


130 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


Leaning back in my seat at the High Table, I purse my lips as I look around the large gathering, Lords and Ladies from around the realm have gathered to celebrate the wedding. I observe people conversing around the room, some dancing, some off at the side talking in hushed voices.

Well... most are talking in hushed voices.

I can almost make out Daerons' voice from even this far away, as he berates the 'three stooges' he likes to refer to them.

Aenar my Brother.

Aerys our Son.

Artys one of his secret Sons.

The three young men are looking thoroughly annoyed with Daeron chewing off their ears for whatever latest scandal they are all no doubt involved in. I find myself a bit amused at the sight though, despite how annoyed my Husband looks, I know he is happy about how close the three troublemakers are.

Technically there is a fourth, Yohn Royce, another of Daerons secret children.

But Yohn does not like to get in trouble like the other three, he usually slips away before they can drag him into anything compromising.

Speaking off...

Shifting my gaze, I spot Yohn, a nearly perfect copy of Daeron, just with dark hair instead of silver. Yohn is talking with one of my Uncle Daemon's Daughters, who is actually his legal Sister despite not actually being siblings. The two of them have been growing close though, ever since Alysanne claimed her namesake dragon and it flew her to Runestone where Vermithor lives.

Vermithor and Silverwings riders might just end up married like their namesakes.

Its almost romantic, especially when I remember that the Good Queen once said that even if she was forced to marry someone who was not Jaehaerys, Silverwing would fly her back to him.

Seems that might not have been just a threat.

Silverwing flies off to see her mate when she wants, and carries her rider, willing or not.

Shaking my head, I reach out and grab my cup of wine.

My gaze shifts once more and lands on my younger Brother and younger Sister.

Aemond and Helaena... also Daerons.

I really should not have been so fired up back in the past, I feel like I enabled him a bit too much.

I am not mad about it, just a bit... concerned?

Nearly all of the future dragon riders are Brother and Sister, which is not too crazy considering my house's past.

But still... maybe a little new blood would not hurt.

* Sigh *

I lazily observe my younger siblings as they whisper back and forth, the slight blush to Helaena's cheeks lets me know they might be talking about something scandalizing.

Those two are also cute together.

I know Aemond seems to have feelings for Helaena, but it's hard to tell what my Sister feels.

She is... odd.

Not in a bad way, just... odd.

Shifting my gaze away while feeling some guilt over thinking my Sister is strange, I observe another of the budding young couples in my family.

Gaemon and Baela, this one was an engagement made to bring back Corlys blood back into House Velaryon. But neither seems against their arranged match, in fact, they seem quite pleased anytime I see the two of them.

Which is good, I would not see them forced together, if they did not fancy one another, I would see the match broken so they could pursue what their heart desires. Damn the Sea Snakes bloodline, it will tie back in eventually with how we have things set up for the future.

Hmm... is that all of the young matches?

I can see Trystane in one of the corners with a Princess from the Summer Islands.

He already has plans to head down there to those islands, as the Heir to Bloodstone he wants to grow his power in the southern seas.

The best way is without a doubt an alliance with those secluded islands.

They have an enormous fleet, if the islands are united under one leader.

It has happened a few times in the past, but it's always broken apart after some time passes.

But maybe things will be different if a Dragon forges those islands under one leader?

I know Daeron supports Trystane, which shows he thinks it's possible.

I will remain skeptical until I see some results, they have some of the best archers in the world and I know it will be dangerous with Trystane's young dragon.

Letting my gaze wander once more, I briefly stop on my two secluded Daughters, Nymeria and Viserra. Neither have any romantic partner, at least not that I know of, but I know both are aiming for powerful partners, or at least as powerful as is available.

No one can match my own Husband, he is a freak of nature.

Putting those two out of my mind I soon smile when I spot Saera Stone, the one and only Bastard Daeron has... publicly at least.

Saera has a sweet spot in her father's heart, she has spent numerous hours with him learning how to bend the elements.

Earth, Saera can move the ground itself and shape it or launch it into the air like a catapult.

She has been using it in various locations, the most publicly known is Flea Bottom, where she helped dig out a massive underground sewer that flows flawlessly. The stink of Kingslanding has almost been entirely done away with by the hand of Saera, and I could not be more grateful. If not for knowing it would infuriate the faith of the Seven, I would name her Princess and give her a castle for what she has done.

In due time... most likely in Essos, in the Grass Sea that my Son Aerys will tame along with his half-brothers. 

Saera will get what she deserves, I will see to it.

Leaning my head against my fist that is propped up, I take one last look around the room.

That seems to be everyone who is here... other than Rhaena who is off flying her dragon.

The rest of the younger generation are off in Essos somewhere.

But regardless of their absence, it's nice to see so many of the future members of my family who will help shape the future of our world. Each one has goals and ambitions that will help forge the world into a more cohesive whole, under one banner.

It's a nice sight, it brings me abundant joy.


130 AC


 Daeron Nymeros Martell 


I am going to strangle these three.

They have been competing to see who can fuck more maidens during the celebrations.

Fuckin hell.

Here I am forging alliances and trade agreements with various Lords and Ladies and guests from overseas.

My boys are behind my back nailing people's Daughters and Granddaughters.

On one hand, I want to geld them for the trouble they have stirred up.

On the other hand, I know I have my own demons so to speak.

"Just... don't get anyone pregnant or I will actually geld you." I rub my head and see all three switch from thoroughly chastised looks into happy looks.

"You got it, old man!" Aerys chirps happily and claps me on the shoulder before slinking off toward a serving girl with a tray of drinks.

Aenar wordlessly follows behind my Son.

My eyes slowly settle on Artys, who knows me the least and therefore is having trouble telling if I am actually pissed off or not.

I am pissed.

But I am also sorta proud?

"Run along." I jerk my head to the side and he nods with a slight smile forming after I roll my eyes at him and pat him on the back a few times.

Jeyne would be pissed if she knew... so I will make sure she never learns.

I got to cover up for my boy when I get the chance, I didn't get to be too hands-on with raising Artys, so any chance I get to be his Father, I take.

* Sigh *

Leaning tiredly against a pillar, I gaze around the room.

People are happy, and to be honest, it almost looks genuine.

That thought causes me to smile for a moment, before I notice Trystane in a corner with that Summer Island Princess.

He better keep his hands to himself in public.

Turning away before I pop a blood vessel, I spot my Wife looking around the room with an amused look. I can see the twinkle in her eyes from here, she is living it up people watching up at the High Tables vantage point.

Lucky bitch... my Lucky bitch.

She works hard, I won't deny her that.

But it feels like I am grinding my hands to the bone most days while she always looks content and beautiful.

Maybe we should swap duties for a few years... to let her get a few stress lines and grey hairs.

It's impossible to see grey hair in a mop of silver hair.

But I know they are there... I can feel them.

Why anyone would want this position, or the throne in general, I will never understand.

Duty and Responsibility suck, and I only made it worse with what I did in Essos.

Why did I grow the lands under the crown by nearly double right when I was stepping up to take on responsibility?

I would slap past me if I could.

The fool.

Shaking my head I push off the pillar and head for the High Table.

I need to sit down and relax for a bit.


"Enjoying yourself?" Rhaenyra dares to ask as I sit down next to her.

"Yes." I lie as easily as I breathe, and it causes my Wife to snort.

"Just make them run laps around the Keep if they keep pissing you off, it worked last time." She offers advice and I wave it off like foul air.

"They would enjoy it, I taught them the holy art of the Grind and they took to it like fish to water." Maybe if I didn't help them all get major gains, they wouldn't have such an easy time seducing Noble Ladies?

Is it actually my fault?

...nah, it can't be.

"I see." Rhaenyra replies after a moment of silent thought.

I see as well.

I goofed.

"When do you want to serve the food?" I change the topic with a quick question and she purses her lips once more in thought.

"Whenever you are ready, I am growing tired of hearing the same songs." I nod and look toward the side door off in the corner of the room.

I nod after making eye contact with a guard who is standing in the corner, he nods back and turns to open the door and head off to pass along the word.

Momentarily I scan the room, making sure all of the guards I positioned are in place.

They are.

I refuse to let another assassination be staged during a gathering in the Red Keep, it would be a major smear upon our prestige.

There have been dozens of attempts on my family's lives over the last decade, and thankfully all have been sniffed out before they could claim a life. It's one of the main reasons I have built up an intelligent network in the hidden tunnels under the new construction upon Visenyas Hill. In a generation or two, we will even have our own small but high-quality group of assassins.

I may or may not have copied the sigil for their order from the assassins creed games.

Sue me if you can Ubisoft... or was it Sony?

I honestly can't remember anymore... its been a long time.


I miss the internet.

In moments like this when I remember my past life, or at least actively think about it, I always remember the internet.

The ability to just look stuff up whenever I wanted... I took that for granted.

I would kill to have Google here.

Shaking my head I crush the feelings brewing in my chest.

"It's a good day." Taking my wife's hand in my own, I smile and look out across the crowd.

"It is." She nods in agreement while tightening her grip and I smile wider.

It really is a good day... like every day with her by my side.

Thanks for reading!!!

Pretending_Authorcreators' thoughts
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