
It's Okay to be Different, Part 1

"It looks like you have anemia," Bart said when he checked Liara's condition. 

"You don't say," I commented. 

Liara, who was sitting on the cot next to the one Azalea had me on, glanced sideways at me with her usual 'shut it' look. I eyed her back with my usual teasing grin. 

Bart, who noticed the side-eyeing, didn't comment. Obviously, we weren't telling our two healers everything about our experience inside Castle Vlad, but he wasn't about to press me for more information. The kid knew the deal. 

'Don't ask, don't tell.' That's how we young adventurers rolled. 

"A dose of Vitamin-B and a PBR should do the trick for the anemia…" Bart dropped a blue pill and a vial of PBR into Liara's hands. "…I don't think you'll need a cleanse or healing."

Hesitation flashed on the sandy-haired healer's face. 

"Unless you think that you need it?" Bart added after a second's worth of contemplation. 

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