
The Shares

Days later at Shangia, China

Nicklaus opened the sliding door of the conference room. His cold expression hardened the more when he saw the members of the higher-ups all seated.

He arrived in this country some weeks ago but nothing concerning the shares has been done. The only valuable thing that kept him from leaving was his company. He decided to take care of everything concerning his company here in China before leaving. He has no plans of leaving the States until Arissa gives birth so for that, he decides to arrange everything and set long-term goals.

Just as his father had said, his company issues came from the higher-ups. Luckily, he figured everything out earlier, and soon, everything would be settled.

His face held a smug expression when Mr. Rhode locked eyes with him. He passed his gaze over to Mr. Guzmen.

Scanning the room, he scoffed inwardly when he saw Mr. Lin's daughter seated on one of the seats, staring directly at him.

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