
Goodbye & Good riddance

The city of Rivendell was currently in a state of recovery following the recent attack by the Black Trinity. 

Unfortunately, there were a number of casualties as a result of the attack. 

Thanks to Nyx, it wasn't as much. But very few knew of his deeds. 

It was important that citizens remained vigilant and reported any suspicious activity to the authorities. 

Additionally, it was recommended that individuals took necessary precautions to ensure their safety during this time. 

The city officials were working diligently to restore order and provide assistance to those affected by the attack.


Outside Rivendell.

 Nyx and Belitha had met with Lyncʼs party. Not only was he here to introduce Belitha to them, he also planned to collect any important information.

 Lync and his party members, namely: Yugta, Beltin and Dvena had bandages on, obviously still recovering from their fight against Azagoth.

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