
973 Unified Response

Wolfe brought King Petros back to town, where his Nobles were waiting eagerly for the results of the test flights, and news on when they might get their hands on a flying machine of their own.

"Good news, everyone. Saint Noxus has generously donated three small planes to the Crown for official purposes, in the livery of the Palace. We have also arranged for there to be ten stalls available here for next month's Solstice festival. 

I am told that it is an important one for the Witches, so there will be many of them here, including a number who have been invited for job interviews. 

Now, it is time that we returned home to our duties and began to prepare for the upcoming infrastructure improvements. 

I am certain that many of you have arranged for the purchase of Witch Magic while you were here, so I won't keep you from your homes any longer." The King declared.

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