
19.4 Triage

Okay... As much as I'd want to do this in the proper way, there was absolutely no chance in hell that I could do it with the current situation. Field medicine was something I've read about in-game manuals and the occasional wiki-dive, but that was the extent of my knowledge of it. Everything else was just me using pure guesswork and common sense with how the body worked and all that jazz. I had no idea what medicine came from what herbs, and there was no way in hell did I know how to properly do a stitch on a person's body.

Actually, why did I even think this was a good idea?


"C-Calm down, sir," I mechanically responded, hoping that my internal panic would shut up and let me think properly. "Tell me where it hurts."

The man tearfully nodded before showing me something that I hadn't seen in a long time. "M-My leg... It's.. It's broken, I think."

Ookay then...

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