

Song Yuan looked at Han Jisung coldly as he clenched his fists in anger, it was definitely a sure thing that Han Jisung was cheating on Song Minhyun with that flimsy General or she would not have been able to get to such a position so quickly and easily.

"If I may ask his majesty, why do you seem so bothered about a woman that clearly shows no respect towards you." Song Yuan asked not showing any emotions on his face, even if he thinks Han Jisung is cheating Song Yuan could not just act rashly, he might be a blood thirsty monster but there are some things that needed to be battled with wits.

Han Jisung was stunned at Song Yuan questioned before going into deep thoughts bowing his head to think, why was he really concerned about Bogsu when she had nothing to do with him, Han Jisung wondered confused at what was happening to him.

When Song Yuan saw Han Jisung bowing his head down, a murderous glint flashed his eyes as he mistook Han Jisung being in deep thoughts for one of a guilty person that had done something wrong.

Han Jiwoo looked on with a frown on her face wondering what could be making this handsome general bothered about Bogsu.

"It is nothing, Father is just caring towards his subordinates that is all." Han Jiwoo butted in uninvited, she had wanted to let the General know that no matter how beauty stricken he was with Bogsu, Bogsu was still nothing but a subordinate in her eyes while she Han Jiwoo was the crown princess of Chi nation, the one and only heir to the throne.

Hearing his nephew words, Song Yuan turned to look at Han Jiwoo observing him quietly as he saw her tattered cloth his face softened, this was Song Minhyun child, so Han Jiwoo had to be treated with respect.

"You can head out to change, I would assign a female guard to you." Song Yuan said suddenly thinking back to Li Yehan that joined the army recently.

Seeing Song Yuan soft gaze landing on her, Han Jiwoo breathe hitched as she was stunned, unable to utter a word Han Jiwoo gaped at Song Yuan, was he attracted to her over Bogsu, but that is nonsense, she was dressed as a guy so there was no where that Song Yuan would be attracted to her, except he was gay.

At that thought Han Jiwoo eyes widened as she stared at Song Yuan in disbelief, how could such a beautifully crafted man be gay, even if he was one she would straighten Han Jiwoo thought with resolve.

Unable to handle his nephew stare Song Yuan felt like gauging her eyes out but decided to maintain himself, this was his sister flesh and blood after all so she could stare all she wants, Song Yuan don't mind bending his rules for her.

Han Jisung unable to handle the awkward moment realised a slight cough snapping Han Jiwoo out of her reverie.

"Oh, thank you General I would head out now." Han Jiwoo announced with a tinge of red on her face from embarrassment of her staring noticeable but she could not help it the guy was damn hot.

Han Jisung was still wondering about Lin Wei and decided to ask Song Yuan about it.

"The guy with Bogsu earlier who is he?" Han Jisung asked with worry in his voice, what about if it was someone that had something bad planned against Bogsu, she was strong but sometimes dumb it is inevitable for her not to be planned against.

Song Yuan was taken aback by the question although he didn't show it on his face, Song Yuan was worried whether Han Jisung was already growing old to the extent he forgot his memory, how can he not remember the lackey he appointed to support Bogsu.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Han Jisung asked noticing that Song Yuan had just been staring at him.

"Are you not the one that appointed him to follow Bogsu about?" Song Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"I have never seen that man before talk less of appointing him." Han Jisung retorted irritatedly wondering how a common General dared to question him all because he was Song Yuan men.

"I thought you appointed him to cover up for where Bogsu is lacking." Song Yuan probed further more confused at Han Jisung, of he did not appoint Lin Wei to follow Bogsu, then why was Lin Wei claiming to be Bogsu's Master following her about.

"That little ancestor don't need anybody during this war, instead the people that would fall into her hands should beg the heavens for mercy." Han Jisung snorted with pride hidden in his voice, of course he was proud that his nation was able to produce a strong female warrior.

"May I ask her background?" Song Yuan asked suddenly curious about Bogsu since the ever prideful Han Jisung talked about her in a praise worthy way.

"I don't know much all I know is that she is the lady in red." Han Jisung replied sighing, he wished he knew more about Bogsu and her lifestyle.

"Good luck, I need to be well rested for tomorrow's battle." Han Jisung patted Song Yuan back before heading out.

After Han Jisung left, Song Yuan stonic face cracked, that feeble looking thing was actually the lady in red.

Song Yuan had heard about the lady in red and her adventures as she was even used as a monster that would hunt children if they didn't do their house work for some reason by parents.

Song Yuan heart was at first relaxed that Han Jisung was not cheating on his sister or anything like that was going on but he was sincerely shocked about Bogsu being the lady in red.

Song Yuan had always wanted to do one thing when he happened to meet the story in red and that was to fight her to test out his strength but seeing Bogsu right now made his spirit dampen, maybe it was all just a fairytale as this girl does not look like anything strong or maybe she is even a fake that is why she was trying to avoid battle planning, but time would tell whether or not she is fake as they where going off battle there would definitely be someone that would go up against her,if she was a fake she would die definitely

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