
966 Positive Response

Wolfe wasn't certain how well the proposal was going to go over with the witches, who were notorious homebodies, but within minutes, the Representatives were getting messages from their assistants and regional Guardians at home that there were a number of them who wanted to try out this foreign worker program, strictly to be healers. 

Many of the volunteers were formerly of the One World Army, and wanted to make amends of a sort for the things they had done to maintain order. They had seen too much battle and bloodshed, so a proposal to run a nice little healer's shop on some backwater planet where nobody knew who they were, and the people didn't look at them with mistrust as representatives of an ousted ruling government, was appealing.

They had more than enough power to meet the requirements that the Guardians had described, which was quite simply a fully trained Rank One, skilled in all forms of healing potions and spells, or a competent Rank Two witch.

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