
54.14 Uninvited Guest

Grigori nodded in his seat as I continued observing the man for what he'd do. I knew that he had some modicum of respect for him, but I still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong here. We were still at his mercy despite him telling us that he'd let us go, but the way he was selling this opportunity... And now the fact that he apparently didn't know what happened to one of his self-admitted favorite students in all but name?


Not gonna lie, it was highly suspect.


"So you see, we're not inclined to take you up on that offer of yours," I firmly repeated, my eyes locking firmly into his. "And if you'll excuse me, I'd like to ask some questions of my own."


"Oh? Oh, I understand, Rouge," Grigori absently nodded. He was clearly distracted by something. Was the reason for our circumstances really news to him? "Ask away."


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