
017 - Bleecker Street

[February 1963 – Somewhere of the East Coast.]

The F-4 Cruised at above Mach Two. Mike was busy focusing on flying with Sky Having a hand on the glass looking down at the waves below.

"Do you think mummy would like it up here?" asked Mike.

Sky just shook her head while continuing to look out over the ocean.

She was far more intelligent on the planet. Her IQ test had come up as Two-Hundred and Fifty-Four. The only person who would ever be as smart as her is Tony Stark with an IQ of Two-Seventy.

HE had also continued the therapy sessions with the Professor as Sky went and played with some of the mutant kids.

Isaiah had just been frozen.


"Okay so you're going to have to breath in the liquid. Your brain should freak out at first, but your lungs can take oxygen from it." said Claire as Isaiah got into the tank.

"Just make sure I wake up ok." Stated Isaiah with an apprehensive look on his face.

The tank closed and then began to fill with a yellow liquid that had looked like a mix between syrup and water. Once it covered his face, he began to struggle but soon forced himself to take breaths of the liquid. Soon he was breathing just fine and gave a thumbs up to the glass.

"Ok, Beginning freezing process." Immediately the tank moved through an airlock which closed and then opened to a room where the walls where all covered in a frost.

As soon as it entered the room Isaiah's Heart rate stopped. Along with all brain activity. After a few minutes of tests. Claire said, "Success."

[End of Flashback.]

'I wanna see the Beatles he thought to himself that they would start performing next year.' He thought to himself.

Another thing they had been working on was magnetic servos, but that project was years away from completion.

He wanted to get his hands on Badassium but that would be impossible until 1974 and even then, the technology would not exist until the nineties. Why did he have to name it that.

Another thing he would need in the future would be Vibranium. He couldn't just go to Michoacan or Wakanda and ask for some. But he had an idea about how to get his hands on it.

The alloy from Magneto's helmet, which we had taken to calling Psylion. We had finally gotten a batch production method.

That combined with the large amount of other research was going to keep all our scientist busy for years to come.

"Honey, do you want to come sees some magic." Asked Mike from the cockpit.

Sky just laughed then said, "Silly daddy, Magic doesn't exist."

Mike turned the plane around and headed back to the mainland.

[117a Bleecker Street New York – The next day.]

It was about 5am and he knocked on the door. If he was allowed to so her then at least he would be polite and show up just after lunch at the Kamar-Taj.

After he had knocked an African American man in his forties had answered. He had asked to speak to the ancient one. This had gotten a surprised look from the man. After a few minutes a shining portal opened and he without hesitation stepped through.

Once he had stepped through, he found himself in a familiar room. A few old men were leaving the room and he dipped his head in respect before heading into the room where she sat.

"I wonder why a person like yourself would search me out. And how you came to have knowledge of our existence." She asked before taking a sip of her tea.

"Use the eye and look at my fate." His words raising her eyebrow. A portal opened beneath where she was sitting, and she fell in. After a few minutes she reappeared but this time with a guarded expression on her face. She then said, "You should have died thirty years ago."

"That's the problem with seeing the future. Just by knowing something will happen, inevitably it won't." He says while pouring himself a cup of tea. "This is nice."

He then went on to explain to her about his abilities that he had gained once he fell down the stairs keeping out the fact that this world was based on a comic book of course. They chatted for hours about things that had and would happen.

She now had a relaxed look on her face as she asked, "So, why are you here?"

I just let out a chuckle, "From one Seer to another I just wanted to chat. I must be on my way however."

"Very well. I have enjoyed this chat young Seer." As she conjured a portal with her mind.

As he was about to step through, he stopped and passed over to her a brown paper bag. "My daughter has been attempting to make cookies, this is the first batch that came out successful have some."

"I wouldn't think someone like you would have a daughter." She said implying she wanted an answer.

He just shrugged and said, "While I may know the future that doesn't mean I can't live in the present."

"You know when you first came, I was expecting you to ask for a way to live longer with that failing body of yours." She said with a solemn tone.

He just laughed as he stepped through. "I know the price you have paid for your immortality, and I do not wish to burden myself with it." He said as he put a finger to his forehead.

The ancient one had stood there shocked for a few moments before a small smile appeared on her face.

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