
47.1 Recipe Exchange

Time... A fairly nebulous concept. While it was ever so present in the world we live in, we as humans never really understood even so much as an inch of its magnanimous scope. Marching forwards ever so slowly, the flow of time cannot be stopped, much less controlled at will. At best, we could measure its passing while theorizing how it works through models and calculated guesswork. Time travel would never be a thing, simply because if it did exist, then there should've already been news of random idiots mucking about through various time periods with their fancy future tech. It didn't happen though, and thus I could safely say that time travel doesn't exist. Then again, I did manage to get myself reincarnated into a medieval world, so who knows if it could exist somewhere out there. But for now, the ability of time manipulation is nothing but a pipe dream for someone that wants to have such a broken-ass ability.

Case in point, I'm the someone that I was talking about.

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