
The hunt for the food!

"My lords," announced the Duke, standing at the front, to his sides his son and commander stood. "It seems the gods have cursed and abandoned us as we're, at this moment, at a war!"

The duke then proceeded to say the matter.

The room went silent for a second, then the outburst started. People yelled in shock, pointing out at the Duke while some began to panic.

"War? Is that true, my lord?" Edward, a vassal head from the north asked with a slight quiver in his voice. He was the youngest among the heads.

"I'm afraid so." The Duke replied. "We're to be prepared for any eventualities and I hope you're all ready for the war to come."

"W-war?!" Another Vassal head said, looking terrified. "B-but...why would they suspect us for the assassination of her majesty, Queen Serielle?"

A valid question. Something the Duke himself was having a hard time understanding. He saw the Queen himself and talked with her.

Damien was a hero who saved her.

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