
Chapter Fourty: The Danger

Keera had taken Penny outside of the town a little ways so that they could not be heard before she decided to tell her about Kara. Penny could not believe the news. The Queen was still around, and was seeking vengeance against..her?

" I haven't even done anything to her. If anything, I'm doing the job that she should have been doing from the damn start " Penny defended herself.

" I know, I don't really get it either. But your mother wants me to stick with you and she and your father will meet up with us eventually" Keera informs.

" I think we should confront her.." Penny spouts off much to the distress of Keera.

" I was specifically told to not allow you to fight her" Keera shook her head.

" Not allow me? You are not my guardian or my keeper. I can do whatever it is that I wish" Penny stood firm in her decision to confront Kara.

" That's not what they meant. They want to keep you out of danger. At least until you have more control over your abilities. And once you have that, you can take her on. But your parents need to handle this. They are the ones with the bigger issue with Kara. Please just let them handle this.." Keera pleaded.

" Like they have handled everything else? No " Penny began walking back into town but Keera ran up and around and stood within her way.

" Penny, I am on your side. And if Kara has lost her mind, I agree that she needs to be dealt with. But, you can't go rushing into a fight with her. We have to plan how we are going to do this. Because rushing into a fight with someone like her, Is going to end badly. She and Gabriel were some of the best fighters as well as strongest fighters of this world. They have experience. We just have to be smarter than her.." Keera explains.

" Okay.." Penny finally allows herself to calm down and listen to Keera. " Now look, Kara is probably not as strong as you. But she is way more skilled than you. We can both acknowledge that. However, if me and you work together, we could probably overcome her. But my plan is, we confront her..and then your parents swoop in for backup. Because I am almost certain Kara has someone helping her. Someone has to be, there is no way she is doing everything on her own. Supposedly, she is pregnant as well..so ya know..that works to our advantage" Keera tries to skim over that little fact.

" Wait..she is pregnant? I'm not going to fight a pregnant chick.." Penny suddenly backs away. " I mean maybe that is why she is crazy? All the hormones and what not.." Penny was beginning to see things more clearly.

" No, it's not the pregnancy. The pregnancy only happened because of her losing her mind. She held the fates hostage and forced them to give her Gabriel's baby.." Keera explains.

" Woah..that's messed up" Penny listened intently.

" But basically that means that she has help. And if she has help, then we need to be prepared for it. We cannot risk not seeing every single angle of the encounter" Keera points out. Penny was surprised at how well Keera had thought this through. It was quite amazing.

" So how do we find out who she is working with? " Penny questioned.

" We just have to find her and watch her. See who comes and who goes from her place. And I have a suspicion as to where she might be" Keera smiled confidently.

" How would you know where she would be..? " Penny was beginning to think that Keeras knowledge in the matter was a little greater than it should be. She was far too prepared.

" I know of a cottage that isn't far from here actually. She could be held up there. It's hidden away just enough that Noone would really notice it. I only know about it because I made camp there once when on patrol.." Keera explained.

" You were in the Vampire Kingdom..why would you be all the way here by the Witches..? " Penny questioned.

" Is it not obvious? Scouting? Gathering intel? " Keera raised her hands as though she was hoping Penny would connect the dots. " Oh" Penny said gullibly.

" Come on, we need to get moving. But we also have to make sure that were quiet. We can afford to give away our position" Keera motioned for Penny to follow her and she did, but she began questioning Keera within her mind.

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