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