
About The Cover


Hahaha I'm just soooo happy with the commissioned cover I got from the ever so talented artist Khaizusan. You can find her on Instagram. I'm so glad that I managed to get into one of her limited slots.

I searched and combined many references before I listed in detail how I wanted the cover to be. I didn't want a too generic cover. I think I got what I wished for XD

From how Liliana took off her ring (even though not too obvious), the same wedding gown but different hair colors and even the red spider lily flower blooming over her chest with blood flowing down and staining her wedding gown; everything was from a long list of references.

Anddd the hand extended toward Liliana. Whose hand is it? :p

The artist was so generous, she gave me a copy of Liliana & Asher's wedding photo for free too. If you want to see it, click on my paragraph comment ;)

It's just, I described in the story that Liliana had her hair on a chignon but, the one drawn was with her hair loose. Please ignore the mistake :p

Hehe I know sharing about the cover isn't necessary but I'm just so happy with it :3 I love my other covers too but, the efforts I put into them were lesser for this one. 

Thank you for reading my rant hahaha hope you'll enjoy the story!

Lots of love,


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