

"Well, well, it appears that we have a guest joining us today," said the teacher which was supposed to be teaching Arthur's class.

That morning, Arthur had gotten his things ready and went to the school because of the letter he had received from the inspector.

Nevertheless, it was very surprising for not only Arthur's classmates but also all the students in the school to see Arthur outside his dorm when the genius magic competition had already passed. However it wasn't a surprise greeted with respect and happiness. Instead, Arthur could clearly tell that all of the students along with the teachers were boiling with rage. They saw him as nothing but a pest. Even though he had humiliated the strongest student at the school in a fight where Leon was allowed to cheat, their hatred for him caused them to still look down upon him.

Although Arthur knew that he wasn't welcome anywhere in the school, he still went to his class which was located in a large building that contained 10 floors or so. It had many turns and twists and was made to look modern. Arthur's class was in the 5th floor of the building and although it was supposed to be a like a regular class, its structure was anything but regular. Instead of a small 1 floor room that could house about 30 students, it was a large auditorium much like all of the other classes. Moreover, due to the size of the room, more students would be expected to be in it.

Inside the class that Arthur was in, there were approximately 250 students which were all around Arthur's age. As such, it was more humiliating for Arthur to be called out for being inside the classroom.

After Arthur's teacher had called him out, everyone in the classroom broke out in laughter. Although anyone else would have broke down or at least been embarrassed, Arthur didn't seem the least bit fazed. He was like a stone statue that didn't care about anything anyone said. That was because in all truth, he did not care for the opinions of those around him as he had proven to them all that he was far more capable than any of them.

Seeing this sudden change in Arthur wasn't quite pleasing though. The people around him could not harass him anymore because he frankly didn't see them to be worthy of his time. They quickly got this message in just the first few minutes of class. However it wasn't like they were going to allow Arthur to act so arrogant. In their eyes, he was nothing more than a mere dog.

Although they all felt this way, not many had the courage to actually harm Arthur. Although their arrogance made them forget the event that transpired not long ago where Arthur displayed his power, they all could sense that if they tried to harm Arthur, they would face severe consequences.

"Why are you so quiet huh? It's like you're ignoring us. Do you think you're better than us or something?!" a boy yelled out right beside Arthur before getting up from his seat. Although Arthur was clearly the victim in the situation, other people began to chime in and agree with the boy that yelled at Arthur. At this point, the boy's ego had been inflated so much that he lost control of himself.

That was when the boy that sat beside Arthur pulled out a silver gun, one that resembled a pistol and fired a gun shot right at Arthur's head. This had all transpired in a split second and as such, no one was able to stop the boy from firing. Everyone had been caught off guard by the sound of the gun being fired that for a moment, they had all been stunned.

"Whoah, I don't think you're allowed to bring something like that in," said Arthur as he held the bullet in his palm before snatching the gun away from the boy's hands.

"Actually that's where you would be wrong, if you look at the 78th section of the guidelines for this school on the 8th paragraph, you would realize that pistols which fire a bullet that travels at a speed less than the speed of sound are allowed for educational purposes which is the type of gun this is. You see, if you weren't a moron you would have known that. As such, I have done no wrong so I'll be taking my weapon back," said the boy as he tried to reach for his gun to which Arthur pulled it away and began to speak.

"Well, you are right in what you say, or at least you would be right if what you said was completely true. Although the guideline you do make mention of does state what you said, that only applies to guns that fire at the speed of sound or less. Of course to everyone else this is a normal gun which anyone is allowed to carry. However reality can often be deceiving. You see, this isn't the type of gun that is allowed in the school. Although it does look like it…" Arthur continued to speak before using a spells

"Tier 6 Spell: True Form Unveil"

"… It is not a pistol but instead a customized rank 9 weapon capable of firing bullets which are at least 10 times the speed of sound which means that you were intending to kill me, right?" Arthur asked to which the boy seemed startled as if he had never expected anyone to figure it out.

"Hey teacher, what do you have to say about this?" Arthur asked to which the teacher shook his head in disappointment.

"That's what I though-" Arthur began to speak before the teacher finally spoke again.

"How dare you put your hands on that boy. Do you not realize that he could own you if he wanted? You're a complete waste of space. Who cares if you died. It's not like anyone is looking forward to seeing you. As for him, he's the precious heir to 'Jewlsoury'; the biggest diamond company in the world. And you're just touching him like you have the right to. You know what? Come to the front, you need to be disciplined!" the teacher yelled out in anger to which Arthur let out another sigh of disappointment as he should have known that no one would have cared what the guidelines said since any harm caused to him was allowed.

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